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isn't christianity based solely on character assassination?

the whole christian concept is degrading. unfortunately, this flawed theology corrupts the thinking of all who follow and all who are influenced.

think about what christianity tells us. it says we were created perfect, but somehow our inclinations lead us to sin. it simply makes no sense. perfect has to include a perfect will and therefore uncorruptable choices.

christianity also claims that we all do evil so we fall short of god's standards. hello, it is by design that there is and has to be a balance in the choices we make. we live in a cruel and harsh environment, with limited resources. is it wrong for a child to be selfish? each of us has to fend and look after ourself.

christianity also teaches us that the reason god is distant is becasue of our sin. this all or none logic is corrupt. true we sin or do bad, but do we get no credit for the good and love we share with one another.

christianity also degrades how precious we are, and claims we all deserve eternal torture. you can call it punishment, but pain inflicted without an intent to reform is not punishment but tortue.

it also teaches that our basic desires are evil and when we persue them we are just being selfish due to our evil nature.

a more rational and moral philosophy is that earth and our lives exist in a form of middle ground to teach us how to best balance our personal selfish desires with good virtues.

i simply won't and can't believe that a just and moral god created everything perfect, and then almost by magic out of nothingness evil and sin somehow entered the picture...and oh yeah it's all our fault.

western civilization and our country has been brain washed to believe man is corrupt. i think the reason we are more corrupt than need be is becasue this attitude makes it seem like everyone is evil and deserving of hell. so we naturally feel fine to fight and kill eachother.

a better philosophy is to acknowledge we all have the capacity for good and bad, but regardless of actions or beliefs we are still precious becasuse we are made by god in his nature.

god's nature is to me like a perfect being that understands both vice and virtue. he happens to value the good. while on earth he understands that it is impossible fir us to be perfect, but in the spiritual world as he exists we too are able to be perfect and are inherently so. this world can be cruel and harsh and therefore our actions due to inherent frustration and anger are natural and sometimes not the best. we are simply going through experiences that give us hurdles. i think god realizes this and is not so quick to condemn or be a little brat and cut off ties.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Christianity is an appeal to selfishness. It is a promise of a great reward in the future which is bought with faith, obedience, time, effort, and money in the present.

  • 9 years ago

    You have a bit of a rant here so I'm not going to respond to everything, but I think you need a few more days in Sunday school to better understand Christianity before you slam it.

    "think about what christianity tells us. it says we were created perfect, but somehow our inclinations lead us to sin. it simply makes no sense. perfect has to include a perfect will and therefore uncorruptable choices."

    Original man and the world was created perfect but took on a sinful nature, we are still born in that nature. So other than Adam and Eve, all have started off short of perfection

    "christianity also teaches us that the reason god is distant is becasue of our sin. this all or none logic is corrupt. true we sin or do bad, but do we get no credit for the good and love we share with one another."

    "christianity also degrades how precious we are, and claims we all deserve eternal torture. you can call it punishment, but pain inflicted without an intent to reform is not punishment but torte."

    What exactly makes us precious? We kill, still, murder, go to war, rape, maim, hate,slander, lie, etc. Just spend a day on the streets of NYC and see how precious you find people to be. Hell is not a reform, it is an outcome, something God and Christ want all men to avoid. Sin can not go on and will be finished. Oh, and hell is not forever torture. This is a misunderstanding. Everlasting life is only granted to those who believe.

    Simply having love means nothing. Think about this. Didn't Adolph Hitler love his family and try to do good things for the white race? Did Osama love his fellow muslims and run humanitarian projects and other things to help the muslim world. Having love for others who share our space or views or blood line does not elevate us alone

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