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Lv 4

Is the Mahdi the antichrist?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Mahdi S.A. and Jesus S.A. will be united.

    people killed all other Imams and Mahdi comes when people of world want it and be ready for him.

    There is a famous Hadith from prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that Mahdi at hide is like sun behind cloud, he is hidden from people but people receive his benefits. Shia Muslims say some faithful believers have connection with Mahdi and use his knowledge. Shia Muslims believe that it is proved at least 1000 persons have had connection and talk with Mahdi during his hide period but Any one having relation with Mahdi keep it and does not declare it in public until is alive.


    believing or not beliving in Imamat (leadership of Islam Ummah after prophet appointed by Allah) has direct effect on today political leadership of Islamic Ummah.

    if you beleive Caliph is only appointed by God then you ask so who is today Caliph?

    Indeed he is Mahdi (sa) and all Muslims prepare themselves for his comming and he come and Islam gets all the world.

    but do you know why he does not come?

    the only reason is he does not have enough real soldiers to help him establish Islamic goverment in world. most of Muslims only claim.

    he does not come until Muslims really want him to arrive and lead them.

    when you do not believe in his Caliphate you will accept corrupted Dictators to decide and lead for Muslims.

    Dictators like Mubarak, Ghazafi, Saudi King, Saleh,...

    first one who entered dictatorship to islam was Muaviyeh and then his son Yazid.

    some books bout Imam Mahdi (sa):



    Source(s): . please reconsider your beliefs and also please 100% consider Shia Islam in your research. please please please: ask beliefs of shia only and only form shia. not from Saudi Wahhabis. best English sites for shia Islam:,ques.ques learn how to talk God: why some beat hut themselves? western truth seekers studying shia Islam in Qum, Iran:
  • Jim
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    NO, I' m the Mahdi, My wife and i are the 2 witnesses in Rev. 11

    Also in Malachi 4:5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:

    The day of the lord is the judgement day!

    I'm also the reincarnation of James Zebedee who was the beloved disciple aka the teacher of righteousness in the DEAD SEA SCROLLS. who was referred to as the Messiah!

    The angel Gabriel told me that Jimmy Carter is the Anti-Christ and that he will divorce his wife and change his name!

    The angel Gabriel told me when i was in Philipsburg, Montana in 1973 that Jimmy Carter is the Anti-Christ! And a few years later i figured out who the 7 Kings were in Rev. 17:10.

    George W. Bush is the 6th King in Rev. 17:10 who is spoken of in the present tense! Because when he was in office in 2001 there were 5-x presidents who were still alive, and one is yet to come, was Obama!

    The angel Gabriel told me that Jimmy Carter is the Anti-Christ aka Dajjal and that he is going to change his name and divorce his wife!

    Obama is going to die first and then the Anti-Christ who was one of the previous 7 Presidents will take his place!

    Rev. 17:10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, [and] the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

    These 7 kings were;

    1. Gerald Ford

    2. Jimmy Carter

    3. Ronald Reagan

    4. George H. W. Bush

    5. Bill Clinton

    6. George W. Bush.... is spoken of in the present tense (and one is) because until Reagan died all 7 were alive!

    7. Barack Obama.......and one is yet to come! He will die a few days after he raises taxes!

    Obama is also in Dan. 11:20

    Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes [in] the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle.

    Rev. 17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

    The angel Gabriel told me in Aug. 1973 that Jimmy Carter was the Anti-Christ and that he is going to change his name and divorce his wife!

    Obama is going to die first, and then the Anti-Christ, who was one of the previous 7 Presidents will take his place!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Antichrist is Dajjal. so nope.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    No, just a word meaning "messiah" which ultimately means "Moshiach"which means Anointed or Ritually Oil Coated.

  • 9 years ago

    no, dajjal is antichrist

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