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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 9 years ago

Religious people who are fine with homosexuality?

Religious people especially christians and jews who think homosexuality is okay,what's your excuse for these verses :

Leviticus 18:22 - Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is an abomination.

Leviticus 20:13 - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

Also verses like 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 clearly say that homosexuals,among many other sinners will not inherit the kingdom of god.The argument i have heard is that the next verse says that they can inherit the kingdom of god if they come to the Lord, Jesus Christ.But what does that prove?Even a killer can be forgiven by god if he truly repents from his heart.And the fact that homosexuals must repent proves that it's a sin to be homosexual doesn't it? There is also controversy surrounding the use of the Greek word that this particular version of the Bible translates as "homosexual offenders but it most probably means homosexuals and even if we give you the benefit of doubt and assume that it does not mean gay,there are still the Leviticus verses.Also i have heard someone say that the Leviticus verses are talking about homosexual behavior in pagan temples or something but what does that prove?Homosexual behavior is the same no matter where it happens.Killing people for it is still not justified.It is quite obvious that God hates homosexuals and obviously considers it a sin.

There is also Romans 1:26-27 - Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for ONE ANOTHER. Men committed shameful acts WITH OTHER MEN, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Some say that it talks about prostitution but it also talks about homosexuality.You can't ignore that.Another thing people say is that God loves everyone and he spreads the message of love blah blah blah.But God punishes sinners too unless they repent and the only way a homosexual can be accepted is if he repents.

I don't understand how somebody can be a homosexual or someone who has no problem with homosexuality be a christian despite the obvious fact that it is considered a sin in the bible.It makes me sad that people twist the obvious facts to fit their view and to trick themselves into finding a middle way to accept both their sexual orientation and their faith.

13 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Justification attempts in order 2 gain acceptance doesnt fool God-Sign still says: 4get man/his dog bware of OWNER=God-made rules 4 His house(never changes)-defy Him eventually u r thrown out(Heaven&Hell r real places)=God's love ISNT unconditional-no1 is automatically God's child b/c of sin(ie even do-gooders rnt=Mt 7:21-23). We CANT KNOW whats right w/o right personal relationship with Jesus(only Jesus can rewire ur brains 2 accept whats right). U cant b gay&Christian(can fool urself but not God)but ppl CONFUSE TRUTH[offends many]/HATE.

    Sleeping with/marrying ur own gender is in effect SLEEPING WITH/MARRYING URSELF=abominations[the real VALID REASON=right vs wrong love]>distorts/merges/blurs God's male/female creation characteristics/attributes/purpose-Lev 18:22/Rm 1:26-32/1 Pt 4:3-4/Gal 5:19-21. Even 1 man/woman marriages cant b rightly put 2gether w/o knowing God's/Jesus' purpose 4 it.

    ALL men r capable of same sins(no1 can live w/o breaking God's eternal Law=sin-punishment=death). No its not easy 4 believers given world's approval of sin(hardwired/by choice)but we cant remain in sin & b Christian(we must make effort 2 try not 2 repeat sins-only possible thru Jesus/Bible).

    God created Adam&Eve(1rst chosen ppl not 1rst ppl)not Adam&Steve. God does nothing w/o a purpose/created: woman 2 help/serve man/2 procreate not 2 teach-except 4 children/man 2 lead/teach God's way 2 family/others. God/His purpose never changes-He cant make a mistake(only 1 God can occupy infinity-God of Israel-only fully proved b/c Jesus is God's Son/wasnt speaking out 2 nor 1000s of sides of His mouth=no confusion).

    But God can 4give sinners=why Jesus died 4 our sins. B/c God did this most loving thing & Jesus fully obeyed God all must go 2 Jesus 2 b saved-Jn 14:6/Acts 4:12. Only Jesus(perfect Physician)can change us 2 what God accepts-CANT CHANGE OURSELVES b/c we cant know God's purpose 4 us w/o Jesus-Jn 3:3,5/5:39. Accept/promote/do sins like being gay r against God. Ur innocent child sees 2 men holding hands(CHILD THINKS ITS OK/normal 2 do it=copy adults like 4 pot use-1 sign 4 end-times=disasters will increase).

