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Would this decide your vote for Romney or Obama?

Romney went to France as a college student, for a few years in Europe he was doing his Mormon missionary work. He didn't take loans for college.

Obama was a college student here and admitted experimenting with some drugs. He took out loans and he probably didn't work much. It took him years to pay them.

Or what else would you base your vote on?


Reagan. Haha. That's why I couldn't drink beer at my first welcome home ceremony. I was born the year he changed that law.

Update 2:

I would like to vote on him based on the fact he repealed the military Stop-Loss program in 2010. That act shortened my last deployment from 12 months to just 5.

I know a few people that think he is going to leagalize pot. That sounds stupid to me but hey, I just got home and I haven't had T.V. since 2005 since I lost my job then and joined. I am still catching up with 2011!

14 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't care about either one of those stories. Obama is a lying left-winger who is crippling the country in debt and corruption. If you think that he deserves a second term, you haven't been paying attention.

  • 5 years ago

    abolish sarbanes oxley abolish the Community reinvestment act audit the fed abolish glass steagall reduce taxes reduce spending finish overseas support abolish pressured unionization abolish the division of schooling enable mothers and fathers to have extra option in institution provide tax credit to those that ship their children to non-govt faculties finish subsidies pay again the country wide debt provide tax credit to those that have individual well being care give up regulating each and every enterprise, enable the unfastened marketplace to come to a decision who's certified do away with Nancy Pelosi provide persons extra freedom, do not best anyone for going five km over the velocity prohibit promote govt land in order that the unfastened marketplace can use it hearth enormous quantities of vain congressmen and ladies

  • 9 years ago

    If I were American, Obama.

    Been hearing a LOT of nasty stuff about Romney and his performance to date while Obama has been trying to clean up 8 years of foul ups made by George W.

    Source(s): Common sense
  • 9 years ago

    No Romney went to France to dodge the draft during the Vietnam war he end up getting 4 Deferments from having to go to Vietnam when he was in France. He also supported the war in Vietnam and in 1994 Romney said "I was not planning on signing up for the military. It was not my desire to go off and serve in Vietnam."

    But everything you said about Obama is true

    Virgil Goode 2012

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  • 9 years ago

    I think the average person would NOT base their vote on that. The fact that Mittens is filthy rich and paid cash for A's in school - angers the 99%. Best you shut up about that and try something else.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Definately Romney. It's a no-brainer. obama has proven what a terrible failure he is.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Obama 2012.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You assuming and you know what that makes you. I would go for the average American, not the rich one who doesn't understand anything but "rich".

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    i base my vote on their political stance on controversial issues

    Source(s): My Amazing mind
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Fxck BOTH of them....Obama is trying to slowly nudge us into MARSHAL LAW! so on that note.....ROMNEY 2K12 !

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