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Head lice treatment when everything I have done so far doesn't seemed to have worked?
my 6 year old came home from school with head lice, i straight away got to his hair with head lice conditioner and nit comb, followed all the instructions and washed his sheets & clothes etc. I then did the follow up 5 days later as per the instructions. This didn't seem to work so I did everything over again, still didn't work. So i then tried a different brand of head lice treatment, now 6 weeks and 4 different brands of headlice treatment later, they are still there. Nothing seems to be working and it's gone beyond being frustrating. Any suggestions please???
12 Answers
- LosingMyMind212Lv 59 years agoFavorite Answer
When in doubt, shave it all off. I never once had head lice going through school but my niece ended up with it and if we had a "sleepover" we sleep together. I remember noticing that she was itching a lot more than usual when I saw her but thought nothing of it (it was a dry winter anyway) but of course she had them and then I got em. Luckily the treatment worked for her (double dosed her to be sure) but I said hell with that and shaved my head right down to the scalp.
Make sure when you put the treatment on, wrap the head with saran/plastic wrap and then put a towel over top. I wouldn't say the the treatments are not working (especially four brands unless the lice are super mutant lice); It's more likely he is picking them up again and again. That's the worst thing about lice - one can infect a dozen and by then time that one is clean and back, those other dozen reinfect that one again. It's a vicious circle.
- Anonymous9 years ago
Our daughter had lice ONCE around that age. We used the shampoo on not only her but me too (the mother). As much as parents want to deny it we might have it too and it is better to be safe than sorry.
So, I used the shampoo and I left it in slightly longer than it said to and then used the comb. I eventually got tired of the comb and started plucking hair for she did not have it bad. I then repeated a day before it recommended for slightly longer then the directions said AGAIN. She has not had lice since.
For her bedding I bought a furniture lice spray and sprayed the house down and left the house.
If you are truely doing everything right and you just can't make the lice go away it could be coming back from playing or shareing hats/coats at school/daycare or even anyone who comes over to play with your son often.
Try to educate your son about the importance of NOT shareing hats, scarfs, coats, jackets, or anything that may get close to his head.
Then cross your fingers.
- Jesus savesLv 69 years ago
There are natural head lice treatments,like neem,Tree tea oil and citronella.You can get these in a shampoo.This fairy tales shampoo,you can get from the drug store.Bag everything up,for months or stick in the freezer,if possible.Use 1 towel for each person in the home.Treat all family members.1 blanket.Don`t share combs ,towels and bedding.Did you boil the combs?Get some essential oil,citronella.You can treat pillows,furniture,even put this in the hair.It is a natural lice repellant.
- Anonymous5 years ago
the shop shampoos by no capability worked for me--that they had kill the adults, however the eggs would be positive. I spray apple cider vinegar into my hair till this is saturated, then enable it sit down for a a million/2 an hour, making particular it would not dry out. Then I wash my hair. This kills the grownup lice, in spite of the incontrovertible fact that it additionally unsticks the eggs, so they are going to comb stunning out. try this for 2 or 3 days, and wash all your bedding and vacuum each thing, and the lice ought to flow away. Even interior the worst of situations, this merely takes a week!
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- Anonymous9 years ago
When my youngest brother (he was 3 at the time) had lice we shaved his head bald. We shaved his head over the tub and lots of lice and hair and eggs fell into it. It may seem nasty or disgusting, but he didn't have lice and still doesn't have lice. Your son shouldn't have lice for a while if you shave his head. Please feel free to email me to see if this works or not.
Source(s): My mom - some_day_nowLv 59 years ago
It sounds like he is getting them again some another source. When I was in Mexico a number of tourists had stories how when they contracted lice (or worse) They stayed in a chlorinated pool and that did the trick. Chlorine not only kills the parasite but the larva and egg too (so this tourist cure goes).
One person I talked to was so freaked over this that she stayed in to pool too long and received chlorine burns, she cured herself though.
- Erin LLv 59 years ago
It may not be the treatment. He may keep getting them at school. Or they may be on something in the house you haven't cleaned well enough. Make sure you vacuum couches very well, your car, etc. Make sure any jackets the family has worn are washed well. Maybe even curtains need to be washed if you haven't gotten rid of them. Make sure another family member isn't going untreated and continuing to reinfect your son. Good luck.
- 9 years ago
Use listerine! Look up directions online! It works really well! Trust me. I've had lice more than once, and it's always worked with me. And I have hair that goes past my waist.
- 9 years ago
Are you treating EVERY member of the household?
Washing his bedding and spraying the fabric surfaces his head comes into contact with at home or in the car?
He could be getting re-infested from one of these sources. I know plenty of kids who were getting re-infested by their own mother!
- Anonymous9 years ago
Give him a short haircut, and try the chlorine pool treatment.