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Mild Max asked in SportsMartial Arts · 9 years ago

Why can't some sorry excuses for Martial Artists accept the truth?

Is it stupidity?

Religious zealotry?

Too much money invested to back down?

The evidence has been planted on the table several times for one poster and yet he or she shakes the head and blubbers something about 'teh de@dly'.


This world revolves around proof. 'Teh de@dly' is not proof. When someone presents you with evidence you produce counter evidence to validate your argument or shut up.

Really, it's that simple.


That's rich.

My first time on the net in over a week and I'm told I spend too much time there.

Is this a warning that I run the risk of becoming like you?

Update 2:

Darth I assure you I'm no mixed martial artist. I do Goju ryu, have done for the last five years and plan to for as many more as I can manage but before that I was involved in a Bujinkan money hole. Now I do a lot of Kata, basics and self defense in Goju ryu but that is mixed with a lot of sparring. Bujinkan was nothing but basics and forms, no sparring. Ever. Because it was 'too deadly' no contact with other martial artists 'because they don't understand'. The truth is more along the lines of no contact with other martial artists because if you don't already have a natural talent for fighting they will beat several shades of s#!t out of you.

When my money grabbing teacher racked off to find greener pastures to rob I entered some competitions looking for my next martial art. Something as good as Bujinkan, I got hammered. People who'd been training the same amount of time or less were faster and they HIT HARD!!! 'Teh de@dly' was useless.

I joined

Update 3:

a local Goju ryu school, two of it's students had owned me in that competition, you wanna try sucking up pride? Walk into a dojo where everyone KNOWS you suck and ask to join. I'm equal with those fighters who mauled me now, the key is sparring, hard sparring. Since I know that style doesn't have it I know the style blows, not just the school.

10 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's funny you would bring this up.

    I use the example of medicine and healing.

    There are doctors who are employing alternatives to allopathic medicine and are actually healing people, yet the allopathic community refuses to accept this reality. A woman in Mexico has a clinic where Americans can go and be put through an all natural, organic regimen and cancers suddenly go away. People who tested HIV positive no longer have any trace of disease of any type. But again, the orthodox medical community refuses to admit that these people are healed. Diabetes is curable, Herpes... ANY disease is curable.

    But they ignore the healing that has taken place and try to give an explanation.

    How does this relate to martial arts?

    To begin with, ALL of the techniques used in MMA come from the Classical Martial Arts. Anyone who denies this is ignorant and has never trained with a PROPER instructor. Someone who can actually break down the vast amount of techniques within the kata.

    So because you don't have a true understanding of REAL martial arts, you think your argument is valid. You associate all the GARBAGE that is being taught with true martial arts. This is very shallow of you. It shows you as a person with no real experience. You have a shallow understanding of something, and you expect it to be taken as "empirical".

    The only way you can make your claim is if you have exhaustively researched and trained in the best of the best, and proven yourself, that what you are saying is valid and reliable.

    Otherwise, grow up.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Darth Scandalous should not talk about medicine if he has no understanding of the sciences involved. If you want to talk about medicine know your anatomy, really know your physiology, really know your microbiology, know your statistics, really know your biochemistry. If you don't know what reverse transcriptase is and how it works your words are completely meaningless. Do you even know the different types of diabetes that exist? A few types have always been curable. Therefore that entire argument is faulty. Why do you even mention MMA here?

    The first answer is buffoonish and completely ignores and deflects the question by telling the asker he spends too much time on the net. Ad hominem to make up for a lack of counter argument.

    I agree with the asker. If are going to make a claim about the deadliness of a technique, have some evidence to back it up. Even anecdotal evidence is better than nothing. An example of the bullshit that's spread around in martial arts schools, "You can palm strike a man and kill them by driving their nose cartilage into the brain". Asking for proof ends this garbage.

  • 9 years ago

    I don't know who you are speaking about. Often I see a counter argument on here as not being that great of evidence. It is common on here that people will use wikipedia as evidence. They will use youtube as evidence. Many will use the UKC as evidence. None of those are great sources to use as evidence. They don't prove much of anything. That is only making a comparison like that of apple and oranges. Both are good for the body. Both are fruit. But they are different. They provide some of the same nutrients but not all the same. Are apples better than oranges or oranges better than apples? The both are good for their specif purposes.

    Source(s): Martial Arts since 1982
  • Ymir
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I'm somewhat glad that lethal force applications are not known or even believed by the mass human community on this planet. Makes my job a lot easier and safer.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


    You never took any martial arts at all I take it. Perhapes you should try atually training at a real school instead of sitting on the internet all day like a fanboy.

  • 9 years ago

    What is he even trying to argue? Sounds like he should be in the religious section

  • 9 years ago

    The material world is just an illusion.

    Source(s): Zen
  • Kokoro
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    millions of people have successful used martial arts and still do,

    if you cant get the style to work then its 100% your fault.

    if you cant get the style to work the defect is in you. your parents need to exchange you for a child that isn't so defective.

    Source(s): 30yrs ma
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You should spend sometime outside, you are on the computer too much.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    because people like you dont show respect you fail to see past your own ego

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