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How many TOTAL gold medals will be handed out in London this Olympics?

What I mean is, considering the fact that all teammates receive a medal, there must be over 1000 gold medals total, right? Even though the tally on the medal count will only show 1 gold medal, the basketball team will get around 12 or 14 gold medals. The swim relay teams will get 4 gold medals. The gold-medal soccer team will get about 15 medals.

So if you add them all up, how many actual medals will be handed out?

Is there any website that tracks this?

I know, I know... kind of an off question.


1 Answer

  • Niko
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    4700 Medals

    805 Victory Ceremonies

    I guess you divide 4700 by 3 and you've got 1567 Gold Medals TOTAL

    Source(s): .
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