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why do people believe in "the fall of man" when it makes no sense?

i have yet to hear a christian ever explain how a perfect being makes an evil choice.

we have no free will...these would be our god given natural inclinations. we have free choice to act in certain ways, but if our inclinations are in conflict with what is righteous then god is sadistic for torturing our psyche with this internal conflict.

we can remain internally tortured, or we can give in and become externally punished by god. god created a system where we had to pick our poison. a lose lose situation is not perfect!!!


once again another answer that doesn't understand the difference between free will and free choice.

and a perfect design can never choose a flawed choice. think about it christians.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No where does it say that man was created perfect. That's your first problem.

    They were created complete and without sin but the capability to freely choose to sin, which is the antithesis of perfection since that would dictate an inability to sin.

    To suggest that man cannot control his "inclinations" is to surrender to disrespect of self and species - of course any who determine to develop self-control will be able to and we prove this every day.

  • 9 years ago

    When Adam and Eve lived in the garden in a perfect world as God created it, there was only one thing that was off limits to them. All else was open to them. So God's perfect world would not be filled with rules as some suggest. But when Adam and Eve received the knowledge of good and evil, everything changed, for them and for us. Before that, they only had the knowledge of good--everything was good.

    Those of us who choose to follow after Jesus and walk in the Holy Spirit, know that the Holy Spirit is for us a secret weapon. Over time, we lose the desire to sin, and we sin less and less often. We are not internally tortured, for in fact to live the obedient life becomes more attractive and easier to do. We see the blessings of obedience so clearly, and we learn to hear God's voice and cling to his presence.

    You seem to be missing more than half of the picture of what it means to really surrender to God.

  • Truth
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Why do you assume away the existence of free will? You just arbitrary say it doesn't exist without any support.

    God's whole kingdom runs on the concept of free will. You don't have free will if your inclinations can't be in conflict with anyone else's opinions. However, inclinations don't have to be followed, nor do they have to be nursed.

    I can see someone at work getting promoted over me. I can say 'what is wrong with them. She doesn't deserve it.'

    That is my inclination. However, I have 3 choices: I can follow the inclination to its logical conclusion (HR needs an anymous letter . . .), I can nurse that feeling of unfairness until I become embittered, or I can say to myself 'You know that is HRs problem not mine. I will continue to do my job well and apply again next time'.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    No sane person would look at this theology and go, "yup makes sense!" They have been indoctrinated and so it looks like it makes perfect sense. Many things we take for granted medically today for example will be considered barbaric 100 years from now.

    These people, on the other hand, are living in the Bronze Age, with a belief in a thunder god who punishes people for bizarre reasons.

    Aaaaaaaaand cue the apologists.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    God didn't make an evil choice. No one can say that they are tempted by God, but everyone is tempted by their own lust. It was like dominoes. Satan was the first to fall, and due to that fall: he caused the fall of man.

    Why did God make satan if He knew what would happen? Because it is part of God's plan which is unfolding before us. Which even evil has it's purpose, but when it's time is up, woe unto it.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The Bible is clear that we not only have the ability to choose, we also have the responsibility to choose wisely

    The world’s current sinful state is directly linked to choices made by Adam and Eve. God created mankind in His own image, and that included the ability to choose.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Evolution is in basic terms a concept interior the experience that beings more desirable from different beings. in spite of the shown fact that evolution in a private experience is actual. all of us evolve/adapt each and daily of our lives. you are able to not not have self assurance in evolution via fact on the middle evolution occurs mentally each and every 2nd. you are able to say you do not have self assurance in Darwin's concept of evolution in spite of the shown fact that. although he does have some factors his concept does have falsehoods and misconnections. i don't have self assurance we got here from monkeys via fact there is scientific evidence that exhibits we are actually not touching directly to monkeys or cavemen. we've greater genetically in worry-loose with pigs. So did we evolve from pigs? No. no you are able to extremely say the place we got here from in spite of the shown fact that it's not suitable. we are right here and we would desire to concentration on with the flexibility to tollerate adjustments. people who don't think in evolution in any way do not evolve psychologically and quickly fade away.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    don't you realize you are acting on your own? that's free will

    you reject God, that's your God given free will

    God is trying to change your mind so that you will turn to Him of your own free will

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