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Anonymous asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 9 years ago

Why don't feminists have a problem with victim blaming when the victim is male?

The other day, Madgie posted an argument where she stated that a woman hitting a man isn't the same as a man hitting a woman because no matter what happens, the man is stronger, and he can always walk away. This statement has been touted by feminists and whipped "enlightened men" quite a bit, so I feel it needs questioning.

First of all, the statement itself is ignorant of many of the cases of female-on-male domestic violence, in which a woman may be the bigger one, or in which women have evened the playing field by using weapons or cunnings. For example, in recent years, more stories have come out about men being castrated in their sleep or tied up and then castrated by the women they were involved with. Centers for domestic violence have reported getting an equal number of male victims as female victims, and they've reported dealing with several men who've been sent to the hospital after having broken glass put in their food by a lover.

But putting all this aside, I still can't see how Madgie's argument is any less "victim blaming" than when non-feminists say a woman who got raped was at fault for dressing a certain way or going to a dangerous part of town alone. In that situation, feminists are quick to jump the gun and tout the cry of "victim blaming." You can't so much as suggest that maybe women should take some precautions to protect themselves from getting raped without being bombared by feminists telling you that's a small-minded notion because no matter what, no one deserves to be raped, and it's that kind of mentality that puts the blame on the victim and not the criminal and that's terrible and small-minded.

Okay, if all that is true, how is it any better to blame a man who hits a woman in self defense for not walking away? Isn't that also a small-minded notion that puts the blame on the victim and not the criminal? How are the two any different?

10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    In the same token why can't a woman walk away instead of hitting a man but he's expected to. Double standard. It sounds like I'm a victim because I'm making myself one but don't blame me is going on here.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Two reasons:- Most people believe that Women are victims and that Men are not. And, secondly, By pursuing a course of justice for Men You are detracting from Women's Issues, and Society can not concentrate on two similar issues at the same time without making a compromise that effects both. It is better to get legislation on the books and then work out the detail than it is to squabble over resources and priorities. Question: When was the last time a Woman was convicted for a crime of Rape against a Man? I don't mean carnal knowledge of a boy, I mean the good old, "He was asleep, but what the heck......." story? Lets have a test case and see how long it takes for the ripple effect to get the funding for the shelters and support groups out of the Government's coffers and into the hands of the Men and Women who are dealing with the victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault!

  • 9 years ago

    People who think that the victims were "asking for it" or had it coming are twisted. The biggest problem is that feminists, instead of beliving in equality have ended up on a path where they want to be superior to men. Being a feminist in its true sense has been lost. Whoever this Madgie is, its not anyone I'd want to be acquainted with, sounds horrendously stubborn. You'd expect feminists to have a forward way of thinking yet they still follow such typical gender stereotypes. I guess I don't fall under feminist or non-feminist but rather an equalist as all humans should be

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Eh..she also argued that feminism is the best thing to happen for men. I hope it was a joke.

    A typical feminist viewpoint I often notice is "men did so-and-so for so long, now it's our turn."

    So, instead of fixing their perceived inequality, they want vengeance.

    This is significant because it's hypocritical. It's not about equality, it's about supremacy and a misguided sense of social justice....getting even under the guise of getting equality.

    They're so used to getting their way with their incessant victim mentality that they really don't expect people to argue.

    They say they hate stereotypes of women but constantly use the same ones to their advantage when arguing their side.

    The two points you've mentioned are no different at all. But they seem to feel it's justifiable because "women are oppressed."

    Vengeance, getting even, victim mentality, lack of accountability...all characteristics of mainstream feminists and their deluded supporters.

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  • 9 years ago

    I've lived in some of the worst urban areas in the political and social wasteland known as North America. And I've "lived some very questionable lives." And yes, I've been involved in physical altercations

    Yet this constant talk of casual violence that all of these questions always deal with are very unrealistic, when such incidents are far less common in our backward society than, say, car accidents or on-the-job injuries due to crappy labor standards. Yes, even when you include the "crazy guy in the mall with a gun" stuff.

    I don't understand what's so hard for people get. The standard for a civilized person to use violence is - "defense to stop imminent physical harm -." No other. Nothing. Nothing more, nothing less. Male or female. Regardless of the whining or bellowing of the supporters of either side in an altercation.

    Why is this so hard for people to get?

  • 9 years ago

    While I have no idea what you are talking about, other than the bare bones of the story you provided, no one should hit anyone. We should all be in control of our emotions and rages.

    Violence is wrong.

    On the other hand, men can usually protect themselves better than a woman can. That doesn't excuse violence though.

    BTW a man I know who works with a domestic violence shelter would disagree with you. He says that women arrive there with their jaws hanging from their faces, that they have been beaten with iron poles so that you can hardly see the facial features, etc etc. Most men could save their lives when attacked by a woman - something a woman could struggle to do.

    As for the broken glass - that's attempted murder, not domestic violence.

    No one deserves to be raped. Not the grandmother who lives above the shop in my town, or my friend's daughter, or my daughter-in-law or the man in prison, or the schoolboy by his teacher.

    Sometimes we do use violence in self defence - how fortunate are those that are strong enough to be able to do so.

    But there is no place for violence in a civilised society. It is abhorrent, no matter what the gender of the victim or the perpetrator.

  • 9 years ago

    THEY DO. Actual feminists consider unequal treatment of ANY kind to be wrong - even if that means saying that a man has the right to hit a women in self-defense.

    @InvisibleMan - you know NOTHING about feminism - Don't confuse your blind hatred of women for facts.

    You think it's fair to judge ALL feminists by that standard - how about if I was judging all men by the raping, wife-beating standard- still fair?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    because feminists like TBB don't think that men are also victims of violence

  • 6 years ago

    They victim blame

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    "Because they're men and they can take it."

    Source(s): My wife tried to stab me and I was the one who spent the night in jail
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