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Lv 7
strech asked in SportsOutdoor RecreationHunting · 9 years ago

I figured it was coming?

I see the liberal left has used the Colorado massacre to advance their (not so) hidden agenda:

8 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I can't for the life of me figure out what part of "INFRINGE" these @$$ holes have so much trouble with.

    One of the five freedoms innumerate in the First Amendment is "Freedom of Speech". From the Supreme Court we know that freedom of speech is not absolute. We know that it doesn't give us the right to yell "Fire" in a crowed theater. So to "Prevent" such an action have we yet started removing people's vocal cords? OMG, I hope some idiot in Congress (that would be MOST of them) doesn't see this.

    Was it unlawful for someone to shoot-up a theater? Good Lord I hope so. But we have the brain trust in Washington DC wasting time trying to pass some piece of legislation that is intended to prevent someone from breaking another law.

    It sounds like limiting the speed that a speedometer can display to stop speeders... Oh yeah, that was tried wasn't it? How did that workout?



  • 9 years ago

    All of you guys in America seem to want gun control, and us Canadians want to get rid of ours. I find that kind of funny. But, all James Holmes' friends said that he never did seem unstable whatsoever. Even if he did, anyone who is willing to pay a high price can get equipment and weapons. It might be illegal but that has never stopped anybody in the past. Gun control has been around forever in Ontario where I live. But Toronto has had 2 or 3 major shootings in the past month. I believe a couple dozen people were shot during that street party a couple of weeks ago, and about 3 weeks ago there was that Eaton Center shooting. We have had about 5 shootings a week for a while now here in Toronto. The extremely strict gun control here has never stopped, and sadly never will stop people from getting their hands on weapons and ammunition. Just my two cents.

  • 9 years ago

    Every bit of "gun control" which has been introduced over the years has been passed under the promise that it will reduce crime.

    None of it EVER has delivered on that promise.

    And yet, there are large bodies of people who still want to believe in the fantasy of Gun Control. We've had nearly 40 years of different gun control schemes -- at best, it does nothing to curtail crime. At worst, it makes violent crime WORSE.

    And yet, there are still large bodies of people still wanting to believe in the fantasy of Gun Control.

    Even though it does not work. At least, it doesn't do what it was PROMISED to do.

    Those who believe that "just the right combination" of gun control have a definition:

    "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

    And, specifically to Ashley -- a Physiological background check? Mince your definitions much, dear? Or do you need some troll chow?

  • 9 years ago

    * Under our Constitution Congress was never Authorized or Empowered to Legislate or adopt, or propose, or pass any Gun Laws whatsoever.* Look it up.* Just typical continuous illegal, Unconstitutional, UnLawful, Tyrannical behavior from our elected Politicians.* Its meaningless and worthless.* Just another Violation of their Oath of Office to Protect and Defend the U. S. Constitution against all Enemy's Foreign or Domestic.*

    Source(s): * Run like a Deer.*...............Fly like an Eagle.*~~
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Its not getting passed... ashley said it right. But its impossible to enact such a law. Because what happens if the government changes what an "unstable" person is? The definition could change to whoever wants to stand for the constitution. Or anyone who stands up against the government.

    Source(s): Obama has too look good you know!
  • Mr.357
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Who is controlling Carolyn McCarthy? She sponsored HR 1022. She was interviewed about it and had no idea what anything, like a magazine, restricted in the bill was. She is a real idiot.

  • 9 years ago

    Crazy people can't buy ammo online? oh well they can get it from walmart. its not like they're going to stop anyone from walking out with 5000 rounds of ammo, because they just made tons of money.

  • 9 years ago

    I think they need to do physiological background checks on these unstable people buying guns. Enough said.

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