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Why do you believe God is real or not?

This is a poll question for a school project in World Religions.

Believers in a superior being/force: How do you know your superior being/force exists? What is your proof? How does he/she/it respond to you? How would you describe your superior being/force? (If you don't mind also say what religion you believe in.)

Atheists: How do you know that there is no such thing as a god? What is your proof? Did you convert to atheism or have you always been atheist? If you did convert, what inspired you to convert?

Responses would be greatly appreciated. I also know that this is a hard subject to relay on, so please no insulting other peoples' answers or this question.


Normally I wouldn't ask you "What is your proof?" I'm sorry if I offended anyone. However, that was one of the questions so I figured I'd just put it up. Feel free to not answer it.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I'm an atheist and I understand that I can't prove that there is no god, though it seems extremely unlikely. One would think that if there was a god(s) then they would have made themselves known. If the god(s) care so much about human prayer and worship, then all they would have to do is move a mountain or something. Since no mountains have ever been moved (drastically and in a short period of time) it leads me to believe that even if there is a god(s) then they either don't care about humans or don't have the power to do anything. I have always been an atheist.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    God has no objective evidence for being real. No more then the Flying Spaghetti Monster or the Invisible Pink Unicorn.

    Edit: Nobody is obligated to prove there is no god, just as nobody is obligated to prove there is no Invisible Pink Unicorn. I can claim there is a planet made of green cheese orbiting the star Alpha Centauri, can you prove that there isn't. The real answer is the burden of proof is with the person making the claim. Fantastic claims such as god or green cheese planets require fantastic evidence.

  • 9 years ago

    i grew up in a christian family, heard the story about a 600 year old man building a boat that could fit every animal on the planet, both prehistoric and current, onto a boat. Once he was on the boat he fed, cleaned, and lived with every animal ever with the collaboration of 5 people. Once he got off the boat god said "sorry for the near extinction of human kind, but here is a pretty thing in the sky to make it up to you. and btw, its your job to repopulate the earth with your family."

    After i heard that i asked myself "people actually believe this crap? are they nuts?" and began studying evolution which is pretty much proven and eventually the big bang theory which mostly made sense. Now i am reading the bible for the first time and finding more and more ridiculous stories that dont match historical records, are beyond logic, and are without any form of proof. their bible is turning me more and more atheist, which personally i consider hilarious.

    the bible is more of a comedy than a holy scripture.

    Source(s): atheist
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Yes I Believe in a Superior being yes and a Superior force yes, How do you know your superior forces or superior bing's existses? Yes the proof is in the pooding yes the proof is in the pudding yes! How does it, she.and he respont to me? yes! they all talk to me in my ear. yes! HOw would you describe your Superior forces and beings? Lets see they can fly! yes! I'm a christian in some churches how ever I have been kicked out of churches for telling what God said and almost kicked out of other churches but then I when I told them they would be leaving soon! they just couldn't except that word at all the preachers just said no, no, and then the next week they would run to me and say wow! what else did God say oh what what? oh nothing see ya.

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  • 9 years ago

    The word atheist means "someone who does not believe in any God". Just because I find it difficult to believe that any God exists does not imply that I know that for a fact that no gods exist. Why don't you go chew on a bone, instead of asking stupid questions, dog?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The evidence of a creator is overwhelming. The complexity of creation is a masterpiece. Who said there wasn't evidence?

    It's not about God vs. science. It's about God vs. Big Bang Theory, Evolution, etc.

    The question is which one is right? Which one has been proven wrong?

    Be skeptical and don't be fooled by the masses, find the truth. Good luck.

    Source(s): Christian John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
  • 9 years ago

    God to me is the very first creator. The very first thing that ever existed will be called God no matter what it is.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I know God

    end of story

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