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Lv 7
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 9 years ago

story not for the faint hearted, but please, need your philosophical thoughts and support?

scum, starved dog, it died , horribly

story here

your thoughts, on the 'justice' system on this kind of issue (or in general)

your respects to the dog, and other animals in similar situations

and your thoughts on the scum

me, my thoughts are obvious, these are the kind of 'people' id love a little bit of time alone with


*he got 20 weeks in jail-that is his 'punishment' and that is our justice system

Update 2:

simple toke, they are narcissistic,d, and tho i do have a degree of understanding about that beng a biological issue, torturing animals is where you lose it

you can bet he has a violent or abusive history, he will be as standard and they are so dumb they cant do anything but revert to type

many people agree with you on that toke, give them what they gave the dog,

how is justice done in 20 weeks of being in a cell for a torture and death of a living animal that if it were a human being hed probably be , i was gonna end that sentence with 'put to death for'

but i forgot, we humans dont even get proper justice either so hed probably be out in half his sentence of 5 years for a human, so why not 20 weeks for a dog

we, britian CLAIM to be a nation of animal lovers, if we really are, we will STOP THIS 'justice'

Update 3:

i wanna say i apologise for the fact this story affects people and upsets us,

but thats the point, this is horrific and we need to get these things out in the open and dealt with, properly,

we need to be able to look at whats REALLY going on, even when its this horrific, and even when it hurts us, and say thats NOT ON, and voice our opinion on our 'justice' system

Update 4:

i totally agree fractal *damns you sliently

the thing i see is ths is all connected TO those things, abuse and neglect of eldery, socio economic problems, they are all connected, and lets face is a **** who can do this to a dog, a puppy, is very capable of doing it to an elderly person, or his family

, in fact its his destiny,

and thats BECAUSE our society isnt working

Update 5:

the Law always has to make it difficult when it comes to sorting it out properly.

my sentiments exactly sphinxy, its an easy obvious fact if you dont fear punishment, then you dont have any reason to stop doing 'bad things'

and it makes us 'good people' look like chumps for being 'good people' why not just say 'f the law, like they do because it doesnt make a difference

17 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh my God. Words can't even comprehend how I feel right now. No 20 weeks in jail is such an understated punishment. He took a life ffs. Why should a dog's life be any more worthless than that of a humans?

    I really just don't know what to say.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    The justice system for animals is still to put it bluntly, absolute sh*t! I also still (always will be) disgusted at the fact that some humans, if we can call them humans that is, still believe that humans deserve to be held up on a higher pedestal than animals. Oh and I hate the Christian (not all Christians mind you) mindset of animals not having souls/spirits like we do. Anyway that's my rant on that out of the way first.

    I've read about this story briefly in New Zealand, yes we get all the horrid animal abuse stories here as well. Hell my country has even had a few of its own, amongst all the horrid child abuse stories of babies and toddlers being killed.

    Did you know that if you look deeper into those baby blues of his, that you can see a glimpse of something quite evil behind his eyes? There's even a hint of an evil smirk on that face as well. There's always this part of me that wants to become a vigilante when I hear, see or read something of that nature, I guess because like most reasonable people, I want to create a permanent stop to such an evil thing. But of course the Law always has to make it difficult when it comes to sorting it out properly. Anyway I agree with how you feel froufrou, it's absolutely repulsive!

  • 9 years ago

    The world has forgotten what justice is... I'm literally on the edge of tears right now. Why would anyone hurt an innocent animal? But then why would anyone hurt a child or any other person? People who do such things should receive serious psychological help. When I think of what that poor puppy suffered through, it kills me. Scum is a kind word for a murderer like that. This is the kind of person that goes on a shooting rampage or commits a brutal murder like Luka Magnotta. They start with an animal, and condition themselves to do it to people. I don't know if there's any sort of afterlife for animals, but if there is, God bless this poor creature that suffered so horribly.

    Edit: Well, I was very, very angry and sad up there because my great grandfather did a similar thing to a kitten of mine so it just affected me badly... Of course I still think that was a cruel, horrific act, and he should not have gotten just 20 weeks in jail. He should DEFINITELY have been given a longer sentence, but he should spend it with intense therapy. I believe people can change, and that almost all murderers like him act out like that because of some trauma or abuse they previously experienced. Of course that doesn't excuse him though...

  • 9 years ago

    The dog suffered greatly, and for that I believe the punishment should have been more severe; but at least they are unable to have any other pet for as long as they both shall live. And do you even know how many jobs do not want criminals working for their company? They most likely to end up working at McDonald, if they are lucky, plus what kind of person would want to date/marry these sickos? It isn't necessarily the jail time that is the punishment but the jail society will put these two in.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    A side-splitter !!!!!!!!!!! Er, (hindrance and) Strifey, how can i put this. Ok, your geography, amongst many other things, is regrettably missing. Rothesay is on the Isle of Bute. Dunoon, where I live, is on the Cowal Peninsula, IE, the mainland. Query is, should I file YOU for being foolish and in poor health-advised ? I'll now not bother. You've got enough to fear over as it's. "Moonlight force" by using the doorways.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    He should of been in Jail for 20 years for doing what he did. If a human being was treated like this, that is exactly what would have happened and as far as I know some countries torture is punished with a life sentence in prison.

