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god is now what? what should we do about it?
this question is only for those that believe god is evil, as do i. most people get their image of god's nature from the bible. if this god proves to be a reality, should we try to nuke him when He returns. i realize that sounds laughable at best, but what other option do we have? i,like so many others, find it impossible to honor this god of cruelty and death.
i understand god might be all powerful, but perhaps he is still vulnerable physically or emotionally. and perhaps if we show enough hatred he will just go away, much like a shunned child on the playground.
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoI felt emotionally numb and diconnected...yet i was crying?
this is very odd. I was lonely and just a bit sad. I then started crying but truly felt little to nothing. I haven't cried in a long long time, but it felt nothing like my previous experiences where I would get lost in the moment of true grief. this time it was as though I was observing a physical reaction to just the thought of lonliness. the crying was backed by little to no sadness. it lasted at most only a minute.
I have been feeling so empty lately that I think it somehow built up inside of me and then released itself with a normal reaction. however, I still felt empty experiencing it all. why can't I feel anymore??? ugh
I think I've taken hold of hopelessness and I feel apart from myself as a way to cope. physical reactions still work, but emotions are near dead. help!?
yes I'm on meds and in therapy. I guess I'm looking for similar experiences or a label as to what I'm experiencing.
2 AnswersPsychology8 years agoI felt emotionally numb and diconnected...yet i was crying?
this is very odd. I was lonely and just a bit sad. I then started crying but truly felt little to nothing. I haven't cried in a long long time, but it felt nothing like my previous experiences where I would get lost in the moment of true grief. this time it was as though I was observing a physical reaction to just the thought of lonliness. the crying was backed by little to no sadness. it lasted at most only a minute.
I have been feeling so empty lately that I think it somehow built up inside of me and then released itself with a normal reaction. however, I still felt empty experiencing it all. why can't I feel anymore??? ugh
I think I've taken hold of hopelessness and I feel apart from myself as a way to cope. physical reactions still work, but emotions are near dead. help!?
yes I'm on meds and in therapy. I guess I'm looking for similar experiences or a label as to what I'm experiencing.
1 AnswerPsychology8 years agowho was the greatest person in history...not a simple question?
i'm talking about the perfect blend of qualities, and ability to weild power and influence. and possible inventor or philosopher and a respectable athlete?
this is tough because i am looking for the person that was the most moral, most powerful, most influential and beloved by mostly all. someone both man and god would say, "a job well done and with power well used." granted this will have to include many compromises to achieve an overall great person.
for instance, and please forgive spelling, gengis kahn would not fit because while powerful' his wars were not moral. and not jesus, for while arguably the most moral and powerful, he did not weild earthly power in terms of standing armies.
who was a man's man or a woman's woman? who had power and did well in the sight of others. who had wisdom and intellignece and even physical prowess? so not even franklin deleno roosevelt could qualify for he could not rise to great physical challenges if need be?
some that come to led a moral war based on revolutionary moral principles. george s patton...came from wealth, was in the olympics, and commanded armies.
i'm looking for a possible diplomatic figure that could travel the world over and not a soul would harm him due to respect and influence. for instance, i doubt anybody would have dared touch thomas jefferson for wars would have been waged in his name. possibly george washington, but he lacked the diplomatic prowess of jefferson and monroe.
maybe einstein had he been a physically force to reckon with, but his gifts were surely all intellectual and he lacked political influence.
was there ever a moral king in ancient or midevil history?
mohammed might be a popular answer, but he was not moral by anybody's standards except for those who adhere to his religion. outside of his religion he was a marked man and would have been killed.
4 AnswersHistory9 years agowhat is the best word to describe christians?
i would have to say it is: smug. terms like dumb, stupid, misinformed, ignorant, etc really don't apply.
i say this as a former christian and it was even true of me then.
the problem with christians is that their eternity depends on them being "right" and right now.
therefore they have a psychological problem where they aren't too concerned with better understanding. they just feel a pressing need to know in any given moment that their position cannot be challenged. instead of having a floating scale to judge correctness or even a good position on a topic, they feel that they must be perfect in their assumptions. and assumptions are often the only thing they possess because they simply don't have objective reasoning nor time to investigate or be slightly incorrect on an issue.
subjective reasoning combined with unchallengable assurance is pretty much the definition of being smug. believing one knows when it is impossible and not nescesary is extremely smug.
and when they further investigate they throw out all information that disagrees with their position. they tend towards extreme tunnel vision.
i guess this would also apply to muslims.
