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Yohanson asked in PetsHorses · 9 years ago

Does anyone know somebody who graduated from Meredith Manor?

So basically, I'm deciding between EMS and Meredith Manor. Becoming an EMT, in my opinion, would be a safe option. But as I'm getting ready to apply into the training program, I'm starting to reconsider Meredith Manor.... even though I feel like I would LOVE it there and learn a lot, I'm worried about spending that much money (pretty much my entire college fund) and not coming out of it with a job.

I do know one person who went there and now has a job as a barn manager.

Do any of you know someone who graduated there? Did they get placed right away?

Other opinions on Meredith Manor are very welcome (:


Thanks guys. I planned on going here for years and I actually had an appointment back in September, but canceled to go to a rodeo instead LOL.. Then I kind of gave up on the idea... but right now I need to start school, and I'm reconsidering doing it BIG!!

Update 2:

Hmm.. well I'm going to the open house next weekend. I did talk to a friend that used to take her horses there to get their hooves trimmed for free by the farrier school. She said it's a dump, but I've already seen how run down the barns are in pictures. She also said the kids that go there are "horrible".. I don't know if she meant with riding or their attitude. Anyways, they do have an 85% placement rate directly after graduation.. and a lifetime job placement service.

As for their techniques, I'll definitely be skeptical. I've had quite a variety of trainers over the last 5 years and I've learned to take it with a grain a salt and sit on it for a while.

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Some years ago, I hired as an instructor/trainer a recent MM graduate. Her head was filled with the most useless garbage about horses that I had ever encountered. She only lasted about six weeks and I had to let her go.

    I have also read a lot of negative reviews about MM, remember they are a trade school (I believe) not an accredited college.

  • 9 years ago

    Do yourself a huge favor, pal, and DON'T WASTE your time or your money at MM. They aren't even an accredited school- they are just a trade school- and in many respects they are little better than a for profit diploma mill. When I was in college ( not at MM) my riding instructor was an MM graduate who ended up getting fired for incompetence not long after I left. Her story was pretty typical of most "graduates" of that place, in the sense that they often have a very hard time finding and keeping employment. MM is way overpriced, and the facilities they have are atrocious. You'd be a lot better off attending a college or university with a recognized school of equine studies, or with a recognized equestrian team/program- and let me tell you, there are literally hundreds, if not thousands of them in the United States. Most of the major universities have equine or equestrian programs of one kind or another. My alma mater, St.Mary of the Woods College, certainly does. Before you get your heart set on going to MM, you need to look at a lot of other places. A "certificate" from MM does not and WILL NOT carry the same weight with employers that a real college degree will. On top of this, there is no way to use one of MM's certificates to pursue further higher education, such as a master's degree. Most universities will not accept credits from a place like that, because it is not a recognized institution of higher learning the way a community college or a state university would be. My former instructor at the Woods tried to go that route at one point, and got turned down flat, so I know what I am saying.

    I would check out different schools first, before you make any decisions about where to enroll. And given your interest in emergency medicine, I would strongly encourage you to look into places where you can double major in pre-med as well as equine studies or science. The school I went to, the Woods, also offers a pre-med major- and they are not alone in this. EMT's do make a decent income ( assuming that they work for a fire department in a city where firefighters actually get paid, and not in a volunteer position) but why stop at that level when you can go the whole route and become a doctor? Lots of doctors own and ride horses, you know- and some of them even teach riding on the side as a hobby or as a second source of income. You could do something similar, if you're dedicated enough and have the grades for it.

    Good luck in your search.

    You can get information about SMWC at their website ,

    Source(s): I'm a horse owner/professional. I had an instructor in college who was an MM graduate, and was fired for incompetence- that place has a bad reputation.
  • 9 years ago

    I want to go there soo bad! My college fund would be used up if i went there too I know how you feel, being worried if there would be a job out of it, but in my opinion, (MINE you chose what you want) I would go to Meredith Manor because I also work at a barn and I would apply for a job there as a manager/instructor, whatever they need until i get on my feet and actually start making some money! I'd then move on to find a real job, one I could stay at for year.

    In otherwords, if you graduated from Meredith Manor and you were really good at what you did and could find a reliable source of income.

    Sorry if this didnt really answer your question, but if my parents would allow me to go there I would and get a job. Your choice though.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    My old instructor went and graduated. She's a wonderful teacher and owns her own barn now. I don't know if she got placed right away, but back when she graduated things were a lot different (economy wise).

    I was planning to go there but the money thing was a BIG issue -_-' They're a pretty prestigious riding school and I'm sure they'll help you find a job if you have trouble.

    Good luck! Horse degrees aren't easy.

    Source(s): experience
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  • I havnt looked into it much do to all the bad reviews ive read. Ive heard its kind of a trashy place and you get your head filled with a lot of useless garbage like some one else said. Look up reviews for yurself though!

  • 9 years ago

    That school has a bad rep. I would look into The University of Findlay.

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