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My dad is insecure that my mom is cheating? Again. (Spy cameras installed)?

I live in an Asian family, (we're from Vietnam and speak Chinese). My dad is in his 60's and mom is in her 40's. I am 15.

My mom has cheated with my dad in the past. My dad forgave her and we as a family moved on.

But ever since that, I can sense that my dad doesn't trust my mom anymore. He hates how she's always wearing really attractive clothes and he says she doesn't need to since she just works at a Cleaners. My mom loves clothes and loves making herself look pretty and in my dad's perspective, he is suspecting she's cheating.

In the beginning of the year, I found out my mom was cheating on my dad, again. I found out from her internet history and she was on dating sites. From it, I suspect she is having a relationship with another man currently. I was disappointed on how she hadn't change. But I decided to keep my mouth shout because I really don't want this family to break. And I'm just pretending I know nothing.

My mom doesn't know that I know and my dad doesn't anything about it. Even though I sense that my mom knows that I know, but not a word about it has been mentioned to me.

My mom told me that she hates my dad because he's not understanding to her and he can be verbally violent to her. She say's they think differently and value things differently.

My parent's communication is really terrible. My dad always puts down whatever she says and they're always fighting. My dad always dominates when it comes with fights. My dad doesn't even have any nice words for her when she told him she had a health issue. But recently, they don't even fight anymore because they don't even talk with each other a lot now.

But things just got worse. My dad and I are going out of town for a day and he's already testing out spy cameras that are installed in my parent's room. He doesn't know I know but I found him secretly doing something in the room and then I found out. As of right now, the cameras are still rolling. I'm afraid the video will show something that shouldn't be seen. I'm afraid from this; all my hard work of keeping this as a secret will be ruined. And if it's ruined, it's going to affect me BIG TIME emotionally and mentally. School is about to start and I can't afford to have this kind of impact because next school year will have tons of work to do.

I've tried to hint my mom that there's a camera but I just can't say it and I don't think she gets it. Even though I dissapprove of my mom cheating, but I understand why she did. My dad isn't really the bad guy, he helps the family, but he's insecure from the past heartbreaks and he has stingy words. I don't know... I'm scared of what the future holds in this family. I don't want to see it go.. Anyone been in this situation? Thanks..

5 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'll offer something to you.

    Your dad suspects your mom is cheating because he knows, deep down, everything he did to drive her out of the marriage he has continued to do.

    He also knows, and I think you do too, that your mom stays in the marriage for your sake. A reason why you keep your mouth shut too, because frankly you just want your family together.

    Honestly, if he finds out, at some point, he has to realize that if a woman steps out on her marriage, its because something very important to her is missing in the marriage.

    And if it takes this to make him see that he has to contribute in a positive way, then it will happen and the right path will be found.

    If he's doing this as a pretense to finally divorce your mother, then he would be doing both of them a favor, only it will make him feel better by making him feel the martyr and the victim.

    The realities are seemingly complex but easy to understand. The marriage has been rocky for a very, very long time.

    If your parents want happiness in their family there cannot be war. And what you've described is war.

    Now on to your problems which are more important. You have to focus on what's important to you, even if it means ignoring the pettiness that goes on between your parents. Its simply their business. Its up to them to love and care for one another, not criticize or spy on each other. Its that simple.

    Your job is to make it through school and find a future for yourself and learn from your parents' mistakes. By learning from those mistakes you know how to avoid them. That's all part of life.

    In the mean time, just love them both even if they find it hard to love each other.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Well I can honestly say I'm sorry for the situation you are in and I hope your family can figure this out. My parents got divorced when I was young as well. It seems like your mom does not love you dad and if this is true it would be better for them to get divorced then to fight and put you in the middle of this. If I were you I would make sure you tell your mom how you think her actions are affecting the family because I'm almost positive she loves you. If you tell her how much this is hurting you then she might change. I think you need to tell your parents to tell each other the truth about everything instead of trying to hide everything immaturely. I mean your dad is really installing a camera? That just shows how much he doesn't trust your mom. I'm sorry that you are in this mess. I hope you wont stress yourself too much. Maybe ask if you can stay at a friends for a little bit. Or tell a family member you trust. You cant bear this by yourself. Hope you the best.

  • 9 years ago

    This isn't your problem and its inevitable that he will found out shes cheating again.... It sucks but you arent in control of the situation, its not yours to control. The down side is that yes it will effect you and your just gonna have to deal with it and try to take it as well as you can. youre parents deserve to be happy, look at it that way. Youre mom clearly isnt happy with your dad and you dad is getting screwed over. It might be for the best that they split and after its all said and done and you get used to it.. its really not that bad ! I come from a divorced family and i know how it is. Best of luck :)

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    well your mom already knows he cheats. I would tell her just to be honest. I don't think I could love my dad if he did that to my mom, but then again I already hate him and my parents are divorced (different reason)

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  • 9 years ago

    Once a cheater always a cheater, tell your dad to get rid of your cheating mom!

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