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Wirh the discovery of the Higgs boson how do christians how the universe was formed ?

With the Higgs boson now now found there is no question what created the universe as we know it. No it's not proof of a biblical god. I know what you christians are thinking "Well my dad can beat up your dad.

9 Answers

  • Bob D1
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Less dramatically, you may be closer to being right than you can possibly know right now. If the newly discovered boson is indeed the Higgs, and it is found to match the expected properties of the Higgs, it may change everything. It changes things, especially if the newly discovered Higgs particle turns out to be of a scalar nature. If all those things pans out, in principle at least, it may put us on the threshold of another scientific revolution that might be of the same order as Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. Knowing exactly how this boson gives other charge particles their mass, and knowing that the Higgs is a scalar may point to new physics and totally new science of nature that completes the symmetry, and complements current physics and cosmology.

    As I understand it, the data on this particle may take months to years in order to be fully analyze and draw conclusions from. Then there will likely be years after that for developing new theories and experiments designed to see how all that new information fits in with what we already understand about how the Universe actually works. As such, don't expect this new finding to change anything significantly in the short-term --- maybe in five or ten years from now.

    ("Higgs boson: Sometimes informally called the ... particle. Thought to be associated with a/the "Higgs field," which ends up giving various particles their different masses.")

    ("Higgs boson: A hypothetical boson; the only particle in the Standard Model of Particle Physics that has not yet been detected. The existence of the Higgs boson is predicted by the Higgs mechanism, the process that breaks electroweak symmetry and gives masses to elementary fermions. The Higgs is unstable, with a very short lifetime, and is not a candidate for dark matter.")

    ("Higgsino: A superpartner to the Higgs particle. Because Higgs particles are bosons, Higgsinos are fermions of spin rate 1/2.

    Higgs particle(s): In the standard model of elementary particles, the only known consistent description of the massive force carriers of the weak interaction (the Z-zero, W-plus, and W-minus bosons) requires the use of an elaborate procedure known as the spontaneous symmetry-breaking mechanism. In this mechanism, a Goldstone particle (or more than one Goldstone particle) "rolls" down an energy hill to allow the force carriers to gain mass. In all known realizations of this idea, there remains one spin-0 boson (or possibly more) with mass that allows all fermions to acquire mass.")

    ("Scalar: A quantity without direction---just a magnitude or number.")

    ("Scalar field: A quantum field associated with a spin-zero particle. In some circumstances, scalar fields can have nonzero vacuum energy, and so drive inflation.")

    ("Scalar: Real and mathematical objects that possess the following property: After an observer walks around them for any distance along a circular path, they are found to look the same as they did on the initial viewing.")


    The Great Courses in Astronomy, Cosmology, and Physics


    ("Especially allowing for a modicum of scientific and technologyical progress withhin the next few centuries, I believe that interstellar spaceflight at relativistic velocities to the farthest reaches of our Galaxy is a feasible objective for humanity.")

    Carl Sagan


    Best regards

    Best regards

    Source(s): self
  • 9 years ago

    Well, ..., Think of it this way; it is sort of like the architect of a building. You look at a building marveling at the the architecture and develop theories as to how the building might have been built. As you begin to examine the building you marvel at the work, find some standard practices, as well as, some surprises but on the whole it all makes sense. Even though the architect doesn't live in the building you know that the architect must exist else the building wouldn't exist.

    As both a Christian and an Amateur astronomer discovery of a particle that behaves like the theorized model of a Higgs boson actually strengthens my belief in God. We Christians believe that the Universe was designed by God and implemented by his almighty word: Jesus Christ. The Bible says nothing about how He created the universe and IMHO God has left that for us to figure out. The fact that the Higgs boson was mathematically theorized to exist and we eventually found a particle behaving like it through methodical research, observation, and thorough data reduction points to an intelligent design. If you can rely on the design of the universe then you can most rely on the fact that the designer exists and that the designer can be a design guide for your life.

    So, you see, so far everything is making sense.

  • 9 years ago

    The Higgs boson wasn't officially discovered. Physicists discovered A PARTICLE that can be the Higgs boson. There are strong evidences that this particle is the Higgs boson (due to confidence interval, uncertainties, significance, decay mode, background exclusion, etc), but they don't gave us the final answer yet.

    See more here:


    The new particle observed at about 125 GeV is compatible, within the limited statistical accuracy, with being the SM Higgs boson. However, more data are required to measure its properties such as decay rates in the various channels (γγ, ZZ, WW, bb and ττ) and ultimately its spin and parity, and hence ascertain whether it is indeed the SM Higgs boson or the result of new physics beyond the standard model."

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Your ONLY activity tells me you are a religious hating douchebag! Good luck in life because religion-hating doesn't equal a degree or scientific qualifications!

    "Wirh the discovery of the Higgs boson how do christians how the universe was formed ?

    If the world was created like the bible claims how do christians explain dinosaurs and early hominids?

    If people weren't brainwashed from an early age, and read the bible the would they believe the mythology?

    Doesn't geology,physics, geometry. botaengineering,anthropology, genetics, etc show Noah as myth ?

    Doesn't geology,physics, geometry. botaengineering,anthropology, genetics, etc show Noah as myth ?

    If Jesus made it a sin to Lust, why did he give us hormones that involuntarily make us do that?

    Breaking news: Existence of God found in Switzerland. What do atheists say?

    Why isn't it obvious to most people christianity is the most violent religion?

    (Answer only if it applies to you) Why did you leave church/your religious institution?

     Jehovah's Witnesses, what does it mean to you when you knock on the door and they say...?"


    Answer to question:

    "With the Higgs boson now now found there is no question what created the universe as we know it. No it's not proof of a biblical god. I know what you christians are thinking "Well my dad can beat up your dad."

    How about BEFORE you open your mouth, be sure you know what you are talking about. The Higgs has NOTHING to do with the creation of the universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Are you REALLY attacking the religious based on YOUR IGNORANCE?!

    Would you do this to Isaac Newton? He was religious.

    Would you do this to the creator of the big bang theory? HE WAS A $&@!ING PRIEST!!!!!!!!!!

    Would you do this to all the currently working scientists who are religious?! 




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  • 9 years ago

    Wrong section.

    Higgs Boson gave mass to some particle.

    The Standard Model is still there.

    Big Bang theory is still there.

  • 9 years ago

    The discovery of the mass of the Higgs boson (which is not yet confirmed, since the significance of the discovery is still below 6 sigma) neither confirms, nor denies, religious dogmas of the Christian religion or any other religion. You should ask that question on a forum about Religion, not on a forum about Science.

  • 9 years ago

    The discovery of the Higgs Boson really has very little effect on theories of how the universe formed...

  • Irv S
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    1. They were very careful to say that they had a signal that 'looks like'it might be the Higgs.

    2. The finding of the Higgs mearly confirms an existing model. - It changes nothing in relation to religion.

    Open mouth.

    Remove foot.

    Spit out sock dust and toe jam.

    Close mouth to avoid catching flies.

  • 9 years ago

    Creationists will not change their minds just because of the results of a science experiment they (and 99% of the world, including me, and I expect also including you) do not really understand.

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