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  • Can you eat pizza if not feeling well?

    I have a cough, chest congestion (took Mucinex and feel better), REALLY bad gas, and I feel really cold. I'm not nauseous, I have a small headache, and parts of my body are aching (lower back, pecs, shoulders) but it's not necessarily that bothersome. Is it okay if I eat pizza? If so, what can I get on it without me having it see it again late tonight?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • I have a math question?

    From the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa the angle of depression to herd of gazelles is 13.7 degrees, and after the herd has traveled 5 miles in a straight path away from the base of the mountain, the angle of depression is 10.4 degrees. Find the height of Mount Kilimanjaro to the nearest tenth of a foot.

    I can solve this in thirty seconds with law of sines. But my teacher only wants me to use SOHCAHTOA. How the heck do I do this problem with just SOHCAHTOA???

    2 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • I have a math question...?

    From the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa the angle of depression to herd of gazelles is 13.7 degrees, and after the herd has traveled 5 miles in a straight path away from the base of the mountain, the angle of depression is 10.4 degrees. Find the height of Mount Kilimanjaro to the nearest tenth of a foot.

    I can solve this in thirty seconds with law of sines. But my teacher only wants me to use SOHCAHTOA. How the heck do I do this problem with just SOHCAHTOA???

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • Question about Done to Death?

    I have just been cast in the play "Done to Death." I am very excited and I know that my school is very successful with plays, how they're built, the acting, etc. However, I don't really know much about the play, let alone the role I have been cast as.

    My friends have seen the cast list (which is not online, I don't know how they saw it; but the director specifically told me that I had made the play). They told me I had been cast as George and had been double cast as someone else too! During auditions the director told me that the only double role there was is the monster. So I know for certain that I am George, and I think I am also the monster.

    I am thrilled. But there's one problem: neither George nor the monster were featured in the auditions, so I really don't have much of a background on the two characters. Can someone please summarize the plot and tell me about these two characters? What do they do? Personalities?

    This would be GREATLY appreciated!

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Question about Done to Death?

    I have just been cast in the play "Done to Death." I am very excited and I know that my school is very successful with plays, how they're built, the acting, etc. However, I don't really know much about the play, let alone the role I have been cast as.

    My friends have seen the cast list (which is not online, I don't know how they saw it; but the director specifically told me that I had made the play). They told me I had been cast as George and had been double cast as someone else too! During auditions the director told me that the only double role there was is the monster. So I know for certain that I am George, and I think I am also the monster.

    I am thrilled. But there's one problem: neither George nor the monster were featured in the auditions, so I really don't have much of a background on the two characters. Can someone please summarize the plot and tell me about these two characters? What do they do? Personalities?

    This would be GREATLY appreciated!

    1 AnswerPerforming Arts9 years ago
  • How to study for an in-class essay?

    I have an in-class essay over A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah. I have a notebook on key passages of which I think are important. The teacher has hinted that the essay will be about a major theme. As a class we dicussed four main themes: including loss and truama. I went through my notebook and circled and summarized many passages putting "truama" and "loss" next to passages so that I could use them tomorrow. Is there anything else I can do? (I will be able to use my notebook).

    3 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • How can one hypotenuse can two different lengths?

    - A right triangle contains a 25 degree angle.

    - If one leg is 5 inches, what is the length of the hypotenuse?

    - There are two answers. How is this possible?

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • Is this school schedule too much?

    Junior Year:

    ~AP United States History

    ~AP English Language

    ~Spanish IV Honors

    ~Pre-Calculus Honors

    ~Physics Honors

    ~2 Study Halls

    ~Varsity Golf (August-October; 3:30-5:30 Monday-Friday)

    ~Fall Play Practice/Showing (September-November; 5:30-7:30 Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays; I will be able to go from one to the other because I can leave golf 15 minutes early.)

    ~Spring Musical Practice/Showing (December-April; 5:30-7:30 Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays)

    Senior Year:

    ~AP Calculus (Physics Based)

    ~AP Physics

    ~AP World Literature

    ~AP European History

    ~AP Spanish

    ~Christian Identity

    ~1 Study Hall

    ~Varsity Golf (Same details as above)

    ~Fall Play/Spring Musical (Same details as above)

    I want to get at least eight hours of sleep every night (go to bed at ten and wake up at six). I mean, I'm fine with getting six and a half or seven. I just don't want to be up at 12:30 doing homework every night. I just don't want to be a walking zombie.

