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Lv 7
Dena asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 9 years ago

Has anyone ever tried the Green Coffee Bean Extract for weight loss and what is your results?

Today is Day 2 for me. I'm taking 800 mg. I take 2 pills in the morning. It's amazing how already it has curbed my appetite with absolutely no cravings. It doesn't leave you jittery at all. I'm very excited to see the outcome. Just wondering if anyone else out there has tried this and what results and even recommendations you have.

19 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You sound like the spam answers you’re getting, pushing out some product.

    Unlike your picture, you sound like a clueless teenage girl who can believe any crap.

    I can’t say that I have.

    Weight loss pills?

    You cannot really get in shape and improve your cardiovascular system by popping pills.

    I’d rather go the old fashioned way of just eating healthy and exercising.

    You never need to “curb your appetite” when you have a healthy fulfilling diet.

    Just exercising will curb your appetite. 2hrs after a good high carbs meal, you get a high blood sugar level and plenty of energy so you start exercising and about 30 min. in your THR zone, the body starts releasing chemicals to prevent pain/hunger so you can keep going. Those natural chemicals (endorphins, epinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine, among others) make you feel so good…happy, energetic (runner’s high).

    Then you cool down for 5 min., stretch for 15 min. and then take a shower (20 min. after your workout as you need to wait to stop sweating before you shower or you cannot dry after your shower if you’re still sweating) and then (30 min. after your workout) the chemicals wear off and hunger hits you like a ton of brick because you depleted your blood sugar level so you need to replenish and you can eat a well deserved snack/meal.

    Food cravings are a way for your body to communicate with you and let you know what missing nutrients you need. I answer my food cravings, whether it’s an urge to eat more protein to repair muscle mass (juicy filet mignon, steamed salmon or shellfish, eggs, chocolate milk, homemade lentils/rice soup, nuts…) or more sodium to retain water (chips…anything salty) or chocolate to get the natural antidepressants (+ awesome antioxidants) to make me feel better when my hormones fluctuates.

    Trying to eliminate or deny your food cravings is a way to tell your body “shut up, I’m not listening to you, and I don’t care if you know better than I do and just want to help and guide me”. Your body will eventually shut up if you’re not answering your food cravings and you’re left alone fumbling in the dark with no idea what you should eat.

    When you say “today is Day 2”...Make several months assessments, not weeks assessments (stupid) or 2 days assessments (?!?).

    Even for meds, you sometimes need 4 to 6 weeks to get the full impact so brace yourself.

    Green coffee bean extract are just like any other diet pills crap out there.

    Caffeine (coffee plants/beans, tea bushes) comes from plants and is natural, like nicotine (tobacco) or cocaine (coca plant) that also come from plants.

    You have no idea about the side effects as diet pills are “food supplements” and not FDA approved and therefore not regulated as drugs (just the real ones, available only by prescription, under a doctor’s supervision). You cannot expect safety, efficacy or purity control. It’s a buyer-beware market and if you’re a smart buyer, you beware enough to not fall for it. Some unregulated diet pills actually have more potent ingredients than prescription drugs but you’re on your own. Even if you keep all your receipts and proof of purchase, you won’t be able to sue the manufacturer when you need a transplant. You’ll die of organ failure and the manufacturer will be long gone as they close shop and restart another company (with the same crappy pill under another name) every 5 to 10 years.

    The “study” to justify that manufacturer to make bogus claims was of course conducted by that manufacturer, using a bunch of overweight and obese people (16 of them…hardly a statistic) in some countries where they cannot be sued, surely not the US. I think they used young Indians in India (22/26yo) so they were less likely to drop dead within the six months study.

    Caffeine is a huge diuretic and overweight/obese people have a lot of water weight so they lost a few pounds in 6 months.

    Of course, that “study” was never published in any medical journal as they would never publish a bogus study about 16 people popping diet pills for 6 months.

    On average, those 16 unfortunate poor Indian people, probably doing the study to get money to get food (skinny people are starving in India, if you’re obese and need more calories, you do drastic measures) lost 11% of their body weight in 6 months. As I said…caffeine = diuretic = water loss and dehydration. Also caffeine, like nicotine is a stimulant and suppresses appetite (in a bad way as you don’t get the nutrients that you need).

    If I would reach my 130lbs weight threshold, I would not need caffeine to dehydrate. I would choose to lose body fat…11% would be 14.3lbs x 3500 calories of exercising = 50050 calories of exercising divided by 26 weeks (6 months) = 1925 calories of exercising on a weekly basis…like 4 hours/week (8cal/min).

    If I could not find 4 hours in a week (that has 168 hours) to be physically active…yeah, I might as well pop pills and hope for the best, while getting weaker, flabbier and fatter.

  • 4 years ago

    make your cosmo 100 calories skinnier by mixing a raspberry infused vodka with club soda

  • Tammy
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    put less food out and youll take less in

  • 5 years ago

    invest in a standing desk like the ergotron workfit s 379 ergotron com or get crafty and raise your monitor and keyboard with books

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  • 5 years ago

    the rub on ground turkey is that its dry add some olive oil and finely blended onions to a turkey burger or turkey meatball to enhance its juiciness

  • 5 years ago

    tired of eating your salad on a plate fill a whole wheat pita with salad and a splash of lemon for a twist

  • 5 years ago

    spend 10 minutes a day walking up and down stairs

  • 5 years ago

    Keep a chalkboard in your kitchen and writedown your weekly meal plan

  • 5 years ago

    Portion size is very important even for foods that are good for you

  • 5 years ago

    try drinking skim milk at breakfast instead of juice overweight people who drank skim milk for breakfast ate fewer calories

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