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If you had 2 choices: to have the freedom of speech mentioned in the Bible, or talk to your friends and...?

relatives, which would you choose? I was told that, if I speak all the truth I know, I will be punished severely. Would you still tell the truth fully? Or would you be willing to hold some of it back. Not lie. Just hold some of it back. Just to be able to speak with your best friends and relatives. I know that some of the people in the Bible were told to be quiet. And they did. Such as Jeremiah, and John in Revelation.

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Throughout history men have fought for freedom of speech. Laws have been passed, wars have been fought, and lives have been lost over the right to express an idea publicly. Attitudes toward freedom of speech for the people have swung like a huge pendulum on the clock of time. Sometimes freedom of speech has been viewed as a privilege to be enjoyed. At other times it has been considered a problem to be dealt with by governments or religions. Freedom of speech is something that should be cherished as many have fought for us to have this right.

    I don't believe anyone should have to hold back but we should all employ discernment and tact into the equation. We should bare in mind that just because we think something, doesn't mean we have to say it (i.e. that person is fat). However, when it comes to beliefs and ideals no one should put a restriction to the point that you can only speak about what another person believes or says you can. Most of my family is pretty good and listen. I talk about my beliefs all the time however, I use discernment so they receive the message more favourably. My father is very opposed but I insure that I still make a stand on my beliefs and bring up various issues when the time is right, it is the least he can do if I have to listen to all his political rants.

    If a person put me in that position, that I was not aloud to speak about who or what I believe at all, well, I don't think I would spend as much time with them as I think that is pretty selfish if I am prepared to give them consideration and a listening ear as to what they believe.

    Solomon said:

    (Ecclesiastes 3:1,7) . . .For everything there is an appointed time, even a time for every affair under the heavens . . . . a time to keep quiet and a time to speak. . . . .

    He also said

    (Proverbs 2:10, 11) . . . When wisdom enters into your heart and knowledge itself becomes pleasant to your very soul, thinking ability itself will keep guard over you, discernment itself will safeguard you,

    This quality also makes us careful about what we say. Proverbs 11:12, 13. Unlike those “in want of heart,” individuals of “broad discernment” keep silent when it is appropriate to do so. They do not betray a confidence (Proverbs 20:19) or speak what is hurtful. However, when it comes to speaking the truth, that is God's word, they use wise judgement as to how and when but they do not hold back as they know it could save a life.

    Source(s): The Historical Development of Freedom of Speech Secrets of Family Success~ Respect in our speech
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Nothing except human equality is more important than freedom of speech.

    The spread of ideas is how we have become such an accomplished race. New ideas are formed, spread, shared, criticized, analyzed, etc. This is INCREDIBLY important.

    Remember that radical new ideas are often criticized by the public if they go against the grain. Women's rights and racial equality are great examples. Both were radical ideas. If we didn't have the freedom of speech to fight for them, the movements wouldn't have gotten anywhere.

  • Kate
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    If I was instructed by God through the Bible to keep silent about something, then I would respect that instruction. I would not lie or deceive. However, our instruction today is to share the gospel and to speak the truth. If my friends or family would not speak to me unless I lied to them, then I don't think that they would be the kind of people I should surround myself with.

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