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Lv 7
? asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 9 years ago

Why does it make some guys angry when a women says she can be independent and doesn't want assistance?

As a man it baffles me when other guys get upset over stupid stuff. If they want to handle things themselves then why should that insult you? They didn't say they wanted to get rid of us or that they didn't care for us as the other half of the species, its just that they don't want to be treated like children who can't fend for themselves. They want us to respect them as capable adults who can handle their own lives. That doesn't affect men whatsoever.


This is not meant to insult anyone in anyway its just a question.

Update 2:

Aww, Mr boss and I so wanted your approval..LOL!

Update 3:

Yes I really wanted an answer "a concerned citizen" And I really don't care what it is. I don't expect everyone to agree with me that the whole point of asking questions. So answer any way you want its cool. As a person whose never reported anyone, All opinions are welcome. Anyone can give their opinion I'm not looking for people to agree with me just give me their take on things. :)

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Could be a few things. Could be something so simple as they see independence as rejection. Could be something as sinister as they want a woman who is dependent so that they can more easily abuse and control her.

    I don't personally know many men who like dependent women. Usually they find them burdensome or annoying. The men I've known who were vocal about their preference for women who "take a backseat" tend to like childish women. The men I've always been drawn to find childish women creepy.

  • 7 years ago

    It's mostly the fault of a tradition and the adverse effects it has on both men and women. A woman tends to associate respectability with financial security, thereby equating herself mans better if, being a woman, she yet can do what has been exclusively his lot. This is why most marriages involving career women and men wind up in divorce. She simply doesn't respect him as much because she has taken on a role formerly limited to men and her definition of that role is that it alone makes one worthy of respect and obedience, so they are at a stalemate.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    those critical men have a chip on their shoulder about women. they see independence as part of being a feminist, which clearly men on this site absolutely hate. women can control their own lives and are more self-sufficient than in the past. that's a good thing because people want to feel as if they are contributing to society in one way or another. i personally don't like people who drain others emotionally and financially when they want things done for them. those men who have problems with new age women are living in the past and have control issues.

  • 9 years ago

    It's always going to be something; a roller coaster; so roll with it; get involved in a considerate way; have interaction.. You really wouldn't want the alternative of nothing at all.

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  • 9 years ago

    Most likely she is full of crap that's why! Most females who claim that still depend on men very much. Most jobs simply could not afford to have women if men did not work there to close the gap women create so therefore women still depend on men. Plus look at all the females on welfare men pay the most taxes and women use the most taxes. Woman have a long long long long way to go before they can claim independence. Hell how many could effectively get by without the TECHNOLOGY men have created!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Because of insecurity in many traditional men. The see it as their birth right to be provider and protector of women and when women say they don't need help it bursts his bubble and he feels part of what makes him feel like a man is gone. Guys like this just need to get over themselves and learn its not all about them.

  • 9 years ago

    You feel this way because you are a a well balanced, mentally whole and healthy, self-secure man. You know - a REAL man. You aren't threatened by anyone else's independence. You know that healthy people choose to be with one another for positive reasons instead of complementary inadequacies. SO good to see...

  • Do you really expect an answer to this question? The truth is men try to be nice to women now or days and women take it to extremes either insulting them for being nice or treating them like slaves and men are getting tired of it, its the women not the men who take offense for no reason and unjustly attack men.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The reason why people get mad is the way that she says it. She makes you feel like you are a piece of ****.

  • 9 years ago

    High testosterone levels? Hell, I'd be grateful for a girl who can do her own stuff.

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