    God cant look upon sin(2 remain perfect)-separates us from God-only way 2 get past this eternal barrier required 1 2 b perfect sacrifice(Lamb of God w/o spot/blemish)2 fulfill God's eternal Law-4 this God gave Jesus full authority over all things in Heaven/on earth-Mt 28:18. 2 b healed of our sins we must b Born Anew(Jn 3:3,5-Nicodemus was very religious but Jesus told him he missed most important step-1 must b Born Anew=being very religious/good in man's eyes cant get u in2 Heaven).

    Reading the Bible(religious/not)u cant find Jesus w/o His Biblical directions-Jn 5:39/10:1,7. Only a Bible cant b properly known w/o Jesus(Jn 14:6/II Cor 3:14/Is 29:11-12~If Jewish ppl cant unveil OT w/o Jesus all gentiles cant=why many interps exist/called fiction).

    Its why religion doesnt=the truth/most r built on gods man likes/impose human limits/labels 4 knowing things 2 God's abilities/cant teach much on God-CANT ALL B RIGHT(only 1 Bible-why so many interps? II Pet 1:19-21)-cant teach what u don't know. Who knows more about a house the Builder/ppl moving in later?

    In history only Jesus said He's the way/truth/life/cant know God w/o Him-Jn 14:6/5:39=whole truth is complete in Him or its a lie=no God(knows all or not God). All claimed new/other beliefs/from self-proclaimed prophets/teachers r false/godless or He's 1 more false prophet 2 ignore.

    Jesus couldnt hv done whats in NT w/o knowing whole OT(impossible w/o God/NT didnt exist yet/Apostles couldnt write NT w/o Jesus having them remember all He did-Lk 24:25-27,45).

    God knew ppl would [un]intentionally twist His Word so He used a permanent system(like God/Jesus-more visible in word 4 word[with right amnt of literal method]Bible versions[best is ESV]-Prv 30:4-6).

    Many/churches r on wrong paths=dont believe everything told 2 u. Many ways seem right but its end=death(Pr 3:19)-1rst pray 2 Jesus-then carefully search the Bible 4 the truth. Churches knowing Born Anew process/making every effort 2 follow the Bible might help but cant save u. Salvation is thru Jesus/His word. Carefully think over what I say. Dont just believe/dismiss what I write-might save u from getting in2 godless religions=poisoned tree/its fruit. U must know Jesus/Bible 2 know if a church has/remains on right path

    Source(s): If Jesus is God's Son Quran/islam(contradicts Bible); LDS/BoM/mormon(no another testament); JWs(NWT/Watchtower/Awake=false) /Catholics, most Protestants/SDA/moonies/Ch Scientists/Scientology, Buddhist/Hindus others r wrong on Jesus, demotes Jesus 2 prophet/good man(1 way/another). If He isnt God's Son(false prophet)Bible/all named above r wrong(false prophets). Cant hv it 2 ways-1 Jesus=1 true Gospel=2Cor 11:4. Many believe in but dont know Jesus-even Satan knows Him/can b angel of light. Wrong teaching foundation cancels all ur claims=house built on sand-when final biggest storm hits ur house/all u add/fix 4 it 2 seem better/its foundation r washed away. Whats loosed in Heaven is loosed on earth still must adhere fully 2 Bible truth. God's truth is 4ever unchanged but man's religions/man-made gods die with him. Click my ID-read answers/hv ?s post/notify me or email ?s 2 me/YA cut post text amnt.
  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): #1 Ex Back Secrets -
  • Badger
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    It partly depends on what you mean by "fine with homosexuality." Even for those who follow Christian precepts about sex and chastity very strictly, there is a spectrum of ways to respond to people who engage in fornication, including same sex fornication. The reaction could range from hunting offenders down and beating or killing them, to preaching against them, to shunning them, to ignoring them, to treating them as any other people while disapproving privately, to avoiding the practice yourself but refusing to judge others who indulge in it.

