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Thor + iron man + capt. america + superman VS The hulk...who will win.?

I watched a lot of cartoon movies and recently watched THE AVENGERS...i was wondering who could defeat HULK...

Defeating Alone is IMPOSSIBLE, but if these superheros are united, then will they stand any chance!

In an animated movie, i allready saw hulk defeating thor + capt. America + iron man + giant man + bee...

So , can superman change the senario!

12 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Superman alone would be able to go toe to toe with the Hulk. Keep in mind that while the Hulk is unbeatable physically against MOST characters when he transforms, to fight with someone of Superman's strength would require him to build up massive amounts of rage. You also have to state which superman is fighting the Hulk: Post-Crisis Superman or Pre-Crisis Superman.

    Post-Crisis Superman vs Hulk would be the more epic fight just because it would be a full blown slug fest by the two strongest warriors from their respective universes considering Supes' powers would be almost useless. Hulk fully regenerated after having his entire body vaporized down to nothing but bones. A little bit of heat from Superman's eye beams or his frost breath will do nothing but slow down the Hulk at most.

    Now if the Hulk is fighting Pre-Crisis Superman, then the only scenario I can think of is to put an asteroid the size of the sun (Superman) vs a new born baby (Hulk). The gap between their powers is of COLOSSAL proportions... Which makes me sad because the Hulk is my favorite comic book character and I hate having to put him down like that but as a loyal fan, even I must know the Hulk's limitations...

    Source(s): Personal comic book knowledge
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    1. Iron Man 3 2. Superman 3. Thor 4. The Wolverine 5. Captain America

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Giant Man Vs Hulk

  • 9 years ago

    i see all these answers are coming from Hulk fanboys. it's as if no one has read any of the actual comics. If they had, they would know that superman wins. No, superman does not get tired very easily, and no, there's no such thing as infinite rage. There is a limit to anger, and therefore a limit to hulk's strength, which superman easily exceeds.

    superman could do it by himself easily. and without question. He's stronger than hulk, faster than hulk, has a wider range of powers than hulk (ice breath, laser vision, etc...) and has defeated the hulk in the actual comic. Honestly, the strength of the hulk is embellished a lot in some interpretations of him.

    A perfect example of how futile the hulk's attempts at beating superman would be:

    the full page:

    Superman wins, hands down.

    shiit, even batman managed to subdue the hulk:

    what's so great about idolizing a character that cannot be beat? there's no danger, no suspense, no mystery. Hulk most certainly can be beaten.

    Source(s): Comic book knowledge and canon.
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  • 8 years ago

    Superman can easily defeat the Hulk on his own.

    You have to bear in mind the intrinsic difference in power level between DC and Marvel. The Hulk's power is incredible, but Superman's is completely absurd. One of the feats in the New52 he performed was lifting the equivalent weight of Earth - the entire planet - for a week, as a test to seek his limits.

  • 9 years ago

    Probably Thor + Iron Man + Captain America + SuperMan would win not only because they out number the Hulk but they also have more of a variety of powers when teamed up. But Hulk could do some serious damage, I give him props for that

    Source(s): DUH!
  • 9 years ago

    First of all, superman already beat the hulk 3 times. First in the comic superman vs spiderman, next in the comic marvel vs dc, and lastly in the hulk vs superman. And also it may surprise you to know that batman beat the hulk too. In a comic called batman vs the hulk.

    Source(s): Comic book nerd
  • 9 years ago

    hulk is undefeatable. Even superman cant change this. I saw that giant man fight either and i was surprised to see that how badly he smashed those heros. Even in The avengers, he took defeated thor, and smashed loki, who are considers gods! Moreover, i loved that conversation when loki threatens ironman that he has army of evil...and iron man says, we have The Hulk.

    Edit: @Roll DooD Trip Face. Brother, all those comics u linked are read by me. I must tell u that in those comic HULK was depicted as VILLAN and not hero, so he has to lose the battle, anyhow.

    By the way, do u really think that 'batman could stand a chance', funny! How could u belive that only a kick could make hulk submit...(acording to those pics)

    So, i would encourage u to check for 'hulk vs superman' in youtube, you will get your answer.

    (I still cant believe, how could batman's kick made hulk unconsious..funniest thing i ever saw... :D )

    Source(s): i saw avengers
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    thor and or supes puts big green down, thor has been proven to be stronger than hulk although hulk has beaten him before thor has stated that all those times he was holding back and if he wasnt a hero he would kill the hulk. NOOOWWWW if cap and ironman piss hulk of enough to the point where he goes worldbreaker i believe he'd make it to supes and fail due to fatigue. But because its all them at once this is such a damn stomp post and its so unfair in the hulks favor

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The only way Superman could stand a chance against Hulk is if that laser eye thing he has can cut though his skin and pierce his heart......But even if it could, Superman would never do So Hulk wins....He gets stronger, the madder he gets. He would eventually get strong enough to kill Supeman.

    Spider-Man (aka the worlds greatest superhero) can find ways to beat anyone....All of his enemies are 100x more powerful then he is, but he always wins....So I'm sure he could beat Hulk. lol

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