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What would you change about the wrestling section of Y/A?

besides obvious things like trolling what bothers you the most when you come to YA wrestling section>?

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. Get rid of the thumbs up/down buttons; they aren't used correctly. Most of us use the thumbs down button because we don't agree with an answer; that's not what it's for. Thumbs down are for bad answers, not answers differing in opinion from our's. The "thumbs down" trolls spam the thumbs down button and renders it meaningless, as well. Thumbs up aren't earned around here, either. Generally, the answers with the most thumbs up are meaningless "I agree" answers containing few words, while those who put some time and effort into their answers get few thumbs up because few of us even bother to read them. Because thumbs up do gain you some points if you get Best Answer, those "bonus points" aren't being distributed fairly. As mentioned above, cheaters with multiple accounts pad out their points total with numerous thumbs up for their own answers, attempting to give the impression that said cheater is actually a knowledgeable user who earned those points.

    2. Restrict "reporting" privileges to level 3 and above. While everybody has to start at the beginning, "good users" will work their way up, advancing through levels, and trolls and those "backup" multiple accounts rarely even get to level two, yet they can and are used to cause problems for "good users" just because they can. Nobody should be able to just open new accounts and immediately start reporting any- and everything they want. You should have to EARN that privilege.

    3. Get rid of the asking for stars thing. If the question is interesting it will get starred. Some users base their choices for Best Answer on who starred the question, no matter the answer given. That's wrong.

    4. Lengthen the minimum time allotted for choosing Best Answer. Many is the time I've written an answer, clicked "submit", only to find that the question posted just an hour or so ago was resolved as I was writing my answer, wasting my time that could have been spent answering other questions. The minimum time (in my opinion) should be 24 hours, but it seems most of us don't have the patience for that, so a "better" time would be a minimum of 8 hours after posting before the question can be resolved.

    5. Yahoo should appoint 2 or 3 users (in all sections, not just this one) to act as moderators and given the authority to immediately delete questions/answers that violate the Terms and Guidelines. And they should also be given the authority to answer/resolve violation appeals. The users chosen in each section would be long-time veterans OF that section and will know what's "acceptable" (or not) in that section. What's acceptable in one section's "community" is not necessarily acceptable in other sections. Yahoo claims that "community moderation" is the best way to police each section but the system is flawed and broken given that anybody can create 30 accounts and mass-report anybody they want and get them suspended. Then the suspended user has to fight to get his/her account restored, which is opposite of the "innocent until proven guilty" basis for our court system. Y!A's flawed "community moderation" system assumes "guilty until proven innocent" and, show of hands, how many of us have ever gotten a violation overturned on first appeal? Y!A's reporting system assumes "guilty" no matter what. That's wrong.

  • 5 years ago

    Now not relatively, apparently after 2008 lots of the customers within the part were both wrestling fans beneath the age of 15 or anyone who relatively has no clue on what occur earlier than 2000. The popular users just like the Dragon, Chicago Knight, Clark W and some others i have learn alot simply from reading there solutions.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    What bothers me are users asking VERY good question, which after I answer thoroughly, only find out that I, along with many other users, were cheated out of getting a Best Answer because some "other" user asked a question and gave themselves Best Answer, which is very frustrating because all my research and planning goes to waste, plus it just gets people mad basically.

    Some examples are:;_ylt=Am...;_ylt=Ap...;_ylt=Av...

    Whats bad is not the fact good answers are picked, its the fact that one user can waste so many other's time to answer his/her questions only to make the others realize they've been duped.

    Then there's this bad habit of users giving biased Best Answers to others, might it be their "friends" whom they have to please through, or there are some users who just give Best Answer to those who "agree" with THEIR opinions, as in if someone asks "Do you think Edge is overrated? I think so" and if you give them a long detailed answer, they will still pick the person who agrees and says "yes Edge IS overrated because...." See? This section is very unfair sometimes.

    Another factor is Length of answers, some just think a longer answer is the best, while most of content might be just fillers. The thing is, if user A describes the answer in 5 lines and is correct, then the user B who ALSO explained the same answer with 20 lines shouldn't get the Best Answer, unless of course it ISN'T all fillers and provides interesting points and information.


    Also I don't like this idea of E-feds "within" the Wrestling Section, as fun as others might seem to say it is, its NOT what this site is for, and it really ruins the atmosphere of the site. If you guys want a site to play E-feds, make a Webs account and make your own web site there.

    That's basically it, now trolls will always be there, so best to ignore them, which I've done for months now. So yes, basically, cheaters, and E-feds are the current problem of Wrestling Section aside from the usual trolling. The Feds have lessened in the past few weeks, now if we can root out these cheaters by reporting them, it would help alot for this section's betterment.

    Thats all for now.

    Source(s): YOU GOT ANSWERED
  • I think that users about Level 3 should allow to report or block, because I've noticed a lot of trolls have been reporting users for no reason at all, and I had to appeal many times just to regain control of my account.

    To also add to what Frosty said, the e-feds must just go away. This is the main reason why good users mostly leave the Section because of these scenarios. The are sites for e-feds to go to, but we don't need this just for popularity agendas. It is a Question and Answer site in the first place.

    I mean look at these for example:

    I mean it is really not relevant to the fullest. If you want to roleplay, they can just join other sites where it is mainly for role playing, doing promos and battling each other. We need to purify this chat from that predicament.

    Another thing that I forgot to mention, but it seems that Frosty also answered is that there are some questions where the answers are so short, or just one single word, and it gets selected as best answer. I find that contemptible because some users here try to give as much information and try to make each answer worth meaning, but when it comes to a question, either they make another account and just type anything, and they get Best Answer. It is just a waste of time.

    That's about it.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    People asking why do we watch wrestling and saying that UFC is the only good thing to watch because wrestling is fake and gay. They are not even trolling when they say this these guys really are that stupid.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago




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