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Since Jehovah's Witnesses are scrupulous tax payers, wouldn't it be unfair to say we are not charitable?

Taxes often pay for charity. Since we, Jehovah's Witnesses, pay taxes it can never be said we are not charitable.


I'm not boasting, but I was in the U.S. Army. Many of my forefathers were in the U.S. military also. Many of them cheated on their taxes. I didn't join the U.S. military to see homes taken away by Freddie Mac, and Fannie May. I joined to see that people could get homes and live decent lives. The State of California-the State I live in- has 8 billion dollars in debt. If people didn't cheat on their taxes I believe this wouldn't be happening and the need for charity would be mitigated. I pay my taxes, every single penny of them. I do this in hope that others, and myself, will benefit by them. Why poverty in a land of plenty? Why homelessness? Because, the no matter how much money you give, there will always be those in need. God's kingdom (Luke 4:43) is mankind's only hope out of such dire straights.

Update 2:

P.S. Why don't the U.S. Senators or others in the mix lose their homes? How is it that they always have the best health care known to man? It's because of greed and nothing more. If I pay my taxes, it's in hope that all people will benefit from my payments. Then, in like, if I pay charity, and those who benefit from charity go right back into the U.S. system, I wonder how far charity goes; use your head.

Update 3:

P.S.S. My tax dollars should go to help anybody in need, not just the sanctioned privilaged. It steams me to see my tax dollars not go to help those who need help to keep their homes, jobs, or to get quality health care. Yet, I don't put my trust in dollars, but in God, Jehovah God's spirit.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Jesh, people just don't get it. We don't participate in politics, we do not support wars, but we do take care of our civic responsibilities, including paying our taxes and obeying the law.

    And as individuals some of us do give to charities. And we take care of each other when there is a need. When we served for a year in Alabama where the need was great we went through severe financial problems due to lack of work. But our spiritual brothers and sisters helped us out, no so much with money, but with food and even gas for field service. We never lacked anything in those few months.

    Galatians 6:10 "Really, then, as long as we have time favorable for it, let us work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to [us] in the faith."

    There is much injustice in the world, and only Jehovah's kingdom can take care of it.

    Paisley Moon

  • 9 years ago

    Taxes are taken out involuntarily while charity is always optional. Parting with your tax dollars because you're legally obligated to is not the same as choosing to give someone the money from your wallet.

    So yes, it's perfectly fair to say that a person who pays taxes but gives nothing more out of the mere kindness of his heart is uncharitable.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Jehovah's Witnesses go over and beyond to be honest in their paying of taxes. Also, unlike those that are apostate and say there is no giving of the poor, all anyone has to do is click on our official web-site or even pay attention to the news. It is true however, that many things like that are not broad-casted and for good reason. It is not to "Blow our own horn", just as the scriptures as NOT to.

    Our main focus is the preaching and teaching work. Right now that is very critical. Along with it is telling others to live honest lives. :) Matt. 24:14, Matt. 28:19, 20

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    That is a good point. Most people that avoid paying taxes by cheating or beating the system are actually not doing their part to contribute to local or federal societies. Tax paying dollars pay for police, firemen, schools, government agencies which in turn include paying for programs that help the poor. The wealthy find ways to "beat the system" (I know I am an accountant) and may contribute to the charities of their choice that do not even help the poor.

    So in an indirect way, Jehovah's Witness are contributing, not only voluntarily out of their own pocket to help people in need, but also involuntarily by paying our taxes because we are accountable to Jehovah if we do not.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    That's like saying you're an outstanding citizen because you obey the law. Paying tax doesn't make you charitable, or not charitable enough so that it's noteworthy. Everyone does it, so it's not special.

    You can still be a charitable individual however, regardless of your faith.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I not only pay taxes I also give a % of my income to hungry children. But it is the responsibility of the government to take care of its citizens. That is why we pay taxes.

    They governments cannot do the job they were put in power to do, that is why Jehovah's Witnesses vote for God's kingdom to come and solve all of these problems.

  • 9 years ago

    @ C. C. A. Not true, a cult is a group that operates in secret. Jim Jones and Jonestown, Guyana (spelling) was a cult. The Branch Davidian in Waco, TX was based on the rantings if David Koresh was a cult. We do nothing in secret. Our Kingdom Halls are open to the public. We do nothing in secret. We follow scriptural teachings of the Bible. Jesus said love your neighbor as yourself, In PA, we have had many floods. We have helped our neighbors. You should visit a Kingdom Hall and see how you are treated. We do not convert anyone. We teach what is in the Bible, the Truth!

    Why do you show so much animosity towards us?

  • 9 years ago

    As usual the only people that agree with this stance are other witnesses.

    Taxes have been around for a very long time. They pay for infratructure.

    Why did Jesus say in so many places to help the poor. Why don't those same passages say like you think to just pay your taxes and let the poor be the Government's problem.

    I have never met another group of people so against being charitable and helping the poor.

    Many countries require religions to post their financials and in these countries the Watchtower's only charitable donations are the surplus profits being "donated" to the world wide work in Brooklyn.

    It is excuses. Witnesses wish that the Watchtower honored the parts of the bible where Jesus called down evil on selfish rich people and promoted for his followers to help the poor. But they don't and are left with excuses and justifications like this.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    What is required cannot count as charity. Just as tithes and offerings are very different things. You owe Him the first 10%, the rest you give out of love and/or gratitude. Motivation is everything.

    Source(s): The Pharisees and the widow
  • 9 years ago

    Paying taxes is legally and scriptural required, and the vast majority of tax dollars go to governmental programs that are not by any stretch of the imagination "charitable". So I personally would never consider taxes as contributing to charity or being charitable.

    However Jehovah's Witnesses individually and organizationally are charitable. Millions of dollars are spent each year by individual Jehovah's Witnesses and by various legal entities used by Jehovah's Witnesses to help our fellow worshipers and their neighbors to recover from disasters, and to recover from personal losses.

    In doing so we follow the apostolic pattern laid down in the first century. Just as Paul encouraged the Corinthians to set aside funds to help their brothers in Judea, we are encouraged to donate funds that can be used for disaster relief. Capable men are appointed to oversee such efforts just as some were appointed in the first century to oversee the distribution of relief funds and food to those in the Jerusalem congregation who were in need. There are numerous examples of Jehovah's Witnesses not only being some of the first to respond to disaster but also being looked to as a reliable source of aid and coordination of relief by secular authorities and corporations.

    On a personal level Jehovah's Witnesses participate in acts of charity and kindness. In our local congregation for example - several thousand dollars was raised not only to help a young sister get needed surgery but also to help a boy who was not one of Jehovah's Witnesses to get the same surgery. None of this was mandated or directed by some "foundation" but by the loving desire of our spiritual family to help others. Both our young sister and her friend will get their surgeries on Monday.

    No honest observer could EVER claim that Jehovah's Witnesses did not follow the scriptural mandate to look after "orphans and widows in their tribulation". And those who oppose Jehovah's Witnesses simply will never be satisfied until Jehovah's Witnesses follow THEIR personal viewpoints, interpretations, and thinking.

    Source(s): the facts
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