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What in the world is wrong with these people?

How is it that the same people {liberal left media}who were scolding and criticizing Sarah Palins wardrobe just a few months ago are now praising and drooling over Michelle Obamas wardrobe? A little hypocritical dont you think? more proof the mainstream media is no longer credible as a unbiased news source.

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Simple - Michelle is a democrap! At least Sarah had style and taste. Michelle's wardrobe is horrible!

    Source(s): Barry is DANGEROUS!
  • 1 decade ago


    Conservative females can do nothing right

    Liberal females can do nothing wrong /sarc.

    Even if those liberal females dress tacky, stand like a bow legged bronc rider, wear sleeveless dresses when sleeves are standard decorum and in general dress like they're auditioning for "What Not to Where: The Super Politico"

    As for Palin being trashed about her wardrobe? It's STILL going on....she can't go out of the house without some wackaloon commenting on her wearing something that Michelle wore last week to applause.

    Friggin' idiot hypocrits!

  • 1 decade ago

    Because Sarah Palin looks ten times better in a burlap sack than Michelle Obama looks in a $2,000 Evening Gown.

  • 1 decade ago

    And to add to the hypocricy....does anyone remember when Michelle Obama was making fun of Bush's $600 refund? She said oh you can't even by a pair of ear rings with that!

    But now Obama's $13 a week is supposed to be better???

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The liberal media drools over anything this current administration does and will never criticize them, on the other hand the conservatives can do nothing right! Unbiased my behind!

  • 1 decade ago

    The media is run by liberals. They agree with freedom of speech only if it's what they want to hear. They can't criticize one of their "own".

  • 1 decade ago

    Very hypocritical.. and the point is.. even tho' Michelle is a lovely lady and she does look nice.. she is not exactly Jackie Kennedy.

    But then we all know the media are nothing more than Obama-whores!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Rick, the "liberal left media," which doen't exist, was not "scolding and criticizing" the Alaskian IDIOT for her wardrobe. They were simply pointing out the FACT that campaign donations were used to purchase her, what was it, $200,000 wardrobe?

    If you gave money to the RNC, is that what you wanted it spent on? Her f**king wardrobe!!!

    Michelle Obama isn't using campaign donations to purchase her wardrobe.

    BTW, They both look great. To bad the Alaskian Hillbilly had to speak.

  • 1 decade ago

    It goes the same for the other side (right). Since when has the media every been non-biased? Media organizations are no different than the rest of corporate america, they tailor their product so they can attract viewers to make more advertising revenue. The "right wing" media tailors their "news" to their viewers also.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. Michelle Obama did not run as the VP candidate on any ticket pretending to be down-home soccer mom just like all ya'll folks and then have her designer duds purchased by somebody else.

  • jack
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    the media had sold out to the obama adminstration

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