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I was watching a video on the Winds of Jihad site for today and guess what?

There was a guy on claiming the native American indians were Muslims,do you consider this possible or just another ridicules claim to justify the Islamic wish to take over the U.S.A,I think it is laughable,let me have your views


Babylon,would you try to answer the question,I am interested the peoples opinions,remember this forum is called answers and not Babylons rants.

Update 2:

Thanks Sha,mone,will look at this later.

Update 3:

Good to see the Americans and one of the native Americans hitting this daft idea out of the ballpark,it seems Muslims will claim anything and hope they can bluff everyone else.

Update 4:

S.W 11,I think the native Americans believed in nature and animal spirits,remember "Spirit in the Sky"the great spirit and mother Earth.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    We have been here in our country for many thousands of years. Islam is only around 1500 yrs old, having arisen in the 7th or 8th century. I know that there are some Native converts to Islam, just like there are to other imported faiths, but that is modern, not ancient. The old ways of my people and our neighbors for a couple states away have absolutely no similarity to Islam. The guy is lying.

    Source(s): Calif NDN
  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It's totally ridiculous. They will lie at anytime, about anything. So now they're trying to say muslims are native Americans? LOL. Idiots.

    If you get a chance you should watch this video ''Undercover Mosque'' It shows how some mosques in Britain are actually set up to try and destroy the British and all of the UK. There are a couple of muslims from America in this video also. An undercover British man goes into these mosques and gets the real story on what they're doing in many mosques. They speak of taking over America also. I'm sure they do this at many mosques in America too, but this is a documentary I found. They are planning on taking over all of the West. They need to all be deported. What the hell is wrong with our government's for letting these barbaric savages into our country's...

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Hahahaha - the Indians are really Muslims? That's beautiful. However - intensely stupid ideas like this are not anything new... We have a Mormon moron running for President right now who believes the American Indians are decedents of travelers from the Middle East.

    the deal with these sorts of beliefs is..... you GOT to find the very stupidest thing imaginable - and this is what you preach. The stupidity has to be beyond stupid - totally bombastic. This way morons wonder "What if it's REALLY TRUE???"

    This is how the lies on FOX FAKE "News" and Lush Limbo are constructed. Look at the SwiftBoat lies used against Kerry in 2004. Stupid people want their lies REALLY stupid. Look at the ongoing Horror Alarms put out by Glenn Beck.... drunks love this stuff.

  • 9 years ago

    Muslim is a religion & the Indians were here long before Muhammad started Islam. Indians may have come from China or mid eastern countries, but to say they are Muslims is a long stretch of the Imagination..

    Haven't seen any mosques on any of the Indian reservations that I have visited, just a lot of casinos raking in the money..


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  • It is ridiculous.

    There is no shortage of religious peoples trying to lay claim to us, as a means to validate their religions. In truth, the vast majority of Native spiritualities contain no deities at all. Nor does Islam's view of women resonate well with the fact that most Native cultures are matrilineal. Propaganda nonsense.

    Want to see some more, from another religious group?

    These guys are the Nuwaubians.....they claim to be the original inhabitants of North America, that us Natives descended from only a couple thousand years ago. Their religion is mainly Muslim, with a dash of alien cult added in.

    Source(s): gods...and certainly NO Islam here.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Well they would say that wouldn't they, and they'd probably say the same about the fairies that live at the bottom of my garden, they do you know, honest, live at the bottom of my garden, I've seen em, I have you known, fairies I'm on about not Muslin's, got none of them at the bottom of my garden, no Muslin's.

    Who gives a monkeys what they claim the native American indians were, as sadly today there's not that many if any full blooded native American indians left.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    PMSL at this one!!! If this fallacy is true then why don't the noble American Indians worship mohammed. I do believe that they pray to a Greater Being and pay great respect to living and innate objects. I have just googled A I religion and it is a complicated worship of many things and has many different aspects. NOWHERE does it say anything about islam so another lie is being perpetuated.

  • Some Muslims are big talkers. Do they seem like they will stop Israel from building the Third Temple in Jerusalem? They can't stop it. The conflict is leading up to a seven year false peace deal in the Middle East. All the Antichrist will be able to do is a time-limited deal. Jesus is going to solve these issues permanently.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


    Funny only if you realise they all lie,all the time.

    Profit of Pee(s) PMSL.

    Or crying.

    Islam IS The Enemy.

  • 9 years ago

    well i think it is difficult to prove that considering they were wiped out by the Europeans (Americans of today) before anything could be established

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