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Lv 6
Cody asked in Arts & HumanitiesBooks & Authors · 9 years ago

Writers: what authors have influenced you the most?

By that I mean: what authors or writers have had the biggest impact on the person you are today as a writer, and the sorts of things you write?

For me there are three: Richard Matheson, Peter Straub, and Stephen King.

Matheson because of how his mind works, and the pure genius and authenticity of his stories. His short stories especially are products of a mind unlike any other, and his stories are blatant horror, but take such blatancy to very extreme and psychological levels.

Straub because of his ability to, as I often say, bend the horror genre to his will. The horror he writes is unlike any a person would otherwise come across, and it clashes with so many other elements and his stories are so genius, his writing so fluid and great.

King because of how personal his stories are. I mean, it's the same for the others, but with King, with the best of his books (such as "IT," "The Stand," "The Body," etc) I feel he put all of himself into, and I was able to connect so incredibly deeply.

So what about you guys?



@Epic Band Geek: Interesting points, but I must kinda cut in and comment that James Patterson, great as his stories may be for some readers, aren't written by him, at least not anymore. I respect those who like "his" works, but all he does is provide outlines and such and he hires writers to do the writing for him, therefore I don't respect him.

Update 2:

@Vmeste v Parizhe: Excellent points! That's right, King was extremely persistent! And I agree, and never really thought of Rowling's success like that. She had no plans for what she did, but she ended up writing Harry Potter, starting on a napkin in a coffee shop, if I recall correctly! What a great origin story to a great, timeless series of books!

Update 3:

@martinchittenden580: I've noticed that about Hemingway's writing. If you want another author who does that, look into the works of Richard Matheson, such as "I Am Legend" or "What Dreams May Come," or "Hell House"...or really anything by him! And great points about your other choices! Crichton is extremely admirable with the amount of effort and research he puts into his books

Update 4:

@l: I can see where you're coming from! I haven't ever read from Grimm's fairy tales, but after seeing the movie Hanna i've become interested. And yes, Lewis Carroll is amazing, and so is Mark Twain--both legends

Update 5:

@Brigitte: All excellent choices! John Green is a true genius, and though I don't particularly love Bradbury's writing, I can't deny his genius and how genuine and real of a writer he is--his mind is amazing. And C.S. Lewis is underrated, I think, because of Narnia, which were great children's imaginative books, but if you've read "Mere Christianity" you know what I'm talking about!

7 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    C.S. Lewis, John Green, and Ray Bradbury. Lewis is riveting and speaks to my heart. Green writes like he knows exactly what's going inside of my 17-year-old girl head. And Bradbury... I mean, who could not love him? Dandelion Wine changed the way I looked at fiction.

  • 5 years ago

    Author/Writer - Libba Bray, Harper Lee, Stephen King,.. there is lots. =) Poet - Emily Dickenson, Edgar Allen Poe, or William Shakespeare, I bet. I do not learn a lot poetry. Does Jim Morrison depend? I have a ebook of lyrics & poems via him. Singer - How approximately a few bands? Breaking Benjamin, The Doors, and hundreds of thousands extra. But the ones are my most sensible two on the second. Book - Rebel Angels; Night; To Kill a Mockingbird... Those are my favorites correct now. But a good way to most of the time difference in a couple of days. =)

  • 9 years ago

    I have two authors that have inspired me: Stephen King and J.K. Rowling.

    King - When Mr. King first came out with his stories, no one really payed attention to them. No one really cared, either. He's explained many times that the only way he became well-known is because he kept being persistent and never gave up. He almost scrapped The Shining entirely but found creative ways around writer's block which made him never quit (for example, he would get drunk and sit at his typewriter. Sometimes he'd wake up and not ever remember writing scenes but they somehow got done).

    Rowling - She inspires me because when she was young she didn't ever plan on being a famous writer. She was an everyday person who tried her best which, to me, is a lesson to be learned.

    Answer mine please:

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Lewis Carrol, Mark Twain, and Grimms Fairy Tales.

    They taught me the importance of imagination.

    btw i am not a writer..

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Hemmingway because he doesn't describe everything in too much detail. He let's the reader imagine what the scene is for themselves.

    Chrichton because he went deep into his characters and opened my mind to unlimited possibilities.

    Stephen King because in his book on how to write he gave the advice that your characters are their own entity, don't limit them, let them flow freely.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    J.K Rowling, because of her genius creativity.

    John Steinbeck because of the depth of the stories he writes.

    James Patterson because of his ability to make his books so action packed and entertaining.

  • TQOP
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Anonymous writers and lyric writers like Baby face.

    Source(s): Self-published author
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