  • 9 years ago

    hey (((frou))), it just breaks your heart doesn't it? we have a dog, one we got from the rspca (it was last chance saloon for him because he'd already been taken out of that shelter and twice returned because the people couldn't cope with him), bless him, he's a handful and a strong one at that, at first it was touch and go as to whether we were going to be able to cope but we all stuck with it and now that dog is such a big part of our family, we would all three be absolutely devastated if anything happened to him. the moral of this story, for me, is that there's no bad dogs, only bad owners (people who are unable or unwilling to put in the time and effort it takes to bring out the best in a canine friend).

    it would be much better if there was such a thing as a dog license and you couldn't get one unless your home and yourself had been rigorously vetted (as much for the protection and well being of the animal in question as for the sake of the owners). so many people are unaware of what is actually involved in caring for animals, they don't really know what to expect or perhaps they simply do not care. the general population need to be better educated about animal welfare. revenge is not what's needed here (although i don't dare predict how i would actually react if it was me who witnessed a deliberate act of cruelty, i have been known to see red on a number of occasions and i'm told it's not pretty, lol!), an eye for an eye will never make the world a better place. education will. however, with the economic crisis being what it is and the limits to the resources/funding for such things, i do not see this becoming a priority any time soon. we are forced, at times like this, to try and keep a sense of perspective, yes, there is cruelty to animals, but there are so many other issues which will and should take priority (i'm speaking governing bodies-wise rather than at the individual level), such as child abuse and neglect, abuse and neglect of the elderly, thousands of children dying of malnutrition and preventable diseases in third-world countries, and a host of other pressing injustices.

    this is the reason that i am ever so thankful for people like my great-auntie (may she rest in peace) who devoted herself to loving and providing for cats and donkeys. even though i wouldn't have prioritized in that way (if any cash was going spare in my household, it would most likely go to medicins sans frontieres), i loved her for doing it, and i was glad that she did, the world needs these people. it needs of all us, with our different priorities - we have to force the change we want because, let's face it, it's not going to come from above. gosh frou, can you tell your post struck a chord with me??? left you a bleeding essay, i have. sorry ;(


    EDIT: i like the sound of planet toke, i wonder what their immigration policy is like? do they take fractals there?

  • 9 years ago

    Thanks for the shortened version. I really cannot read another story like this.

    It makes me wonder the major malfunction of the individual responsible & is that defect rightable or not??? If not, then give him what he gave the dog. If treatable, then mandatory treatment.

    That's what would happen in Planet Toke. *sigh* a place where all justice is correct, never delayed, never wrong guy, and always absolute.

    But, on Planet Toke, this type of thing never happens in the first place.....

  • 9 years ago

    Oh my god, that made me sick.

    People like that should get 10 years, get fixed, and never be allowed to keep so much as a plant in their house.

    What's sicker is SOMEBODY ELSE HAD TO HAVE KNOWN. And done nothing.

    You know, after one of my sister took my cat for me while I was in a hospital for depression and refused to give her back (just to be mean), I had nightmares for years whereever I lived that I had left my kitty cat behind. In my dream I'd rush to the house and look and look and sure I would find her starved. And that was my subconscious worrying. I cannot even comprehend doing that in real life, while carrying on like everything was normal. The smirk on that man's face made me ill... :((

    Source(s): Trying to accept that we're all on a different spiritual path is hard sometimes...
  • asul
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Since it is about a dog, I did not dare to click on the link because I will have a hard time dealing with what I could read... Not for the faint-hearted, you said, and I have a soft spot for our best friend as I have my own with me... I don't know what to feel towards another human being when it comes to animal cruelty. In our country, it's a shame that some people even EAT dog, for heaven's sake. In fact, when I was in sixth grade, my dog was forcefully taken away from me because for the "drunkard bastards", my dog was delicious, and I was traumatized when out of nowhere, someone hit my dog on the head and I saw him struggled for his life. I was crying and screaming and asked my father to stop his "friends" from killing my dog. I was very angry at them and if I could only do to them what they did to my dog, I would. I was very traumatized and I loved my dog very much and I couldn't accept in any way the manner of his death.

    That was very tragic to me and my father promised me to get me another dog but I refused. I was so angry and because of that, I was traumatized to have another dog since then. Only last year have I managed to have another dog again... and now that I am "bigger", I will use every muscle I have to protect my dog from anyone who will try to hurt him. Sometimes, sad to say, it is easier to love and understand animals than another fellow human... :(

    I wasn't able to answer your question but rather just shared a story of my own experience with heartless people... and as I was writing this, my emotions were heightened. What did the poor dog do to deserve such cruelty...? And we call oursleves "humans"...? This is just really sad...

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