20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoDo you realize the devil won big time?
think about it. look at all the evil that has occured. look at all that are supposedly going to end up in hell. and it simply doesn't matter if the devil ends up in a lake of fire. the fact remains that he totally racked up such a high score against god that no amount of action can address the downfall of reality itself. there is really no justice in the end...what is done is done. nothing can get rid of the fact that the holocaust ocurred and that nearly 5% of anybody that has ever lived has died in war. god equals an epic failure and is accountable for all the evil he allows.
sources: your goofy myth
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoDo you realize the devil won big time?
think about it. look at all the evil that has occured. look at all that are supposedly going to end up in hell. and it simply doesn't matter if the devil ends up in a lake of fire. the fact remains that he totally racked up such a high score against god that no amount of action can address the downfall of reality itself. there is really no justice in the end...what is done is done. nothing can get rid of the fact that the holocaust ocurred and that nearly 5% of anybody that has ever lived has died in war. god equals an epic failure and is accountable for all the evil he allows.
sources: your goofy myth
4 AnswersMythology & Folklore9 years agodoes even god know where He/She came from?
i had an idea that possiblly god formed just like was evolution by concepts alone coming together in the non-material world. these concepts are love, justice, creativity, order, chaos, and even evil, etc.
amazingly this cohesion of ideas formed a conscious and created the material world. we form from evolution in the material world. we also have the conceptual side to us ie the spirtual.
that's all i can think of. otherwise even god has no reason or explanation to exist.
one just can't say He's always existed...well then for what purpose???
i think concepts and truths alone can coalesce into an entity.
and if one is an athiest than from where or what purpose is there a cosmos?
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agodo you ever wonder what other universes could be like?
i am finding it more and more bizarre all the little things that we take for granted. we assume they are just natural and that is just the ways things are everywhere. possibly other universes don't exist, but it serves as a thought experiment to imagine they do.
i find my life and the nature of things so bizarre. here are some things that just make my head spin.
1 we all die
2 we all are born of a mother and have a father...unless cloned
3 the universe forms all these spheres called planets and suns
4 most religions think we will be judged when we die
5 knowledge and learning is an endeavor and a difficult task
6 yet boredom is so common
7 it appears that god withholds info from us...we are all in the dark so to speak
8 we all have opinions and theories and go on and on about trying to convince others
9 the universe as far as we know it now is huge but lifeless except for us
10 our lives our fragile. fall...dead, hit too hard...dead, eat wrong thing...dead,
11 life is just an obstacle course and we don't know what to avoid except by the death and mistakes of those before us
12 we can all reproduce with eachother but only in our own island of dr moreau yet
13 only we can talk with eachother or don't know how to fully comunicate with animals
14 we all want to be rich and beautiful etc
15 electromagnetism, quatum physics, wave and particle theory...amazing fields but insane bizarre
16 how come we know so little, but at the same time how are we are able to learn at all. how can we identify truths. it has to be some kind of latent memory. all learning might be remembering what is true. possibly when we our presented a method such as 2 plus 2 equals 4, our psyche says, "oh yeah now i remember why that is truthful."
i mean the list goes on and on. i sometimes get the feeling we have a god and other univeses have other beings with a different god. they could have a whole different reality. they might be given the ability to create things just like gods etc. and maybe their planets are all squares. who knows.
i just get the feeling like science and religion are both falling short of explaining ANYTHING. we are all lost in the freakin dark as to why or for what purpose. i find it so bizarre that we go on and on about souls, and spirits, and gods, and even atheism vs various religions. we are all so concerned about what is right when in reality nobody knows anything. all we do is observe and make correlations. and sometimes our correlations are make no sense and hence all the debates. and some folks read a book and take all matters on faith. but faith has always proven so harmful. believing cyanide is good for ya equals doesn't matter and a nice corpse.
i am sometimes anxious to die just to see if there will be any revelation where we all truly know and understand. heaven, hell, candy land, i could simply care less what the result is.
maybe we pass on from this reality to another one formed by another god. we get to pick the reality where we want to stay. that would be pretty cool.
god or no god, both views are just insane to get one's head around. and if god does the heck did he form...the same way we formed? evolution perhaps of concepts alone such as chaos and order, justice, love, etc. who knows. i mean who the heck made god into god lol? and if no god...why the cosmos?
i think i'm gonna do loads of lsd and report back. haha
i sometimes get this eerie feeling that even god...if there is one...doesn't have a freakin clue either. some questions really have no good answer.
