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Where is God during a Tragedy?

I'm going to add my take on this question and would like to hear from others and how they would answer such a question.

My take is the God who created this world and us, is not the Father, Jesus praised and gave all glory too, but Satan himself. This world is hell, and thus many praise the God who created us and this world.

The Father who Jesus praised is a higher deity this world knows not at all. Thus when tragedy hits, it always comes upon all who are part of this world and who love sharing in it's many delights.

The movie theater massacre is one of many examples of how the God of this world works. He's Satan and thus evil thrives in this country masked by religions that follow and praise him, yet they know this not for he is our creator and the creator of this world. Until mankind learns that what is good is not good and what is bad is not bad or what Jesus meant, when he told the young man who had to go to bury his father who had just died and Jesus said, "Let the dead bury the dead."

I sorrow over all tragedy that is part of this world yet, evil is what many desire, whether in movies or in the exchange of words within our politics. God is not anywhere within any of these entities connected to this world, for the one and true God, few know. We are those who stay home and live a simple life, protected by our Father above who is not our Creator, but he loves those who seek him and not men for their wisdom about him who no religion knows.

Would like others answers and opinions on this same question. Please be polite and honest if you can.

15 Answers

  • Eugene
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    the Love in the heart.

    true power that conquers all suffering.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The Word tells us that God Is Love and that He SO Loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. I believe the Word of God to be true and I also believe that we lost alot of understanding of Who He really Is do mostly to the liberty of the first translators. If we do as the Word of God directs and "study to show ourselves approved...rightly dividing the Word..." in our studies we would see that in most of the Old Testament where the King James Version says, "if you do so and so I will bless you and if not I will curse you" we would see the more accurate translation to say, "if you do so and so I will bless you and if not I WILL HAVE TO ALLOW the curse to come because of your actions." If we read the Old Testament with this understanding we would see that He Is and always has been the same God of Love that we read about in the New Testament. He doesn't/didn't change! The good He did in the Old Testament for His people far out weighs any bad that could be spoken against Him in ignorance of Him and His Word.

    God Is Love and He Is the same yesterday, today, and forever! Love Is Who He Is and also what He does! Therefore if God ever, even for a split second, did anything other than Love He could not say He Is Love but we know by His Word that He Is unable to lie.

    So where does this leave us during tragedy, child abuse, neglect, etc? God Loves us and the Word tells us that His thoughts(and plans) towards us are for good and not for evil..." yet WE tie His hands both with our words and our actions. If we willing choose to do wrong and not look to Him, why do we blame Him for neglecting His ways and choosing our own? God is not into child abuse but the parents of those children that are being abused are acting on their choice and not Gods! Without God sin passes down to generation and generation. the sins of the father(parents) are passed down and this is not by His choice! For He tells us that it does so that we may stop it. Yet many don't and they and their children blame God even after He provided a way and gave instruction and warning! God sent His Son that we might have life and it in abundance. His Son was wounded and bleed for our sins and sicknesses. He sent the Answer to what satan was doing and did. We have to take another look at God and see He is for us and not against us. So many struggle to come to Him because they believe Him to be the source or cause of their problems when what He did, does, and will do for us proves that He Is not the source of our trouble but Is our Hope and Very Present Help in the time of trouble. But how can He been seen for Who He truly Is,A Loving God, when He is being blamed for something He did not do or cause?

    Source(s): The Bible
  • 9 years ago

    Unfortunately you do not know God at all, but only the worldly perception of Him. The question does not become, How can people trust God, rather the question is, How can people trust man. Beside this, there are more people being murdered in Chicago every week than this, and yet that is not a national tragedy.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Perhaps you ought to redefine god.... the god of the OT is imaginary, and horrible, and vindictive. If you believe that god is a personal god, involved in our lives, then where is he for the children.... one dies every five seconds of starvation.

    I don't believe in any definition of god as a personal god, or in any satan in a red suit carrying a pitchfork, and having horns and a long pointy tail. These are the myths of bronze age goat herders, trying to explain what they did not, and could not understand, before we had science

    Is there a god?


    God is love, and caring, and being there for friends. You have god in you when you help other less fortunate. And when you give and receive love, you give and receive god.

    A sky daddy, of ancient peoples?

    Not hardly.

    God is far bigger than that.

    God does not love..... Got IS love.

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  • 9 years ago

    If there is a god then i believe that the bible holds the answer for this. That it is our responsibilty to care for each other hence "i am my brother's keeper" ...... The real tragedy is where are you at during one? You are online asking where is god at when you should be asking the same question about yourself.

  • 9 years ago

    God was there waiting to receive his own and take them home. This earthly home is only a temporary place no matter how old you are when you die. Our goal is to live for him and our reward lies in Heaven with him. There are nutty evil people but they have a choice to do right or wrong. God gives us free will.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    You are mistaken.

    re "My take is the God who created this world and us, is not the Father, Jesus praised and gave all glory too, but Satan himself"

    If you believe in an Absolute Autarchy aka "God", then by definition all must - and can only exist or "be" - within It. In short, nothing - absolutely nothing - can exist outside "God", and this includes the "Lucifers" and it's elemental projection "Shamael" (the latter of which is more of a "law" of separateness and it's dominion is only of the gross material elements)

    A common and profound mistake often made by fundamental, evangelical, and mainstream Christians is the externalization of some "Satan", but the truth is, it was James Holmes' ego-ism and self-constructed fantasy or "hell" (which he himself was unaware of) that was the source of this tragedy.

    re "but he loves those who seek him and not men for their wisdom about him who no religion knows", this, again, is incorrect. Absolute Autarchy "loves" everything within Itself. When a thief, swindler, adulterer and even murderer on death row cuts their finger, do not the Archangelic Orders heal them regardless of their actions here in the worlds of duality (Earth)?

    What we do know is, per Christ, "what you sow, so shall you reap" - a profound statement of the immutable Law of Cause and Effect (which Hindus call "Karma") so, by killing one person - however accidentally - one has signed their own contract to "experience" the same later or in a future incarnation.

    Hope this helps...

  • 9 years ago

    Violence and Terrorism inflicts suffering to both oneself and others - This is caused by desperation and frustration - not knowing how to deal with them and valuing concepts and ideas more than life.

    Often violence comes with noise. Non violent people are quiet. Time has come for non-violent people to make noise so the noise of violence quiets down.

    Other than that, you can be at ease with uncertainty in the world when you realize the certainty in consciousness.

    Refer the following for more information:

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Playing Xbox.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Adam gave over the dominion of this earth to Satan when he disobeyed God. Satan is the prince of the power of the air. Jesus defeated him at the cross. People who put their trust in Jesus have power over the devil. He will have authority here until Jesus returns as King of kings and Lord of lords at the Second Advent.

    Christians who know how to pray can defeat the devil and his works. We will have to suffer the tribulations and testings of this world until Jesus returns. That day is very soon.

    Just prior to His return it becomes as it was in the days of Noah. The description of that day is "violence continually." I would say we are now as it was in the days of Noah. Works best with Internet Explorer.

  • Jhey
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Having a nap

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