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"Anyone who wants to know the human psyche will learn next to nothing from experimental psychology. He would be better advised to abandon exact science, put away his scholar's gown, bid farewell to his study, and wander with human heart through the world. There in the horrors of prisons, lunatic asylums and hospitals, in drab suburban pubs, in brothels and gambling-hells, in the salons of the elegant, the Stock Exchanges, socialist meetings, churches, revivalist gatherings and ecstatic sects, through love and hate, through the experience of passion in every form in his own body, he would reap richer stores of knowledge than text-books a foot thick could give him, and he will know how to doctor the sick with a real knowledge of the human soul." - Carl Jung

  • Restaurant charged me an extra $20 on my credit card bill when I already gave $20 in cash for tips ?

    Hey everyone. I just got a credit card recently so please bear with me.

    I went to a restaurant and the bill came out to be $181.10. I gave them my credit card to pay for it and they came back with a receipt. On it, there is a tip line and I wrote $20. I added the bill amount and the tip and I wrote $201.10 in the total line. I left the $20 cash tip.

    On my bank statement online, it says I am charged $201.10.

    But why? I already gave $20 in cash. Shouldn't I be charged $181.10 instead?

    13 AnswersCredit5 years ago
  • Where do I put my financial aid?

    I will be first-time college student this coming fall.

    I received my financial aid packet and I'm clueless as to my next steps.

    Does the school give me a check now? Do I put the money in a bank account? Should I open up a bank account?

    How does this work for most college students?

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Astrologers - what are my career potentials?

    Any other input other than career aspects would be very great but not needed.

    Thank you for your time.

    2 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Astrologers - what are my career potentials?

    Any other input other than career aspects would be very great but not needed.

    Thank you for your time.

    1 AnswerHoroscopes7 years ago
  • Can you write about literally anything in a personal statement?

    For example, can I write about how a music band/website/song/movie changed my life and why it's important to me?

    Basing off from the prompts:

    1. Describe the world you come from — for example, your family, community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

    2. Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?


  • Is microwave still safe to use after burnt food?

    I was microwaving food and I guess i microwaved it for too long and the food burnt and smoke started

    pouring out. (the smoke was from the food)

    My only concern is if the microwave is still safe to use after using high microwave energy and the burnt smoke.

    I tested it with microwaving water for 1 minute and it was fine. I'm just scared it would break/expload if i use it for longer times.

    please help!

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Uranus square Midheaven, commitment?

    I have this placement and I find it hard to actually commit to anything. (projects, work, relationships)

    The longest commitment I made was 4 weeks and the shortest was two days.

    All that were in common was that I was EXTREMELY interested in committing myself into them - lol jokes to me because I become super uninterested after a few days.

    It is a difficult problem but that's just something I have to figure out. =/ Anyone have this placement or know any knowledge about it? Thanks.

    Uranus in Aquarius in 1st House squares my Midheaven in Libra at 2°15

    1 AnswerHoroscopes8 years ago
  • Extremely terrified that I will not get accepted to colleges !!?

    I will be a senior this following fall & I am starting to feel the paranoia and anxiety of this whole college craze.

    Academically I have a 3.8 gpa & a 1530 SAT score (in which I am extremely dissatisfied with)

    Extracurricular Activities:

    - Mock Trial

    - Softball Team

    - Health Leadership Internship

    - Accounting Internship

    - Food Vending job

    - Volunteering at food bank

    - Volunteer at the YMCA

    I've done many more extracurriculars but I left them because I became uninterested. (commitment is another huge problem with me.)

    This past summer I have been feeling like crap. I feel like I'm not doing enough academically or extracurricular activity wise. I see a majority of my classmates doing internships and traveling out state/country for academic/leadership purposes and I'm just.. here in my room occupied with my college paranoia. What if this? What if that? I think I am going to die because of this anxiety! I don't want to fail my parents and I certainly do not want to fail myself. But it just seems like I've passed by so many opportunities and now the anxiety comes to haunt me...

    Any words of advice? Anything I should work on? Kind or harsh, please just tell me.

  • What does a Mars-Uranus-Saturn Yod mean?

    Mars in Virgo in 8th house

    Uranus in Aquarius in 1st house

    Saturn in Aries retrograde in 3rd house

    Mars Quincunx Saturn 1°19

    Mars Quincunx Uranus 1°46

    Saturn Sextile Uranus 0°27

    2 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • What does my Yod mean?

    I read that the Yod is a rare and complicated aspect. & I can't find much information about my Mars-Saturn-Uranus Yod.

    Is there anyone up for a challenge?

    My Chart:


    3 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • Truancy letter from school, please help?

    I am a sophomore at a California high school and I have excellent grades. This is my first time I've received a truancy letter.

    The main reason I received this truancy letter is because I'm tardy to school all the time, in which I admit. And it's that one morning class that I am tardy to all the time.

    What gets me mad and thinking is why does the school makes such a big deal out of it. I am a straight A student, I am hardworking during class and the teachers know that. Yes, I am tardy all the time but it's not affecting my grade in any way. So why can't they just go easy on student like me?

    So my question, Will this truancy letter be on record? Will colleges see this? and Will there be truancy officer that's going to visit me to get me to school?

