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Reccomend Good animes?

I just finished death note and currently watching bleach.can you reccomend some good animes that I can watch? Thx. :)

5 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1)Full metal Alchemist/Brotherhood: about a boy and his brother who want to use alchemy to revive their mother. It is against the law to use alchemy in their country. They do it anyways. One of the boys gets killed and his soul is now in a metal armor. The other boy, did not lose his life but has now a metal arm and leg. I JUST LOVE IT AND DONT WANT TO SPOIL IT. you will love it too. The FMA and FMAB are two completely different stories however, but they are both excellent. *

    You can check wikipedia for more info

    2)Inuyasha. Action, romance, monsters, and some comedy. A 15 year old girl, Kagome, falls into a sacred well in her family's temple. She travels 500 years into the past. Mysteriously, she awakens a half demon shot into a sacred tree a long time ago, aka Inuyasha. After a monster attacks Kagome, a sacred jewel comes out of her body, aka the Shikon no tama. The jewel is broken off into shards. Inuyasha and Kagome have to join forces and collect the shards, but complications begin. The mystery about how Kagome traveled using the well is revealed, and why she had the jewel inside her body.

    Info: 167 eps, * 4 movies, you can check Wikipedia for when to watch them. After finishing Inuyasha, watch Inuyasha The Final Act, it continues the story. it is subbed but totally worth it! 26 eps

    3)Ouran Highschool host Club. A normal and genius girl, Haruhi, who is accepted as an honor student in a super rich school. She accidentally opens a door which led her into a host club. The hosts first confuse her as a boy because of her hair and glasses, but she soon becomes a cute host and people do realize she is a girl. One host eventually falls in love with her, but the school must not know she is actually a girl. This is a hilarious anime.

    Info: 26 episodes, you can watch them in * dubbed, but for subbed then I would suggest

    4) Fruits Basket: Romantic and funny! a girl, Tohru, who had lost her mother. Since she is left alone and doesn't want to be a burden to her grandparents, she lives in a tent high in the mountains. She comes across a house which has the zodiac animals. She then meets an uncle of someone. That someone is the cute guy in her class as well as his rebellious brother. Tohru's tent is destroyed by a landslide, so she goes off to live at their residence. She notices that if they are hugged by the opposite sex, then they transform into one of the zodiac animals. No one should ever know this. She realizes that their whole family has a curse.

    Info: 26 eps, dubbed or subbed.*

    5)Full Moon wo Sagashite. Romantic, action, and comedy. One of my favorites. About 2 orphans, Mitsuki and Eichi, who love each other. Sadly, Eichi was adopted and left before Mitsuki could confess. Mitsuki had a great voice, so since then her goal was to become a famous singer so she could see Eichi. Mitsuki was soon adopted by her grandmother. Two years have passed, and Mitsuki developed a tumor in her throat. To remove the tumor, she would have to get a risky operation, with more probabilities of losing her voice so that was impossible. She suddenly sees 2 death spirits who tell her she has only a year left to live. Mitsuki had to audition, but she was too young. One of the death spirits used his powers to transform her into a grown up. The death spirit falls in love with her and the other is jealous. Mistuki is devastated when she goes to Eichi's place.

    Info: 52 episodes, the first 28 are dubbed.*

    6) Lovely Complex. Romance, comedy, and drama. about a super tall girl who falls in love with a midget. They are both very funny, and at first don't realize they spend a lot of time together. However, the midget at first is not really interested in the tall girl and thinks that her friend is cute because she looks like his ex. This causes jealousy and drama. This anime is so funny! It has great voice and facial expressions.

    Info: 24 eps, subbed but worth it! Here is a preview:

    7) Elfen Lied. A mutated species, the Dyclonius, is invading the Earth. These species harm and kill people and they can't reproduce because they are chosen by God. A young man finds a Dyclonius, hurt and lost in a beach, and lets her stay at his home. His cousin who is also a young woman, also moves in and is jealous of the fact that the Dyclonius is always with him. The man soon realizes that the Dyclonius is familiar.

    13 eps, subbed or dubbed.*

    Source(s): I loved these animes>> check them out! 100% reccomended Scale, from 1 being my best reccomended to 7, being not so reccomended but still good! KEY: * means that it is easily found in Youtube
  • 9 years ago

    angel beats



    kiss x sis


    kore wa zombie

    asu no yoichi

    accel world

    ano natsu

    ano mi hita


    true tears

    mirai nikki tv

    deadman wonderland

    shakugan no shana

    zero no tsukaima

    b gata h kei


    elfen lied


    princess lover

    blue exorcist

    C the posibilities money control

    fate/stay night


  • 9 years ago

    * most recommended

    Code Geass

    Darker than Black

    Nabari no Ou *

    Kuroshitsuji *

    Black Cat *

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