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What's your gut reaction to the Romney/Ryan ticket?

Tell whether you are a Republican, Democrat, or other, and include any predictions you might have about how Ryan helps or hurts Romney's chances of getting elected.

9 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's great for the Democrats.

  • Matt H
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Romney is making the same mistake as McCain. He is choosing an extremist celebrity over a legitimate VP candidate to generate buzz for his dying campaign.

    He is attempting to court the Tea-Party vote but he is losing the independents and centrists and elderly vote in the process.

    Ryan is a charismatic guy, but lacks any productive substance. He is taking a huge risk with very little pay-off.

    In my opinion, he needs to go with Portman. A rational, intelligent, and successful candidate. Boring, but safe.

    The Obama Campaign is going to butcher Ryan over his medicare stances.

    Source(s): Independent
  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    You know what, AuntB? IF they were going to slash the budget to actually REDUCE the deficit and balance America's debt, I would be all FOR them but THAT is NOT what they have in mind. They want to cut the budget in order to further reduce taxes for the ultra-wealthy and large corporations So, MY gut reaction is to hold on VERY tight to my wallet because I KNOW that they are out to dip their greedy fingers INTO it and enrich themselves and their rich buddies and screw the REST of America. I HAVE considered myself to be Democrat at one time but lately, I won't belong to ANY political party that would woo me as a member. I intend to vote for the ONLY person that I KNOW for a fact is going to be 100% honest with himself, 100% open about everything and be in it 100% for ALL of America. I intend to write in Raji the Green Witch for president because I am the ONLY person that I truly trust to actually CARE about America and tell the big money people to go and screw themselves.

    Brightest Blessings,

    Raji the Green Witch

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I think Ryan will hurt Romney. Ryan will alienate boomers going on social security as well as those already on it.

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  • 9 years ago

    Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan for the WHITE HOUSE

    Source(s): independent
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    It is a joke but Romney had no chance anyway.

  • 9 years ago

    I am certain that they are the absolute best chance to keep the corrupt GOP out of the white house for another four years.

    Obama may not be perfect, but if it comes down to either a lying, tax dodger who cares absolutely nothing for the people that he wants to hire him for this temp job or a politician that has been trying to get things accomplished for the people that hired him to lead this nation out of the economy that the Republicans crashed, I will pick Obama over Romney.

    So all you Romney Ryan supporters need to do a lot better homework before you go to the polls

    Source(s): I do my homework; did you?
  • 9 years ago

    Dangerous Radical - - - gut reaction, nausea, vomiting/ Actually amused laughter, I can imagine the Commercial featuring a sick elderly woman and the Tag ;Line, "Die already, You B-----H!"


  • 9 years ago

    i think its a good choice. looks like he picked someone that can help him govern and can put together a real healthcare plan. although romney needs florida, rubio would have really helped him out in that state. ryan is a good pick. registered republican.... hispanic/female. ...yup thats right im not a white/male.

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