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? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

Should birth control be a requirement for welfare benefits?

I can see if a mother was married,got a divorce and became a single mom without that much income.Or if she lost her job or her husband died or child's father left and wouldn't help out.But, now it seem like people are just having kid after kid just because they know the government will pay for those kids expenses.I say if you have one child that you can't take care of on your own then don't have anymore until you can take care of that one on your own without benefits.Just keep your legs closed.Now there is nothing wrong with getting assistance if you need it,but where do they draw the line.I think that after 2 or 3 kids women should have to take the birth control shot every few months if they want to keep getting assistance for them and their kids.No shot,not benefits.What do you guys think?


No its not the government making the decision.They don't have to take the shot,but if they want the government to play daddy to not just one,but the 2-6 kids they have that they can't take care of then they will get the shot.Its cheaper for us to pay for b/c shots then 2-6 kids health insurance,food stamps,section 8 etc.I think I might actually look for a place where I can submit my idea.

Update 2:

Might I add that Octo mom already had 6 kids,some with disabilities,that she could not take care of on her own.Then she purposely went to get in vitro to have more.If they had told her that she would not continue to get benefits for the 6 she already had,then she probably wouldn't have went and had 8 more.Now she's on welfare,and tax payers are paying for all 14 of her kids.No wonder Californian's are so mad!

Update 3:

@ Variable 46 excellent answer! And yes they should be for vigorous in making these deadbeat dad's pay up because if the deadbeat dad's don't pay for the kids then consequently tax payers will be paying for them.Some women also like to date,and get pregnant by men who don't even have job!The government probably thinks they are not responsible for tracking these dead beat dad's down.However,they need to find them and make them get jobs or put them in jail.Maybe even just take the money out of their account if they have to.Some of these men have plenty of money,but they just don't want to share it with their kids.If they want to stay out of jail then they will pay up.

Update 4:

@Drixnot that is going too far.That right there is giving the government too much control.I'm just saying people deserve a chance.If tax payers have to pay for one child per poor mother single or not single,then so be it.Your idea could actually kill off the human race! I think that the majority of welfare goes to illegal immigrants and U.S citizens with multiple kids.I also know that with some people they have one child that they can't afford and make sure they don't have anymore until they can afford it.That's why I think the policy should include 2 or more.If a person is having more kids after already having two,then they are simply doing it because they want to,and I shouldn't have to pay for people to have multiple kids that they knew they couldn't afford before having them.

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    anyone on welfare for an extended period of time should live in state run homes.

    children are sent to school, parents are given the boot from the building at 9am to look for work or attend school or any social counseling they may need.... the home remains locked until lunch and locked again until after school. every night is mandatory family dinner and family time before lights out.

    the only money given to people are stipens to buy Clothing for children and themselves for job interviews. clothing at pre-approved stores. and metrocard for travel expenses.

    people like the idea of the State being God and perpetually taking care of their needs?... Give them exactly what they want. want dignity? get a job.

  • 9 years ago

    Actually, yes. Some people on welfare are there because of bad luck, bad timing or other causes not their fault. But let's be honest...a LOT of people end up on welfare because they're just not responsible enough to take care of themselves...let alone raise a child...who consequently grows up lacking responsibility and gets on welfare themselves.

    A dramatic but effective way to help break that cycle is to enforce birth control on welfare recipients. It could be regarded as government interference (to which I am opposed) but on the other hand, if you are going to rely on the government, it's not unreasonable to ask the government to do something in return.

    In the same vein, I think the government should be more vigorous in pursuing the dead-beat dad's of these children for reimbursement.

  • 9 years ago

    No one at the top wants to reduce the birth rate... they want MORE poor people to create a glut in the labor market to stagnate wages. That is the reason they are so lax about illegal immigration. And look what that has done to US wages over the last 20 years (adjust for inflation)

    But yes I DO think birth control should be mandated... not just for those on welfare... but for those who would also need welfare if they did become pregnant. ALL unmarried girls 16 and up. ALL of them. I don't care what color they are, who their parents are, what religion they belong to, ALL of them.

    That's the only way to be fair... just like Rick Perry mandated all girls to get immunized for an STD. Look up the term "legal precedence."


    You clearly have very little experience with welfare and the people that collect. Welfare families are on average SMALLER than those who are not on welfare. If you haven't noticed birth rates go down when there is economic hardships and poverty is a permanent state of economic hardship. While there is a small percentage of women that have more children for the sake of benefits, its rare. Having a baby is painful, destroys your body and is more actual work than most jobs. The thought of getting pregnant just to collect an extra hundred dollars a month for a few years is kind of stupid.... and yes the few woman that have done this ARE stupid.

    You mentioned octomom responding to someone else... using that "bee itch" to represent the majority of poor women is an insult. She is an abnormality with a criminal doctor who were looking for the fame and fortune that they thought would come from having a large litter of children.

    The statement that the majority of welfare is going to illegal immigrants is also false. Again... there is a small percentage being spent on illegals I don't deny that, but let's do a little math here. If there are 20 million illegals in the US and the population is 330 million... that's less than 1% of the population. With me so far? MK... now we know for a fact that the folks collecting are roughly one third white, one third black and one third hispanic. We can figure 99.999% of the whites and blacks are here legally... and the majority of the hispanics are also going to be legal. As for citizens with multiple kids taking a larger share... that is probably true... the average family has 2 kids and 2 is "multiple."

    The final point... birth control mandates across the board is NOT going to far and would NOT result in extinction of the human race. What it would do is cause mothers to be older and married when they did become pregnant... they would CHOOSE to have a child and be better prepared. How do I know this? There are multiple studies comparing family sizes for young woman that used birth control before their first child to women who didn't... they ended up being the same. The big difference between the two groups was wealth, marital status and age. Using birth control lead to old but richer mommys who were married to the daddys.

    Is that really a bad thing?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    No, but benefits are held at the current kid count plus any in the oven.

    Any new puppies after that aren't on the government's dime.

    It's about personal responsibility. Refusing benefits for any new pregnancies helps form that trait.

    It looks like some people don't want those on welfare to learn responsibility.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    So you want government to decide who can and can't have children?

    If anything, I think tax policy should be changed to not give credits/breaks for more than a 2-3 children. Why incentivize and give a break for increased population and increased use of our commons?

  • 9 years ago

    It would be unenforceable.

    We should however deny any increase in welfare benefits for those who get pregnant after the receiving it.

    You cannot force people do the right thing, but you don't have to reward what is wrong.

  • 9 years ago

    That is right wing propaganda .

    First of all Welfare does not exist on the federal level .

    On the state level it is certainly not much financial help at all .

    And very few people qualify for state assistance now days any way.

    Very few people take advantage of the system and the system makes it very hard to do so in this age of Big Brother .

  • Emily
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Increasing the risk of stroke, heart attack, etc. for those already consuming public funds based on forced usage of hormonal birth control? So that we later have to pay the exorbitant funds associated with those issues?

    No thanks.

    Not even to mention that you're advocating the government the ultimate say on who can have children/how many they can have... we're not China.

  • 9 years ago

    Can't mandate birth control...ask any Republican. If you can't require insurance companies or institutions to provide it because of their religious beliefs, how can you require an individual to?

  • 9 years ago

    And yet the right still wants to cut access to free or low cost birth control. Strange huh?

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