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Can and will people help me?

I am quickly finding myself running out of options, I have stage 3 bladder cancer, I am 41 years old and have a wife and children. I have been trying so hard to fight this disease and have been doing well . At this time I have undergone 5 rounds of intense chemosteropy which has infact been working, My doctor is shocked at how strong my body has been and how well I have done so far. The tumor has reduced to a size they feel comfortable will lend well to bladder removal surgery at this point. I am still strong enough to do well. I have no insurance so have been doing my best to keep up . My doctor has put be back on chemo, not to fight the cancer but to maintain the current tumor size as we search for a doctor willing to perform the surgery I need to try to save my life. With no insurance we have yet to find that doctor, My oncologist says that the chemo will help for now but in time the tumor will become resistant to the chemo and will not respond to treatment once that happens. Here is my question, but it will need explaining, I brought my family to Alabama in 2000 to except a job at a steel mill . I no longer have that job but instead have cancer to show for it. My wife lost both her parents to cancer a few years back. My family lives in NY and that is where I grew up. I have not been back in over 20 years, my wife and daughter have never been to my home state or had time to know my family, Totally seperate issues. I have mended every fence I can long distance. My worst fear at this point is that if I should get sicker or God forbid pass away my family has no one. The would be stuckk here with no support system . I want to take them home to NY where they can connect with my family and would have a real support system should they need it. My wife tries to take care of me now as well as my daughters but they could use the help of family. I am trying to raise funds to relocate my family in a short time, I found a website to begin raising the funds but don't know many people to send it to to help me get the word out. I am asking if you who are reading this would help me spread the word and a link to my fundraiser. I know we don't know each other but I have always tried to work hard and do what people asked of me when needed. I know there has got to be people that will help me succeed in this. I am including my link and just ask for help and hope that people will respond in a good way. I wish I could find the words to make people understand how much of the fight I am in is based on strength that comes from friends and family . I have done so well because of the support I have had locally and can only imagine what I could do with my family close by and how much mind mind could rest knowing my girls will not find themselves left alone so far away from people who care and will help them should they need it.

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I was on medicaid for a short time, I will try to explain, When I was diagnosed the first thing the hospital helps you do is apply for financial help which includes SSI and disability. I was approved for Supplimental SSI which includes Medicaid very quickly but this is where things get tricky my disability got approved also 1 month later, Disability comes with medicare but requires a 2 year waiting period but once disability is started SSI is stopped when that happens medicaid also stops leaving no coverage for the 2 year waiting period. The fact is this fund is not to pay my medical bills, This fund is to try to relocate my family back to NY so they and I will be home with family and friends should this not go well. The only reason we are here is because we are sort of stuck . I don't know what will happen medically with the move but I know It can't be harder there than here by ourselves. I hope that helped clear things up.

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