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agowhy do people believe in "the fall of man" when it makes no sense?
i have yet to hear a christian ever explain how a perfect being makes an evil choice.
we have no free will...these would be our god given natural inclinations. we have free choice to act in certain ways, but if our inclinations are in conflict with what is righteous then god is sadistic for torturing our psyche with this internal conflict.
we can remain internally tortured, or we can give in and become externally punished by god. god created a system where we had to pick our poison. a lose lose situation is not perfect!!!
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agowhy don't christians understand the difference between free will and free choice?
if you did grasp the concepts you would realize that the fall of man in your mythology makes no sense. and thus, the whole bible collapses.
a story that makes no sense, is just that, a story. put it in the fiction section.
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agohey christians, is it awkward on your wedding night?
i mean here the two of you are having no clue what to do, and then god is in the room cheering you guys on cause he is just so proud of you virgins for waiting. does he then stcik around and say things like, "oh yeah, now that's what i'm talkin about. missionary position within the confines of marriage. oh god, i mean, oh me, i'm about to blow my holy load."
that is a ton of pressure.
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agowhy are americans ignorant to the benefits of socialism and a progressive tax code?
i suspect it is due to fox news and talk radio. they are so scared of communism that they don't understand socialism. it is very simple folks! socialism is an agreed upon collectivism made possible by free democratic elections, while communism is forced collectivism by totalitarian regimes. and each election cycle the PEOPLE decide what level of collectivism they want. the scare tactics of the far right encourage one thing: $100 million dollar salaries and ne're do well children. it also sacrifices those most vulnerable from ever getting a chance to make something of themselves.
the US ranks 36th in child poverty amonst developed nations. but we rank 6th in terms of per capita income. it doesn't take a genius to understand that our median incomes are low, and our poor are very poor, while our rich are super duper insane rich. it skews the averages, and as a result we have more slums across our so called great land. our individualistic mentality has gone too far in the US. a robust and equitable capitalistic system is most successful when the winners take more, not ALL!
granted, we need to encourage business developement and foreign investment. so democrats, STOP with the high corporate tax rates.
if we want america to be fair and rich across the whole nation there is a tax code that would promote this. it goes as follows.
corporate and business tax: 10%
upper income tax bracket: 50% starting at wages over $300,000
state sales tax 5-10%...states have this mostly correct
inheritance and estate taxes:50% for anything over 5,000,000 million in assets.
all other inheritance and capital gains taxed at normal nominal income tax rates
a tax code like this encourages business growth and jobs, while not allowing snot nosed kids from inheriting insane riches. it would also fund assistance programs that would supplement poor families. it is not a child's fault that their parents are poor with money. increased food stamps and financial aid for college and vouchers for other life improving goods could really help america's poor children and families.
oh yeah, and america stop going to war becuase 3,000 people died in a terrorist attack. it should have been largely a limited covert war by our cia to infiltrate al quida and kill all the leaders. instead we invaded two crap hole countries with guns blazin with the hope we could change the world. how about seeing if we can clean up detroit or the crime in LA first.
rant over
10 AnswersPolitics9 years agohey christian women, what does it feel like to be called inferior to men by god?
i don't hold the views contained in the bible, so don't rant about my beliefs. but it clearly states that women should yield everything to the husband. the only time god allows you to have a say is when the husband would sin against you or lead you into sin.
instead of having the rational view that your opinion counts as much as men's, the bible states you have to yield to everything the husband decides.
so let's say ya wanna watch some tv show, and your husband says nope. biblically you can't argue or plead your case.
i could just shake some women for being brainwashed that they are lesser than men.
christian ladies i am probably gonna laugh and scoff at most of your responses. you had better come up with some good answers as to why god would create a less important gender. the pat answers that you subscribe to won't cut it.
don't even try such lame tactics such as, "well, it takes two to create a child so both are equal." fact remains that if hubby want to eat at taco bell, you had better such your mouth and go along. now some husbands would be nice and grant you a choice, but technically he isn't obligated to.
