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Do Mormons somewhat preach racisim?

I have had plenty of freinds that were of the mormon faith and they are a wide range of different people. I don't mean offense, I just took a college class on religion and we discussed some of the writing in the Book of Mormon.

We learned that it said something to the effect that dark skin is a curse from God given to people whose ancestors were bad. Right? And over time those people will develop lighter skin by practicing his word over the generations.

Do they still teach something like this?

15 Answers

  • Ruth
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    They stopped preaching that and I believe took it out of the Book of Mormon in the 1960's or 70's.

    Now some Mormons will tell you they never believed that.

    The mormon congregations I grew up with were never racist.

    Source(s): x mormon
  • 9 years ago

    No, the Church never has preached racism. That there may be, or have been racists within the Church, that can be said of all churches. And no, nothing was taken out of the Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price or Doctrine and Covenants. I'm currently reading the 1830 version of the Book of Mormon and the only difference I find is the lack of verse numbers and some misspellings. Nothing else is changed.

    As for the 2 Nephi verse you must be aware that this verse is speaking about 1 tribe, which are the descendants of Hebrews. And there is questions as to whether the verse is speaking of the skin color, which many do believe, or if it is talking about how their souls became black as they rejected God. The lightening could also be referring to the people's souls as they accept God once again. The Book of Mormon shows this happening and none of those people developed white skins.

    The mention of blacks in the Book of Abraham was in how the black race originated, not telling of a curse. The LDS Church does not believe that anyone is cursed for the sins of their fathers.That the black skin was offensive to others is also found in the Bible, and that is the same KJV you can buy anywhere.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    historically yes.

    but then again, if you read exodus 34 and Duet 7 you will find that the bible distinguishes people by race and by tribe. in these chapters God is telling Israel not to marry outside the covenant of israel, because of these other tribes and their Idolatries, God warns Israel that the children of the faith will will be led astray from the Holy covenant

    in 19th century U.S.A i would guestimate that 3/4 of the nation was racist because of these two chapters in the bible, that said there are still some protestant churches that teach interacial marriages are still a sin.

    the difference however, today, is coming to an understanding what it means to be a "worthy" man and what it means to be a devil-worshipping idolater. all worthy men are accepted and freind if it is ever found out that someone in the church is a devil worshipper, then they should be excommunicated at once. ive been studying and searching the scriptures on this topic for several years now, and i still find verses that are opposite of what some people beleive.

  • 9 years ago

    When you say that Mormons are racist, you are judging motives. There is a difference between doctrine and motives. The bible teaches against homosexuality and other practices. Does that make all Christians bigots?

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  • 9 years ago

    Actually, the Mormons were persecuted early on for being abolitionists. Joseph Smith championed the rights of blacks. People just weren't ready.

  • phrog
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    as the first LDS member to answer......NO. the LDS doctrine does NOT hold that there is any inferiority in race of any kind.

    this from the BoM....2 nephi 26:33

    "For none of these iniquities come of the Lord; for he doeth that which is good among the children of men; and he doeth nothing save it be plain unto the children of men; and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile."

    it is true that some members have had some interesting thoughts on the subject - but the religious doctrine itself - no.

  • 9 years ago

    The Book of Mormon, and one of their other books of canonized scripture, the Pearl of Great Price, both contain verses about God cursing a people by turning their skin dark. They have never removed it. There is no way to deny it. They still have lessons in manuals about it. The LDS church has the smallest percent of Blacks of any church according to unbiased surveys.

    That said, most Mormons I know aren't particularly actively racist. In fact the ones who live in Utah have little contact with Blacks and have not been taught to hate the way people in the South were. You kind of have to separate out the members from the institution to answer this question accurately.

    The church sends missionaries to Africa and has long courted Native Americans. It talks a good game, and most members didn't live through the racist part of the church's history. The civil rights movement in the US was in the 50s and 60s. By '64, we had passed the Civil Rights Act. It wasn't until 1978 however, that the LDS church gave full rights to Blacks. In the 70s they were one of the last big institutional holdouts in their refusal to recognize equality.

    Their big problem is that they claim to have a living prophet at their head. In the late 1800s, that living prophet was Brigham Young, and he was a terrible racist. He had Utah declared a slave territory, and the church under him took in slaves as tithing. There were slaves in his wagon train when he came to Utah. He claimed God hated Blacks, and made it church policy. Now they can't deny that God said Blacks should be denied access to their Celestial Kingdom without denying God. And they can't apologize for what God supposedly told them to do.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Used to be that blacks were considered to bear the 'mark of Cain' and so, while being allowed to join the church, were second-class members who could not rise to priesthood and other nice things enjoyed by the good white folks. Luckily for them, the 'Prophet', leader of the church, had a 'revelation from God' that blacks should not be treated differently than whites. Coincidentally, the Civil Rights Act had just passed in the United States, so it's a good thing that god got over to the right side of the issue just when there was major public evaluation of the church. Thanks for that, God!


    Now, do they preach overt racism now? No. Is there latent racism in the leadership or members? Who knows? They certainly keep coming down hard on the gays. Maybe the 'Prophet' will have another 'revelation from God' about them real soon.

    Source(s): ex-Mormon atheist
  • Feivel
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I think they used to teach that but I don't know if they still do. I am not mormon so I only know what I was taught in world religion classes but I believe they have just recently allowed blacks to advance in the church.

    If I am wrong, perhaps a mormon will answer and give you the right answer.

  • 9 years ago


    LOL !

    "We learned that it said something to the effect that dark skin is a curse from God given to people whose ancestors were bad. Right?"


    The "evil spirits" followed Satan, and became the demons.

    The "Good Spirits" followed Jesus, and became White People.

    The "lazy, non-committed Spirits" became the Blacks.

    I have never heard an explanation for Asians in Mormonism. Apparently, Asians don't exist.

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