    Any other information would be great. Thank you.

    2 AnswersOther - Education8 years ago
  • Swollen and sensitive gums all of a sudden?

    I have braces and I take good care of my teeth.

    On Friday, I was sick with the fever and I was having headaches and I still am; my diet has changed dramatically and I've been eating Tylenol and Advil and antibiotics for it.

    What's strange is that my gums all of a sudden are becoming really sensitive and they feel so swollen during this time. Whenever I floss them, it would be painful and bloody. My whole mouth has been so sensitive that my braces would scrape my mouth and it's painful to even eat or talk.

    Is it the medicine that has caused the problem? Please help!!

    2 AnswersDental8 years ago
  • I have no leadership roles in high school..? HELP?

    I am a junior in high school.

    I just realized I have absolutely NO leadership roles and I know that will not be good when I'm trying to apply for colleges.

    The problem I have commitment issues and I don't open up with people easily. I have joined sports but I quit because it was too hard and I didn't get along with the people. I have joined other kinds of clubs but I later quit because I lost interest... I'm so frustrating!

    Can someone help me with some words of advice, experience, or anything motivational ? Things have been so tough; homework, SAT, and trying to "get out there" more...

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years ago
  • Adjectives that describe winter, URGENT?

    I need an adjective that

    starts with letter B

    & ends with -ing

    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Area of Trapezoid without a base and height?

    Question in picture link

    If AB is parallel to CD, what is the area of ABCD?

    A) 64 square root 3

    B) 72 square root 2

    C) 96

    D) 96 square root 3

    E) 128 square root 3

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • My dad is insecure that my mom is cheating? Again. (Spy cameras installed)?

    I live in an Asian family, (we're from Vietnam and speak Chinese). My dad is in his 60's and mom is in her 40's. I am 15.

    My mom has cheated with my dad in the past. My dad forgave her and we as a family moved on.

    But ever since that, I can sense that my dad doesn't trust my mom anymore. He hates how she's always wearing really attractive clothes and he says she doesn't need to since she just works at a Cleaners. My mom loves clothes and loves making herself look pretty and in my dad's perspective, he is suspecting she's cheating.

    In the beginning of the year, I found out my mom was cheating on my dad, again. I found out from her internet history and she was on dating sites. From it, I suspect she is having a relationship with another man currently. I was disappointed on how she hadn't change. But I decided to keep my mouth shout because I really don't want this family to break. And I'm just pretending I know nothing.

    My mom doesn't know that I know and my dad doesn't anything about it. Even though I sense that my mom knows that I know, but not a word about it has been mentioned to me.

    My mom told me that she hates my dad because he's not understanding to her and he can be verbally violent to her. She say's they think differently and value things differently.

    My parent's communication is really terrible. My dad always puts down whatever she says and they're always fighting. My dad always dominates when it comes with fights. My dad doesn't even have any nice words for her when she told him she had a health issue. But recently, they don't even fight anymore because they don't even talk with each other a lot now.

    But things just got worse. My dad and I are going out of town for a day and he's already testing out spy cameras that are installed in my parent's room. He doesn't know I know but I found him secretly doing something in the room and then I found out. As of right now, the cameras are still rolling. I'm afraid the video will show something that shouldn't be seen. I'm afraid from this; all my hard work of keeping this as a secret will be ruined. And if it's ruined, it's going to affect me BIG TIME emotionally and mentally. School is about to start and I can't afford to have this kind of impact because next school year will have tons of work to do.

    I've tried to hint my mom that there's a camera but I just can't say it and I don't think she gets it. Even though I dissapprove of my mom cheating, but I understand why she did. My dad isn't really the bad guy, he helps the family, but he's insecure from the past heartbreaks and he has stingy words. I don't know... I'm scared of what the future holds in this family. I don't want to see it go.. Anyone been in this situation? Thanks..

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • I want to work in the Hospitality field! But..?

    First, I am 15.

    I want to work in the Hospitality field but I'm afraid my parents won't like it. I'm pretty sure they are going to criticize me on why I would want to serve others and deal with rude customers when I could be sitting in an office and making money at the same time.

    Honestly, I can ignore their criticism for me being in this field; but it would still be a bother to me. If that makes any sense ? Please understand T__T

    I particularly want to work where there's travel, meeting new people and cultures, serving, not a boring 9-5 shift, not in a boring office box, and where I can see people happy because that makes me happy. I'm interested in jobs that are physical. I don't to work in jobs that do lots of thinking. Something like an Accountant. My mom considers me to have a career in it but to me, it would feel like going to school everyday for the rest of my life. Just SITTING THERE and look at numbers all day long. No.

    I don't know.. I wanted to be an Industrial Engineer but my math and science aren't promising.

    People say majoring in Accounting is a promising career but I'm not interested in it. I would consider majoring in it if I have no way out.

    People say majoring in Hospitality and tourism management aren't worth it in this economy but I am interested in it.

    Someone, please help? Anybody majored in Hotel management/Hospitality related majors; please tell me how your experience was?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • So the saying about Capricorn Risings look younger when older is true?

    Inspired Article:

    When I first saw it, I thought that she must have Capricorn somewhere in her chart and she really does :O

    Her chart:

    3 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago