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Depression - ways to improve how you feel?

I don't really want to go into full detail, but I'm depressed and have been for a long time. I self harm and I've tried to end my life a few times. The thing is, I find it so hard to open up to anyone. I have to see a therapist every now and then but I really do refuse to open up. I hate talking about myself, I even hate writing this right now because I just feel like a waste of your time. I feel very trapped, I don't want to see anyone or do anything. I may as well not be here, there is very little point. I just wanted to know if you could recommend ways of improving this feeling? Just anything would help but I refuse to go on any medication, it's quite pathetic really. Thank you, sorry

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Initially when I had it, I was feeling very bad. Then I became sad. Ultimately I was about to become mad. Like you, I also don't like medication. Then based on advice from my wise friends, I joined Yoga and Meditation classes. In yoga, they taught lot of physical exercises coupled with mental exercises to keep my body and mind always fit, trim and strong. Now I am better. They have helped to regain physical self-discipline, mental control and social orderliness. Moreover, I am now also able to maintain some highest level of moral standards.

    Source(s): own
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Take the medication. Or, smoke marjiuwana for this medicinal purpose. That's what will have the greatest impact on your mood. You don't have to be stoned all the time, but I don't care what people say rolling a spiff as a way to relax or have a spiritual experience is significantly healthier than self harming or plotting suicide. The other day I received some bad news and I balled my eyes out crying so much that I couldn't breath and had extreme suicidal thoughts. Instead of acting on them I put on some music went for a run and then sparked up. Quite possibly the happiest I had been in a long time, helped me to sort things out inside my head.

    Other things you can try is do something social, that reduces depression. Exercise helps to boost your confidence. When I was depressed last year I joined a gym and got healthy, it did make me feel much happier.

  • 9 years ago

    why dont you look online for groups that give eachother for support with depression. Google depression thread groups online and see what you find maybe you'll feel better behind the computer screen rather than in person with a therapist. You might be more comfortable and be able to get what you need to say out of you rather than holding it all in. Holding all those feelings in is no good it makes you do stupid stuff. Ending your life does what? All that would do is break apart what family you. That is NOT the answer!! Talk it out and when you get those urges to just end your life. Hang in there and DONT do it call somebody just to get your mind off of it and change the subject. maybe go for a walk. Eventually you should really seek help in person from a pychiatrist. Believe me you'll probably be a nervous wreck going but honestly if you think of it they deal with way more crazy people than you can imagine so start slow and progress your methods of help ok!! good luck

  • 9 years ago

    Well I'm much like you. I won't take meds either. They don't always help anyways. And it's very hard for me to open up to people as well. Sometimes writing it down can help though. I know it sounds dumb to keep a journal but it can help you keep track of feelings. And what helped me was listening to music and drawing. Drawing very detailed pictures that i'd hafta focus so hard on to draw that by the time i was done i would have forgotten what was going on. And that trained me to become exrtremely skilled and i have even turned some of my ideas into tattoos. Now i draw when im stressed and it still makes me feel better. Idk what kinda person you are but listen to music or do something you like. Call your best friend to come over and do crazy stuff together. Just experiment to find out what works. But do not feel like you are wasting anyone's time. Take people's advice and try finding a reason to do things again. Be patient and you'll find one. :)

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  • 9 years ago

    Depression is common and serious. You can feel better, yes, but you need to be willing to seek help. You should get to a doctor soon, and be prescribed anti-depressants. The new ones work very well, and do not dope you, make you feel weird, etc. They merely help get your serotonin levels back to normal. Please do this. After 2-3 weeks, you will start to feel better.

    Once you are on the medication, and it starts to work, you will be better able to deal with the depression.

    Here are the facts:

    Best treatment = medication (SSRIs) with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

    2nd best = medication alone

    3rd best = therapy alone

    You don't need to keep feeling that way.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Yeah, there's a coupla things.

    I don't know what your diet is like, but try taking a Vitamin B complex.

    What happens is a lack of B makes you feel depressed, and it's a downward spiral. So try a good B vitamin. Vitamins aren't drugs: a food or a vitamin supplies nutrients; a drug steals nutrients.

    Second, try working out. It raises endorphin levels naturally. So Wii Fit or Dance Partner or something equivalent.

    Third, get a friend. Could be on-line or whatever, but someone who you can encourage and who can encourage you; someone who needs you.

  • 9 years ago

    well by doing these things your not helping yourself. talking does actually help i mean it dosnt make it better it dosent change it but the point is people know how you feel and you feel better after when people know how you feel also its userally quite helpful to get someone elses perspective on things than them just swirling around in your head locked, i can understand not opening up to the therapist as shes a stranger and and you meet in some room every few weeks but family friends anyone if they even ask how your feeling open up challange yourself dont give a 1 or 2 word answer force yourself to keep saying more and more words and explainations of how your feeling ill just speak for a few more minutes, hard easy to think im not worth it no point im gonna shut away but these things do help after and even iff it didnt at least you have acheved something but let people know whats going on. and if there is a medication out there that will work for you take it, i frustrate everyone by not taking mine but thats because the extent that can get me up to i can get to myself cuz i dont feel im even going to get fully better but if you havnt tried any please do it may ease the feelings. did you used to want to see people and do things? if so you can get back to that little things like even just being in public i used t not even come out of my bedroom to see my brother he had to speak through the door and iv not been out much the last few days so one day maby tomorrow i might go down to my nans (its the only place i go and dont feel under pressure) and ill see my dad because he will drop me off there ill see my nan and uncle at my nans house, ill chat and watch tv with her then ill possibly go to the supermarket with my mom so that will be acheving something and being around more people and doing something instead of locking myself away i hope you can build some positive actions yourself. anyone who asked you how you are or anyone you want to go and have a chat to about your feelings go to and chat its ok you have the right to speak about it you do, there isnt a reason why you should not speak. try and think of ways you can untrap your mind.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    To get over with your depression you have to relax and have a break. Give time of yourself like vacation. Let go all the negative thoughts and focus on the positive attitude you have.

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