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How many Yahoo questions are posted by Aliens infiltrating our internet for research?

Sometimes I wonder if some Blogs, forum posts, twitters, etc may have some infiltrators from outer space origins, that we are simply unaware of due to the anonymity and open networking provided by the nature of the internet.

How would we/could we know if a satellite router wasn't hacked, and is feeding data out to and in from the Night sky?

Sometimes I read a entry/question, and think "OK, that's got to be an alien... what human doesn't truly know how many toes we all have?!?"

So what do you think?.. would they find the internet interesting? inane? So primitive as to be distasteful? An open door to Earth-Human living archaeology? Or is the router traffic so thouroughly monitored that a bored teenager alien would get caught adding his content to the Web?

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would expect substantially better questions from aliens.

    Based on my observations, the vast majority of questions appearing on YA are either bored teenagers trolling, or lazy teenagers trying to get other people to do their homework questions for them, or poorly educated teenagers and young people trying to get answers about religious and social dilemmas for which they are ill-prepared to do their own thinking.

    But those are just my own observations...

  • 9 years ago

    I'm not sure if that is utter paranoia, or just sheer nuttiness. I'm inclined to believe that it is neither: you are just very young and have read far too many of those insalubrious sites about space boogiemen.

    Fact: No evidence has ever been produced that life exists beyond the Earth. This is despite huge search efforts having been made to find such evidence.

    Fact: There is no evidence whatsoever that space boogiemen have ever visited the Earth.

    CommonSense: If you belonged to some super-advanced civilisation that could travel anywhere in the universe, would you waste your time spying on a planet overpopulated by primitive warlike territory-obsessed primates who are still confined to biology, have no real technology, and are of totally no consequence to anyone?

    No neither would I.

    But fortunately aliens don't exist so you can relax: We are alone.


  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    They would likely be the ones asking question that no one can answer in the physics section. I will say that it's possible that aliens might be infiltrating us, but the reasons don't make any sense to me. If they are that advanced, then why would they want to infiltrate us? If they're reading my blog, they must be very bored.

  • 9 years ago

    I posted a similar question yesterday. I wondered why aliens or God don't post untraceable webpages and youtube video that would guide us or communicate with us. They don't have to send men to communicate with the masses anymore, they can just flip bits. And they should be smart enough to send something that is compelling enough to capture our attention and guide our behaviours without necessarily giving themselves away. The Romans got a guide. Why don't we when it is so needed and it would be so easy?

    All I got in reply was a Mormon directing me to the Mormon web site.

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  • 9 years ago

    It's really not as many as you would think.

    There's just a couple of really dedicated alien trolls posting to the web 25/7. Just ignore them.

  • 9 years ago

    Hey, who are you calling ALIEN?! Go look at yourself in the mirror.

    How are *we* supposed to know that *you* are not an alien, trying to pass as human to divert the attentions away from yourself?!

  • 9 years ago

    Yes. Before the aliens invade earth they wanna follow us on twitter, look at our pictures on facebook and ask us questions on yahoo...... Don't be stupid!!!

  • John W
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It's the mice. We're not really experimenting with them, they are experimenting with us, it's all in "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". Maybe we can determine them from their misspellings as their little mice bodies can only reach certain keys from others.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Good. One look at the questions posted on here and they will judge us stupid and harmless and we will be spared.

    Source(s): Max Von Sydow
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