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Are Republicans interested in courting the black vote these days?

After all, blacks are extremeley about some of those black church ladies? They love Obama but they don't love his liberal policies, and they make Mike Huckabee look like a radical.

Are Republicans REALLY interested in grabbing the black vote from Barack in 2012, or do they just want dark-skinned people to go away?

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No interest whatever. Republicans prefer to dis-enfranchise them

  • 9 years ago

    We Republicans don't "court" people groups as you put it. America is a true melting pot, where people from around the world have flocked to because of the freedoms our system of government gives it's citizens. As a melting pot we are not made up of different groups - we are the sum of our differences! We try our best to live as productive citizens, helping other Americans to realize their goals by providing an environment that rewards honest, hard work and effort. As Americans we support our military and defend the Constitution against all who would seek to destroy it. I believe in small government, less taxes (for everyone), equal justice, and the freedoms outlined in the Bill of Rights. If your ideas of what it is to be American are different, then go on and play your tune - but don't ask me to help or support your "causes". By the way, Obama is about class warfare, racial division, and anything that pits people against one another - he will NEVER get MY vote.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Unfortunately, a big part of the reason 98% of blacks traditionally vote Democrat has been the voracity ( NOT veracity) of the "liberal" Dem smear machine that has literally turned history inside out and indoctrinated more than a whole generation of voters with a pack of lies.

    Yes, it's a LIE to say that it's Republicans who have always opposed civil rights legislation. The Truth is it was Republican Minority leader Everitt Dirkson who finally succeeded in ending the DEMOCRAT FILIBUSTER of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    Going back even further, it was DEMOCRATS who opposed the abolition of slavery, and, in FACT, the Republican Party was FOUNDED by anti-slavery activists in 1854.

    In other words, the first order of business for Republicans to gain more of the black vote is the herculean task of exposing the long history of entrenched lies which are now at the heart of the mainstream Democratic party's mission to destroy any opposition to their collectivist nightmare which is closer to plantation-style dependence than true economic freedom.

    As another prime example, the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) supported Herman Cain, but has been painted as a far-right, extremist group of "uncle toms" and "white bigots". In FACT, CORE promoted non-violent activism and coalesced black and white civil rights activists during the intensive voter registration efforts in the deep South starting in 1961.

    In fact, if you recall the movie "Mississippi Burning", you'd be surprised to learn that the 3 civil rights activists who were murdered were CORE volunteers attempting to bring to light the escalating violence against blacks. The incident was a pivotal point in the civil rights movement leading up to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the 1965 Voting Rights Act by bringing national attention to the crisis. However, the fact that two of the volunteers were white brought out overtly racist attacks against CORE from the more militant civil rights leaders.

    Those attacks were similar to those heard today against conservative black leaders who advocate for self-determination among black communities rather than dependence on the government programs advocated by Democrats... which have effectively hindered black communities from attaining economic freedom - and which is the cornerstone of self-determination and, in fact, all freedoms.

  • I'm sorry my friend but I have to disagree with you this time. Republicans are no more racist than Democrats. Both Parties are trying to get people that normally vote the other way to change their minds this time. That's the way politics is. The real point is that Republican and Democrat are just names for a bunch of power hungry morons that are only out for themselves. I say screw them both and vote for somebody that actually cares about saving this country before it collapses. It's never going to happen but I can dream. The collapse is coming. We can't keep borrowing money and expect to survive as a nation. I just hope I'm gone before it does collapse.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    They seem to be focused on the women's and Latino vote - they've been pandering to that demographic for a while, and it doesn't seem to be working very well for Mittens. Romney is waaaay behind Obama in both those categories.

    The Repubs know full well that they've lost the vast majority of the black vote - they're counting on the white-male and ecumenical support that they have pretty much sewed up. But in some red states, they've launched a program to disenfranchise some voters with ID laws citing "voter fraud;" which accounts for .0004 % of the total votes cast.

    I think the GOP knows that they've pretty much lost the black vote - so they're attacking Obama's "War on Women," which is a HUGE lie.

  • 9 years ago

    What Smugly said. I think they know that getting the black vote is just not realistic this time around.

  • 9 years ago

    If they are, it sure doesn't seem that way. The Republican Party has moved away from the conservative principle they claim to abide to.

  • Mack
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Republicans are floundering and really do not know what they want as a group. They cannot agree amoung themselves. Their fall calpaign will fail. Republicans want Black votes and Hispanic votes, but don't know the first ting about winning them.

    Mr Obama will win another term easily.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    most will vote Obama

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    They already tried that with Herman Cain. They ended making the ridicule again in front of everyone else, and the world ... Funny idiots, they all are.

    "Our blacks are better than their blacks".

    ---Ann Coulter.

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