    Any advice from current juniors, seniors, teachers, school counselors, and high school graduates would be much appreciated!

  • Help! I need sleep!!!!!!?

    Okay, so my first day of school is tomorrow. I want to get to bed by ten and also get up at six for a total of eight hours. However, what can I do so that I go to bed and fall asleep very quickly?

    I don't want to take any medications that will make me do so.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Why do you believe God is real or not?

    This is a poll question for a school project in World Religions.

    Believers in a superior being/force: How do you know your superior being/force exists? What is your proof? How does he/she/it respond to you? How would you describe your superior being/force? (If you don't mind also say what religion you believe in.)

    Atheists: How do you know that there is no such thing as a god? What is your proof? Did you convert to atheism or have you always been atheist? If you did convert, what inspired you to convert?

    Responses would be greatly appreciated. I also know that this is a hard subject to relay on, so please no insulting other peoples' answers or this question.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Confusing situation...Can you help?

    Here's the deal. I'm at Varsity golf practice almost every day with some younger guys on the team. The freshmen get a little rowdy at times and are EXTREMELY irritable. One minute, they're everyone's best friend, especially when the coach is around or even at random times. Others, one specifically, thinks its funny to throw other people's stuff around and laugh at others mistakes, even though he's making just as many as everybody else. He thinks he's IT, like he's the entire team and no one else matters. If someone happens to even stutter or trip on something, him and his cronies laugh it up. I should also point out that it's not just me or another guy. It's to the rest of the team--to everybody else whose older. Some guys take it and laugh it off but I can see that it's bothering some of the other guys and is also bothering me a bit.

    So here's the question: how do I deal with someone who is smaller than me, younger than me, and is nice one minute but a complete jerk the next? I also don't want to tell the coach, because (to me), it's a form of ratting, which I absolutely HATE. Plus, it would make me look weak. I want to handle it myself; but, if some of the other players decide to jump in, fine with me.

    5 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • iPod trouble: can you help?

    Whenever I try to play music on my iPod (1st generation) it plays the song for about 3-5 seconds then it skips to the next song without me telling it what to do (or pushing any buttons for that matter). It then does this with the next song, and the next song, and the next song. It also doesn't even play the music. I hope it's not broken or anything bad like that. However, is there anything of which I can do in order to fix the thing?

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players9 years ago
  • Can you answer these riddles (#5)?

    The first to answer these riddles correctly gets ten points!

    1. What didn't Adam and Eve have that everybody else has?

    2. What kind of running means walking?

    3. A petshop owner had a parrot with a sign on its cage that said "Parrot repeats everything it hears". Davey bought the parrot and for two weeks he spoke to it and it didn't say a word. He returned the parrot but the shopkeeper said he never lied about the parrot. How can this be?

    4. A man was found murdered on Sunday morning. His wife immediately called the police. The police questioned the wife and staff and got these alibis:

    The Wife said she was sleeping.

    The Cook was cooking breakfast.

    The Gardener was picking vegetables.

    The Maid was getting the mail.

    The Butler was cleaning the closet.

    The police instantly arrested the murdered. Who did it and how did they know?

    5. A bus driver was heading down a street in Colorado. He went right past a stop sign without stopping he turned left where there was a "no left turn" sign and he went the wrong way on a one-way street. Then he went on the left side of the road past a cop car. Still - he didn"t break any traffic laws. Why not?"

    8 AnswersJokes & Riddles9 years ago
  • Can you answer these riddles (#4)?

    The first one to correctly answer these riddles wins ten points!

    1. What is vey fragile but more useful when broken?

    2. This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. It looks so plain you would think nothing was wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is unusual though. Study it, and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out. Try to do so without any coaching!

    3. What is the center of gravity?

    4. A man was born before his father, killed his mother, and married his sister. However, he never did anything wrong. How is this possible?

    5. What flies when it's born, lies when it's alive, and runs when it's dead?

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles9 years ago
  • Can you answer these riddles (#3)?

    The first to answer all of the riddles correctly wins ten points.

