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Ok heres another question for you atheist.?

I see in some of theses post. That alot of you say jesus didn't exist. Just because there is no record of him. Well there is no record of my 27th grandfather ever living, but i am sure he did at one time. Anyway. Where is the proof that you keep saying Jesus never existed.. Yet you atheist keep asking for proof God existance. Yet none of you can provide proof the jesus never existed. You atheist say the burden falls up on those who believe. Then it also falls upon you atheist to prove Jesus never existed, because you believe this. Your the ones who keep trying to convince others Jesus never existed. Do any of you know who jesus was anyway? Can anyone of you atheist who keep saying jesus never existed. Can anyone of you say with all honesty that he wasn't a real person? If so then how sure are you that jesus never existed at some point in time.


You atheist make me laugh. You don't even understand my questions. You say christians avoid your questions, with bible quotes. Yet you atheist say the same thing as others atheist do. Because you don't know the answers yourselves. So you always use the same excuses, Just because there is no record of jesus ever existed, Or just because no one has ever saw God, that means God does not exist. Or We are more educated then those people of that time period. And science has proven this or that. Yet science has never proven there is no God. Because even with all this technology, we as humans, have acquired of the years. Not one person if this world has proven there is No god. Nor has science reached the end of the universe. So no one can say what is beyond out own universe, Or how far it is from one end to the other. So even our great scientist of the world. Can not even say what is at the end of our Universe. Or if there is a god. And people put their belief in science. When scien

18 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Athiests are just saying there is no proof. If there was proof, then end of story. If there is no proof, then an Athiest doesn't believe. It's as simple as that.

    People who are religious rely on faith. Therefore, you should not be asking for proof because proof is not your tool. Even if you were able to proove you were right, then it will have nothing to do with your faith, the proof is only useful for Athiests. You could proove that Jesus or God Exists, and the Athiest would believe it, but the Athiest is still an Athiest, the fact does not make the Athiest religious because the Athiest does not use faith.

  • yeah, totally... I mean, why do you deny Zeus existed? Do you have evidence that he did not exist....

  • 9 years ago

    If you make a claim, you better back it up or you'll be questioned. Since you're (you're using "your" wrong) making the claim that Jesus exists, it's up to you to provide evidence. People questioning that evidence need nothing to back themselves up.

    I seriously question the historic character of Jesus, never mind the supernatural character. Any references of his life come more than a lifetime after his supposed death making it unlikely that any eye witnesses wrote it down.

    Of course, the earliest mention of Jesus comes much earlier from Paul but he doesn't even mention a living Jesus. He talks about a non-physical being who only appears to him through divine revelation. He must most likely schizophrenic.

  • 9 years ago

    Jesus didn't exist. If he lived as such he did and performed the miracles he said he did then he would have be written about by a great many people, not just in the bible. there would be stories the world over by famous writers of the time. Also, if he were birthed by a mortal person he would be part human, making him a DEMIGOD. Anyways, I am sure if you dug far enough back and deep enough you would find some proof of your 27th grandfathers existence like a picture or birth certificate or some document with his signature, etc. You fail to understand the burden of proof. The burden of proof is always on the claim that X exists rather than on the claim that X does not exist. It is a fallacy to claim that X exists unless you prove that there is no X. What is improper is for a person to claim that "X exists" and when asked to prove it, then the person who made the claim uses as a defense of "X exists" the next claim that no one has proven that X does not exist.

    If a person claims that X exists and is real then the burden is on that person to supply some support for that claim, some evidence or proof that others can and should examine before accepting it. It is incorrect to think that X exists and is real until someone can prove that there is no X. It is also wrong to think that just because you can not prove that X exists that does not mean that X does not exist and therefore X does exist.

    Why is it that the burden is on the person who makes the claim? Well think whether or not it is a better way to proceed through life to accept anything and everything that people claim to be so. Experience should instruct every thinking human that there is a high probability that not everything that people claim to be true is actually true. Some claims might be made with the claimant aware that the claim is not true and some claims might be made with the claimant thinking that they are true but being mistaken. As it is for most humans not a very good idea to proceed through life based on beliefs that are false and thinking things to be true when they are not, most humans and those who would use reason to guide them will want some evidence and reasoning to support a claim being asserted to be true. So the burden is on those who make claims to offer reason and evidence in support of those claims.

    Plus it isn't just atheists that believe that Jesus never existed. Jews don't believe such claims either so once more your logic and idea that it's only the atheists believe as such is a flawed one. We try to convince no one. It is religions that force their views and beliefs on others and when they don't adhere they criticize, mock and even kill (inquisitions, holy war, etc) to make others see the way they do and that in itself is wrong and I would NEVER adhere to a religion that has base in violence just to become the highest religion like Christianity did in its infancy.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You have to prove a positive claim (in this case, God exists), not the opposite. And yes, there is proof Jesus existed, just not the supernatural dude. We don't believe really, I wouldn't use that word. And it's a negative claim to say Jesus doesn't exist. It's the default position also.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I don't give a damn if he existed or not. Why does that matter? You ether believe he was God or you don't . I don't believe in any God so why does it matter? I don't get your point.

  • 9 years ago

    "Where is the proof that you keep saying Jesus never existed.."

    "Yet you atheist keep asking for proof God existance"

    How did you make this weird jump between these two things? The only uniform facotr here is not believing in God. It's still possible that Jesus existed.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    There is overwhelming evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ (That cannot be denied), both in secular and biblical history. Perhaps the greatest evidence that Jesus did exist is the fact that literally thousands of Christians in the first century A.D., including the twelve apostles, were willing to give their lives as martyrs for Jesus Christ. People will die for what they believe to be true, but no one will die for what they know to be a lie.

    The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus

    By: Lee Strobel

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Jesus did exist. My atheist friend told me that a lot of atheist have it wrong when they say he didn't exist.. I told my atheist friend.. so the difference between us is... we both believe Jesus exist... But I believe he rose from the dead and ascended into heaven and you don't. And he said yes. So Jesus did exist its just a matter of believing in his supernatural powers. :)

    Source(s): Christian
  • You can provide proof that your jesus is magickal and can summon wine with wiccan powers so its irrelevant

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