    Part of the problem, at least among American Christians, is that homosexual acts have become such a central focus. Christians are forbidden to have any kind of sex outside marriage, yet this is largely tolerated or ignored while homosexuality is obsessed over. More balance on the subject is certainly called for.

    Also, there is no sin in having a particular "orientation" sexually. That only means that a person has specific temptations, as most of us do. A celibate homosexual is as pure and blameless as any person can be. There is no conflict between having an inclination and being a faithful Christian. (In my denomination, there is no conflict even between committing the sin and being a faithful Christian, provided the person repents and tries again; but I realize that doctrine is not universal.)

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Does this help remove misunderstandings about homosexuality?

    Some people call it a life-style. It's like saying heterosexuality is a life-style. It's not. It's just a sexual orientation and according to all modern psychology textbooks since 1977 it's natural, not a choice, and can't be altered. People sometimes jokingly think only bisexuals have a choice. That's still wrong. They have no say in to whom they get attracted. The difference is bisexuals can satisfy themselves without having to engage in same sex.

    Another misconception is that all homosexuals are sodomites. Actually, the number of heterosexuals who practice sodomy is far higher than the number of homosexuals who practice it and in reality many homosexuals find the idea of it disgusting. Also, not all homosexuals act on their feelings. Many do, but many choose to keep it to themselves for various reasons (being religious, being afraid of discrimination, etc)

    Another wrong assumption is homosexuals can't have children. In many countries that homosexual sex is a crime homosexuals do get married and have children. The difference is they are not satisfied and they can't satisfy their partners, so it is likely to lead to divorce, but they do have children.

    Some others associate feminine behavior with homosexuals. That's probably because they can only recognize feminine homosexuals. The fact is you can't tell the difference between the majority of homosexuals and straight people.

    Source(s): Muslim
  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    1. Wait, wait....You DO know there are religions besides Christianity and Islam, correct? I'm Wiccan, and i'm rather highly devout, say about an 8, however that's no longer the same as being Fundamentalist, good enough? 2. 10 - a permissable and ordinary variant on human sexuality. Three. 10 - Discrimination in authorized rights in unconstitutional.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Homosexuality is a sin. (Romans 1:24-27)

    Fornicators (people who indulge in unlawful sexual intercourse outside of marriage), will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 6:9,10). ~ That is, of course, unless they repent, like I did.

    The sexually immoral shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone." (Rev. 21:7,8) ~ So if you stay bound up with being sexually immoral, then you will be right there with the murderers who will burn in the lake of fire, unless you repent.

    Jesus said, "fornications (The Greek word is porneia and it means illicit sexual intercourse, homosexuality, lesbianism, intercourse with animals, intercourse with close relatives)... These are the things which defile a man." (Matthew 15:19,20)

    He who sins is of the devil (1 John 3:8). ~ That is talking about habitually sinful conduct, because that chapter is talking about what one practices. If you slip up and stumble, He will forgive you if you confess to Him and ask for forgiveness, because He is faithful and just to forgive you (1 John 1:9). But in order to rightfully claim 1 John 1:9, you must be doing the conditions found in 1:6,7. You must not be walking in darkness (practicing sin). You must be walking in the light. You can't be bound up in sin, and then just confess those sins you are a slave to, and get forgiveness. It does not work that way.

  • 9 years ago

    I am very religious and in my religion, consentual relationships are fine.

    What is my answer to all that? It's irrelevant... I'm not a Christian. I don't believe any God wrote that stuff, I understand the context of the culture from which it came so I can see how these views would work their way into religious scripture but I don't believe it is true.

  • 9 years ago

    I am very religious and I have no problem with homosexuality.

    Why a book of middle-eastern folklore (such as the bible) would have anything to do with my religion or beliefs escapes me. It doesn't. My "bible" is nature and homosexuality occurs in nature.


    Source(s): polytheistic pagan (and yes, I vote. Please see the first amendment for why I am allowed to vote.)
  • 9 years ago

    Homosexuality is a sexual orientation. So is heterosexuality. A sexual orientation is not a sin.

  • I don't follow a book. My life is it's own book.

  • 9 years ago

    Being gay is not a sin the actions are.

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