    1. A man lives in an apartment building with one hundred floors. On most days he can only ride the elevator to the twenty-fifth floor and has to climb the rest of the way up except on days where it is raining. Why?

    2. A burglar with three bags of money comes across a bridge that can only hold the weight of him and two of his bags. The police are right behind the man and he can't leave behind any of the bags. How does he get all of the bags across the river USING THE BRIDGE?

    3. A woman shoots her husband, holds him under water for five minutes, and then hangs him. Afterwards the two go out for a romantic dinner. How is this possible?

    4. Steve wants to go home, but he can't because a man in a mask is waiting for him. However, the masked man does not want to harm Steve. "Home" is also not Steve's house. What is going on?

    (We'll have a little fun with one everybody knows.):

    5a. You have a chicken, a dog, and some seed. You also have a rowboat and you need to get everything across the river. However, the boat can only hold you and one of the other things you have. The dog also cannot be left alone with the chicken and the chicken cannot be left alone with the seed. How do you get everything across the river?

    5b. Let's add a little bit of a twist. There is now a second river and you have acquired a fourth item: a chocolate covered steak. If the dog gets a hold of it and eats it, it will die for chocolate is poisonous to dogs. How do you get everything across the river safely if the dog cannot be left alone with the steak, if the dog cannot be left alone with the chicken, and if the chicken cannot be left alone with the seed? (The seed, however, has already gotten across somehow and you are on the side with the steak, the dog, and the chicken.)

    11 AnswersJokes & Riddles9 years ago
  • Can you answer these riddles (#2)?

    This is the second of a series. The first to answer all the riddles in this question correctly gets ten points.

    1. What's the only mammal that can't fly but can fly?

    2. Rearrange the letters in the phrase "new door" to make one word.

    3. A murderer is condemned to death and can choose between three rooms. One is full of assassins with guns, another with a dragon that will torch him, and the third with lions that haven't eaten in three years. Which room is safest for him?

    4. After surviving the previous riddle the same murderer now has two decisions. He can choose a room full of magnifying glasses that reflect light from the sun. If the light touches the man he will burn alive and die. The second room is a pool that spans the entire room (no walkway, no whatever) with man eating sharks swimming inside that are ready to kill. How does the man escape?

    5. What driver doesn't have a license?

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles9 years ago
  • Can you answer these riddles?

    Can you answer these riddles? I was bored.

    1. A cowboy enters a town on his horse on Saturday. Three days later he leaves on Friday. How is this possible?

    2. A man looked at a newspaper and on the cover was a picture of a woman, a dead woman. This woman was last reported seen with her husband at the Swiss Alps skiing. Suddenly, she died, followed by the mysterious disappearance of her husband. The minute the man saw this he picked up the phone and called 911. The mysterious man was arrested later that day. Who was the man looking at the newspaper and what proof did he have that the man killed his wife?

    3. Three brothers run an endless race. one is short and fast (he always is in first place), the second is tall and skinny (he is in second), and the third is short and fat (but is always last). Even though the brother in first place is in fact in first place, he is second in a way. Who are these three brothers? What is the endless race?

    4. People investigated a scene where there were two dead, broken glass, and water. There was nothing else and the murderer has disappeared. There are also no fingerprints or other evidence. Who was the murderer? Who were the victims? What happened?

    5. The person making it doesn't keep it. The person buying it doesn't use it. The person using it doesn't even know they are using it. What is it?

    First to give me the correct answers wins TEN POINTS!

    5 AnswersJokes & Riddles9 years ago
  • Can I use flour from 2007?

    I am making banana bread for a gathering and one ingredient is flour. I have no time to run to the store and I need to know if I can use flour from 2007. I literally just opened it a few minutes ago and I don't see any bugs or discoloration. Can I use it? It will be baked for 50 minutes at 325 degrees Fahrenheit.

    4 AnswersEthnic Cuisine10 years ago
  • What can you do on a person's birthday that's really embarrasing?

    My grandmother's turning 70. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • Are expired Goldfish Crackers okay to eat?

    These crackers supposedly expired way back in May 2010. They've been sitting in the back of my pantry for a while, I know. All I would like to know if it's safe to eat or not. I'd also kind of like to know why they are safe or not.

    8 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago