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How hard would it be to move to Australia?

If Obama gets reelected, I plan on moving to Canada, the Virgin Islands, New Zealand or Australia. How difficult would it be to pack my bags and go? I'm sure there are many techical issues involving citizenship, etc.


Tony, to answer your question, because Australia is quite similar to the US in many ways--historically, culturally, etc. But is not suffering from a huge-global financial crisis like the US.

Update 2:

Tony, to answer your question, because Australia is quite similar to the US in many ways--historically, culturally, etc. But is not suffering from a huge-global financial crisis like the US.

7 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Very easy actually, fly to Indonesia and hope on a boat of asylum seekers.

    They let you straight into Australia and give you $10,000 Australian Dollars.

    Obtaining a visa and citizenship, etc is much harder and unnecessary.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    it extremely is much less puzzling to immigrate in case you have qualifications that Australia extremely needs, attempt staring on the legit website, or the Phil Down below software on channel 4 had some extremely reliable suggestion approximately shifting in another country. actual they are searching for people who've college tiers, or have secured a activity accessible. in case you positioned up a corporation in Australia you will might desire to hire a minimum of two human beings. they also have a shrink off age, human beings over 50 do no longer stand lots of of venture, in the event that they do get in they are in a position to't flow in the rustic returned, they might desire to stay in the comparable residing house! reliable success x

  • Brooky
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    How hard would it be to move to Australia?

    Depends on what skills you have to offer.

    It's doable if you have qualifications and experience in an occupation on the CSOL but you must also be able to pass the points test (only occupations on the first 6 pages of the CSOL are eligible for points tested visas) or you must have employer sponsorship. The CSOL Visas

    Otherwise, it's impossible.

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  • 9 years ago

    to immigrate to Australia you must be formally skilled and experienced in an occupation listed as needing workers,pass the points test,medical and character check

  • 9 years ago

    You go to the U.S. Embassy in Australia and just ask to revoke your citizenship in U.S. and convert into Aus Citizenship, why australia anyways?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Pretty easy actually

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