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Lv 4
D asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 9 years ago

Opinion: "Pain is a part of life. Without it there would/could be no happiness."?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    This life is of the Yin and Yang concept

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Well, it depends on what kind of pain. Emotional or physical. I think that emotional pain makes a person stronger, it helps people learn from their mistakes. Without emotional pain a person could never really know what is acceptable & what is considered crazy or unusual. Even when it comes to relationships, the more you're hurt & learn from your mistakes the better chance you have of finding the "right one" and being truely happy. If you're talking about physical pain, well, I don't believe it is a necessary part of gaining happiness at all.

    Source(s): Years of emotional distress lol
  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Bodily, we experience pain when our attention is required----such as when we step on a thumb tack, pain notifies, locates the problem, and motivates us to pull it out, clean and dress the wound.

    Pain such as anguish or grief is similar, but not so easily remedied. Perhaps this pain forces us to find a ray of hope, to pull up a greater strength, or devise a preventative program to shield future from the same despair.

    Clearly pain helps us work toward happiness----but be careful with that box of thumb tacks, please. I don't mean to be a pain.

    note that pain can becomea familiar thing and almost a pleasure. I think this is a natural thing for us to use in place of paying our fruit and vegetable money on insurance policies. pain can be extended as a virtual thing. Instead of paying $400 a month for my house's fire insurance, I put it in an account that would be used to replace my house if it burned, and with the fear (pain) I get for having no conventional insurance, I begin to see things like paint thinner by the water heater, and my son's fascination with Ohio blue tip matches. Insurance makes you blind. perhaps it is better to feel the pain.

    During childbirth my wife was coming along fine and some gizmo monitored her stress with a graph. The graph looked like a Bach composition---elegant and vibrant, peaks and valleys. Then , after she took an epidural shot that was somewhat imposed upon her, she cried she couldn't feel what to do any more. The graph looked like a third grade orchestra just making static noise. She ended up getting a C-section and all was OK, but she later told me she would have rather had the pain.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Yes, pain is part of life. But I'm sure happiness would survive well and strong even if there was no pain. However, it does serve as a nice contrast.

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  • Tropos
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Pain is a function of organisms like humans, yes. But I strongly disagree with your second statement. It is applying this characterized concept of pain and happiness states of mind. An inaccurate idealization. The contrast, and resulting appreciation, between themselves in a bad state and them in a good state can be gained without ever feeling a pain signal. You don't need a memory of pain signals having gone to the brain of the organism for it to be in a content state. Appreciation for that content state strengthens the state of mind often implied by the term "happiness". But one can for example abstract from an understanding of existence, about what will cause harm to them, and recognize theirs as a tentative state, in order to appreciate their current happiness, emphasizing it further. Pain signals are one way to make us appreciate our content states of mind, but not the only way.

  • 9 years ago

    You find happiness through pain, and you find pain through happiness. I guess in a weird sort of way you are correct, but you must also keep in minsk the different forms of pain, and being happy.

    Source(s): Good question
  • 9 years ago

    Happiness is a feeling of satisfaction produced by things that appeal to you. Pain is something that does not appeal to anyone, or so I am led to believe.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Fact: we would not know the concept of happiness if we never experienced pain just like we wouldn't know what cold was if it was always warm

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Pain is there because you've been denying happiness

  • 9 years ago

    yeah and no....depends.

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