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I have always mistrusted Obama but this latest piece of crime against human rights has shocked me,thoughts?

The Obama Administration has purged the section on religious freedom from the Human Rights reports from the State Department,is he now giving manic Muslim supremacists the green light to continue their attacks on Christians and other religions in Islamic controlled countries,when questioned about the disgraceful attack on Christians in Egypt he refused to comment and walked away,I feel this man should in court for crimes against humanity.


Petty political manoeuvring,I would not call this petty,this is a sell out to Islamic war lords and I have read reports Obama was raised as a Muslim,his past is questionable to say the least so I feel Obama should be impeached and removed as president,traitor.

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Can you believe I used to be an Obama supporter? I was until just a little over a year ago. I wanted so badly to believe in him, that even when he did things that were unsettling, I would think, it was just me. I always defended him ''always'' It got to the point of hearing and seeing him do so many unAmerican things that I had to come out of my denial. I was actually shocked into reality when he allowed muslims to build their multicultural building so damn close to ground zero.They (muslims) call it the ground zero mosque. There were many other places they could have built it ''but'' they fought to have it built ''THERE!!'' I saw the protests on the news, even family members of the 9/11 victims were protesting in New York. They were protesting for it not to be built there. Muslims were out there protesting also... fighting to get this built where their brothers in Islam murdered 3000 Americans.

    In 2010,I kept saying, Obama will not allow a mosque there. I was wrong. Obama said he did this (said yes to the muslims, even though it was killing many of us inside) to show the world that Americans can be fair, he said yes to the muslims. He was being so unfair to his country that it made me so sick. It hurt deep inside. I felt it personally. I decided that day I would vote against Obama for President come election day. After this nothing about Obama surprises me. I see him now, for exactly who he is. If he gets another term, we will be screwed. Obama is for muslims, not for Christians or ''anyone'' else. This is who he is, it's very clear to see he is trying to destroy our country.

    Nothing about Obama surprises me anymore. How much clearer can he get about who he's for and who he's against for people to wake up...

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    It is not just the USA,touching the forelock to Islam.

    The Western World is desperately kissing A**e because of the amount of oil,controlled by the Stone Age Political Movement disguised as a Religion.

    We are all being sold out.

    Europe.Britain,USA,because the Corporations need Oil to continue holding the reins of Power.

    And Petrodollars come from Islamic Oil.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago


    The West has borrowed Trillions, YES TRILLIONS, from China, the Middle East and many Islamic nations.

    If we upset them, they will pull their investments with ONE PHONE CALL and you will see Economic Armageddon.

    Don't you see.... The reason why the UK, the USA and the EU cannot allow our banks to fail and HAVE to print money is because it's not OUR money that would be lost..... IT'S THEIRS.

    So the Politicians of ALL COLOURS will have to bow and scrape to keep our new masters happy...

    Source(s): All major business news outlets....
  • 9 years ago

    The USA has not signed up to the Internatational Convention of Human RIghts because some US courts allow the execution of children - and your worried about a bit of petty politcal manouvering?

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    No worries, there is a giant movement going on across our country as we speak. Come this November Obama will be looking for a new job.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Oil is the main thing that world powers are most interested in

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    telling children "jesus is the only way" or "mohammad is the last prophet" is BULLYING.

    conversion is BULLYING.

    putting an image of a man nailed to a cross into children's minds is CHILD ABUSE.

    child protection will destroy christianity, a roman invention.

    women's liberation will destroy islam.

    both the bible and the koran end with marijuana growing everywhere.

    crusade and jihad are evil religious wars.

    thou shalt not kill.

    the taliban are all afghanis defending afghanistan.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Yes he's a shady character.

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