1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality9 years agoisn't christianity based solely on character assassination?
the whole christian concept is degrading. unfortunately, this flawed theology corrupts the thinking of all who follow and all who are influenced.
think about what christianity tells us. it says we were created perfect, but somehow our inclinations lead us to sin. it simply makes no sense. perfect has to include a perfect will and therefore uncorruptable choices.
christianity also claims that we all do evil so we fall short of god's standards. hello, it is by design that there is and has to be a balance in the choices we make. we live in a cruel and harsh environment, with limited resources. is it wrong for a child to be selfish? each of us has to fend and look after ourself.
christianity also teaches us that the reason god is distant is becasue of our sin. this all or none logic is corrupt. true we sin or do bad, but do we get no credit for the good and love we share with one another.
christianity also degrades how precious we are, and claims we all deserve eternal torture. you can call it punishment, but pain inflicted without an intent to reform is not punishment but tortue.
it also teaches that our basic desires are evil and when we persue them we are just being selfish due to our evil nature.
a more rational and moral philosophy is that earth and our lives exist in a form of middle ground to teach us how to best balance our personal selfish desires with good virtues.
i simply won't and can't believe that a just and moral god created everything perfect, and then almost by magic out of nothingness evil and sin somehow entered the picture...and oh yeah it's all our fault.
western civilization and our country has been brain washed to believe man is corrupt. i think the reason we are more corrupt than need be is becasue this attitude makes it seem like everyone is evil and deserving of hell. so we naturally feel fine to fight and kill eachother.
a better philosophy is to acknowledge we all have the capacity for good and bad, but regardless of actions or beliefs we are still precious becasuse we are made by god in his nature.
god's nature is to me like a perfect being that understands both vice and virtue. he happens to value the good. while on earth he understands that it is impossible fir us to be perfect, but in the spiritual world as he exists we too are able to be perfect and are inherently so. this world can be cruel and harsh and therefore our actions due to inherent frustration and anger are natural and sometimes not the best. we are simply going through experiences that give us hurdles. i think god realizes this and is not so quick to condemn or be a little brat and cut off ties.
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agotransformers fans. what were the motivations of the quintessons both in their early and later histories?
so they created the autobots and decepticons. who created the quintessons? was it primus or unicron?
did they become jealous of primus and unicron or feel like slaves themselves? did they want to become god-like?
the mythology of the transformers is so amazingly cool but some of it is lost on me.
1 AnswerComics & Animation9 years agoi no longer enjoy any alone activities; reasons why please?
readind, watching tv, exercising alone is all so boring, and i have no motivation to do so.
i like interacting and responding only to living things, especially friends. love interests are kinda secondary to my friends.
i used to be kinda a loner. so much has changed with me. the change was long and gradual so it's not like my increased social life is just a new fad for me.
please analyze me somebody. lol
3 AnswersPsychology9 years agoLately, i only enjoy interaction with others; tv, reading, etc no longer entertains me. reasons why?
it is though i need a witness in my life or somebody around to feel enriched. i no longer find significance or enjoyment in alone activities.
i have this needy clingy overwhelming feeling like i have love and qualities of friendship to express, but don't have enough outlets. volunteering is ok, but strong bonds are not formed.
2 AnswersPsychology9 years agolately, i only enjoy interaction with others; tv, reading, etc no longer entertains me. reasons why?
i used to be somewhat of a loner (not entirely) and most everything was able to half way entertain me while alone. i was satisfied and felt entertained. recently if i don't have people around, i can just sit and literally just stair at a walls or just day dream in and out. absolutely no interest sometimes to watch tv or listen to music etc. i have become a lot more social, but when the contact goes away it is as though everything else is just fake...a cheap substitute for real living beings.
and yet i'm afraid to get more socially involved due to my past loner ways. i am in a heck of a rut.
lonliness is more rare for me cause of my increased social life, but when i'm alone it has become horribly depressing. lonliness eats away at me and i can't self soothe anymore.
1 AnswerPsychology9 years agohas anybody ever tried to exit the friendzone to strengthen a friendship?
i want to have this girl consider me for something more. i then want to play the one that is hard to get. afterall, she did it with me. possibly we would become closer and stronger friends if we both had a bit of power to reject eachothers advances.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago