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Sir C
Lv 5
Sir C asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 9 years ago

What is Obama going to throw our hard earned tax money away on next?

As we know the first waste of our money, that the news media was kind enough or authorized to let us know about, was a waste of $555+ Million taxpayer hard earned dollars on Solyndra going belly-up.

After Obama saw he wasn't physically attacked for that loss he apparently tried a $1.9 Billion dollar investment in Fisker Karma. Another electric hybrid car company like the Chevy Volt. A CA company that also has gone into non existance on Obama's pretense of providing jobs in America to build a $100,000+ dollar electric hybrid car.

Clinton and Bush cost us our house in what once was a nice neighborhood until HUD Freddie MAC and SALLY MAE bought up the houses that became available when the local Catholic school closed and moved out. Then when the government guaranteed loans through these government backed institutions to unqualified buyers sold by dishonest realitors and financed by disreputable loan companies the bottom of society came crawling out of the woodwork. They brought into our neighborhood drug dealers, shooters, criminals, murderers, home invaders, thieves, vandals, car jackers, haters, and prowlers. We had to lose our home to speculators so we didn't have those kind of people casing our home for robbery/home invasion under the guise of looking to buy it. So what we paid in full for without ever missing a payment was lost. Now we are trailer trash thanks to Clinton and Bush pumping up the housing bubble with their good intentions of giving an American Dream to unqualified buyers who couldn't have afforded a house if it had been just simply given to them. Upkeeping a home is just as expensive as the monthly payment on a home loan. Nobody thinks of this before they buy and when a job is lost or if one who buys who doesn't have a job never considers the cost of utilities, taxes, insurance, and upkeep to keep it. All those sob stories testified to congressional hearings, when they were pushing for Obama care, none of them wanted to hear or gave us a chance to present our stories. They had their homes in gated communities and no one dared to invade their neighborhoods to bring down their safety and security from criminals.

We are most concerned about what is next.

Third time is the charm and Obama is about to take his third shot at spending our tax dollars again. Is his Obama care his third shot at our economy? We seriously think so because that will end our nation as we knew it to be. We think we will never recover from this $multi-Trillion dollar boondoggle to strip us of our hard earned income from what few good paying jobs remain. AFL-CIO union is not a good income for janitors, maids, state workers, etc. We know. We worked those jobs under that union and only the union leaders were making the big bucks off our hard labor while the only raise we got was our union dues going up.

What do you think? Is Obama worth taking another chance on him changing and giving us hope? Has he shown himself to be trustworthy? Is Obama even qualified to be POTUS? We have come to conclude Obama is not a qualified person to lead this nation. We conclude he is in place to run this nation into the ground. What do you say? Do we continue to play Ostrich and bury our heads or come out in droves to make a positive change ourselves. Do you think he hasn't paid off all his 2008 campaign contributors or those who need to be paid off for this years support for his reelection is why he simply wants another term to get the rest of them and those who are supporting him now paid back using the much higher proposed tax rate hike on rich and super rich who will simply take their money out of the middle class by raising their prices on the goods and services they provide.

The only trickle down economy we get from taxing the rich is higher prices for us to pay for what we consider the necessities of life. Like food, shelter, clothing, utilites, gasoline, cars, and medical care for our families and ourselves.

8 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Most of the Solyndra scandal is exaggerated political hyperbole - investments in green energy have been made for decades, by leaders from both parties. Politicians of both parties say different things to their bases, but then do exactly the same things in the end.


    Solyndra's loan process began during the Bush administration, and could have just as easily blown up during his administration. Romney is also in the news this morning for being involved it two of his own failed solar-power investment scandals - Konarka and Evergreen Solar. See link:



    Fisker has not gone into "non-existence", and did not get 1.9 billion, the actual loan amount is one-tenth of that, 193 million. And the loan was not really intended for the Karma sports car (which was already mostly developed at the time), it was intended for the Nina electric family sedan Fisker plans to build in the US. Fisker's additional government loan funds have in fact been frozen unless and until the company reaches production milestones on the Nina.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Yes. But that didn't start with Obama. The United States is #1 in actual dollars of foreign aid being given to other countries, and has been for quite some time. However, the majority is from the private sector, and the US ranks at the bottom of the list in a GDP/Aid ratio.

  • 9 years ago

    Also hes throwing the 2012 president votes overseas to be counted in at Spanish Corporation

    2 Million illegal immigrants are getting Tax returns of over 30- 40 thousand dollars YEARLY Legally the IRS knows about this but doesnt care TRUTH PS The government also gives them social security #s

    Youtube search it Its all there!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    He will probably raise salaries and conditions for enlisted men and women in the Military. That's a big thing with Democrats- taking care of the enlisted people, but not giving the brass and contractors their due. That's why Republicans are better.

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  • 9 years ago

    Point well taken... He'll probably give wall street, the biggest banks,the biggest insurance company's, the biggest businesses, & big oil, more substitutes, & Romney minimum wage, for the masses... Oh sorry, wrong guy, & party...

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Yeah...we don't get a lot from trickle down economy...yet you want to vote for tax break on the rich mittens?

  • 9 years ago

    It cant be hard earned dollars, there are no shovel ready jobs!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You Betcha!!

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