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Bad memory module? Or bad slot?

Bear with me...a lot of info below...

I have an Elite Groups PT800CE-A motherboard installed in my computer. It has two slots for memory modules and accepts up to 2gb total memory.

I have had two 1gb memory modules installed for quite some time, but yesterday I noticed the automatic memory check on bootup was only saying I had 1gb

I ran a memory test program and it registered the first memory module fine, but indicated a very reduced memory capacity for the second. So I initially assumed the 2nd module had gone bad.

I removed both memory modules and stuck the one I assumed was bad in the first slot. I was greeted with a continued beep when I tried to boot the computer up. I removed it and re-inserted the good module back in and the computer booted just fine.

I then stuck the good module in the 2nd slot by itself (nothing in the 1st slot) and tried to boot the computer. I was again greeted with a continuous beeping noise.

So I have two questions...

1. If you are running with only one memory module, does it have to be inserted in the first slot? Hence the beep when I tried to run it in the second slot. The motherboard manual does not indicate this one way or the other.

2. Is it more likely the 2nd memory module is bad, or is it possible the 2nd slot has somehow gone bad? I don't have any way to test this unless I actually buy another memory module to stick in there.

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your module is bad, slots are fine. The system BIOS looks to SLOT 1 for a memory module, if it does not find it, the POST fails....this is because the memory bus is serial and not parallell (as in old systems)

  • 5 years ago

    you could try re-seating the reminiscence module, even though it could actually be undesirable. reminiscence can circulate undesirable over the years. earlier you commence, verify you're no longer too staticy. do no longer try this on your socks on the carpet, and touch grounded steel each each so often (the screw in the midst of an outlet, working example). The reminiscence is possibly at the back of a cover on the backside of the pc- you're able to wish a screwdriver to open it. The reminiscence probable looks like a circuit board with numerous comparable chips working perpendicular to its connector. There must be a pair of springy tabs protecting the standards of the reminiscence, and via gently pulling them aside the reminiscence will probable hinge outward and could then be bumped off. in case you have 2 reminiscence modules, you ought to have the skill to limp alongside on one- yet you're able to could desire to go the solid module into the different slot. Or, as I pronounced earlier, it may paintings in case you eliminate and replace the module. it could have shaken loose. If there is not any longer a hatch on the backside, the reminiscence is probable below the keyboard. Do a internet seek for the particular sort of computing device, and you will probable discover out the place it particularly is.

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