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Lv 6

I'm 25 and I don't have any kids?

I'm 25, don't have any kids, have been married 3 years. My girlfriends are between 20-25 and they ALL have children. I have little interest in having children and can't imagine I'll want them even by 30, but I know that if I am going to have them, I should do it between 30-35 and not leave it TOO late. But my girlfriends keep asking me WHY I'm waiting! As if 25 is somehow OLD to be a mother these days! Has anyone else noticed that people have reverted back to having children very young, like 18-22? Anyway, do you think it's abnormal for a 25 year old woman who's been married 3 years not to have a child, or want one? I thought 25 was young but apparently not to society anymore.


They always say crap like I will be way more tired and find it hard to keep up with a child when I'm 30-35, and they all say they want to be done having children before 30, even before 25 and they want like 2-4 children. They say theres nothing you can't do when you're a couple that you can't do with children which I think is BS. None of us (my friends and I) have travelled or done anything great or exciting, we have no solid careers etc, there's almost no hope of going on a world trip if you have 3 kids under 5!

15 Answers

  • Robert
    Lv 5
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are doing the right thing by waiting. Your friends are idiots. Sadly, in today's society, if you are not pregnant by the time you are 15, you are an outcast.

  • 9 years ago

    I'm 26 and have no kids - and I'm the only one out of my circle of girlfriends that doesn't have kids. I don't think I'm "abnormal", I just think I've made a choice to wait. I personally think it's a matter of opinion and choice. I have some friends that got pregnant very young (18-19) and are now saying that they feel they missed out on being able to have fun and party like a college kid. I have other friends who also got pregnant very young (18-19) and say they wouldn't change it. It all depends on the individual person. I wanted to finish college and get my career started before I decided to have kids - I wanted to be not only more financially secure, but also more mature & ready for the difficulties of having kids. Yeah you might be a little more tired being a new mother at 30-35 than you would be being a new mother at 18-20...but think of all the positives that come along with waiting. For one - you'll probably be more mature which means you'll likely be a little more "ready" to be a mother. You'll probably be more financially stable than you would at such a young age, which means you will be able to afford higher quality items, better daycare options, and do more things for fun. You will have also had a chance to do the things you want to do before having kids, like travel, party, go to college, etc. On top of that, if you wait to have kids, you'll likely be mature enough to choose the right partner to have kids with. I can't tell you how many girls I know that had kids young, and now have two, three, even four kids all from different fathers. Not saying all women who have kids young end up like this, but when you're young you sometimes don't make the best choices in men.

    So - I have to say that NO you're not abnormal or weird. So what you're friends have kids and you don't. Just like they chose to have children, you can choose to wait to have children - there's really no right or wrong in this situation. If they're you're real friends they'd be happy in your decision and support it: not ridicule you for being dissimilar to them and their choices.

  • 9 years ago

    When you are 30-35 you will have the same energy level as you have today, as long as you have healthy life habits, and i'm assuming you do.

    You know, it's your choice whether to have kids now or later or never. It's not abnormal to have children when we are prepared to do so in life. It IS abnormal to have children because everyone else thinks we should.

    Many couples get married, and wait several years before they have kids. These couples are also the ones who get to spend time with each other, save a few dollars, vacation, acquire some things they might not be able to afford after they have kids.

    You do what gives you contentment in your life. You're the one living it, right?

    take care!

  • 9 years ago

    i believe you are doing what is best for you. i had children while i was very young and it was hard but also now looking back it was also rewarding. and now that i'm 41 and still able to go out and do what i want, kids all grown and in college and married or single and traveling and doing their dreams i get to enjoy that also. also there are the cons of children, your life is not just about you and the hubby and it is harder to do what you want at the time that you want to do it and the financial is a struggle also. but now i have grandbabies and i so enjoy them even more than when my children were little because at the end of the day if im too tired i can send them home, or if i got somewhere to go. so there is advantages to having children young, but i dont recommend having children until you and your spouse are completely ready to add a new person to your life that you cant return or send back to where they came from. KUDOS for you and good luck in life and ve blessed with what you do have.

    Source(s): wife mother of 9 and grandmother of 3
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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    They are just jealous of your child-free life.

    Think about this: there are over 7 billion people on this planet, the earth can only healthily sustain about 5 billion. As of this year, global food supplies have seriously plummeted. Over the next 5-10 years there will be food shortages. If the crunch comes, how will your friends feel to watch their children starve?

    Even if it doesn't get quite as bad as that, it makes so much sense to wait until you are in your late 20's- early 30's to have kids, and then only have one or two kids, no more. Also, by waiting, you have a much better chance of owning your own home, and having a debt free life to bring your kids into

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Everyone is different I come from a family of 8 my mom got married at 18 and had 3 kids at the age of 22. She would not have had me if she stared if she started having kids later I am the last woops. I know it sounds crazy! One of my sisters got married at 18 and a honeymoon baby and now has a 4 kids she loves her kids and would not want to change it but wish she waited for at least a year till she had kids. My sisters got married at 21 and waited 7 years till she had kids and glad she did she now has 6 now and that dose bot stop her from traveling not romantic but they have lots of fun as a family. But I on the other hand got married 10 months ago I am now 21 have been around kids all my life and been a nursery school teacher for 4 years and since I have got married move away from my little nephew and niece and now got a office job all I think about is having a baby. I drive my hubby made I look at babies and start crying I can’t wait my hubby want to wait 2 years at least. What dose you husband think?

  • Nedz
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Your friends' lives are horribly constrained by the fact that they have children. Sharing their suffering by bringing new people into their game is what they are trying to do, although possibly this is not what they are consciously thinking. That isn't to say having children isn't a wonderful and rewarding experience, But YOU don't actually have to do that right now. Concentrate on all the things you won't be able to do once you have children. Then you might feel a bit more like it. Later. You might even be a bit better at it with more experience of life, and more resources behind you.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    We were married 10 years before having children at 33.

    It seemed the right way to go.

    In 10 years when all your friends who had children early are stir crazy because they did nothing except take care of kids while young, remind them why you waited.

  • 9 years ago

    You dont need to have kids until your ready for them. Its no ones decision besides you and your husband if you want kids. There are still people that are having kids in their 30s and 40s. Gee I sure didnt want to be no teenage mother I wanted to have fun. I dated my husband for 4 years got married at 23 and had my first child at 25 and my youngest at 28. Hardly old! But more prepared than real young people. You have them when your ready or dont if you dont want any. Regardless its your life your decision.

  • sammi
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Nope, do what is good for you and your husband.

    There is nothing wrong with waiting until you're ready, and there is nothing wrong with not wanting kids at all. People just tend to ask those kinds of questions (and trust me, it doesn't end there, after you've had one they'll start asking when you are going to give your child a sibling.) Ignore, and live your life the way you want it.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    My wife and I have just had our 25th wedding anniversary, and although we discussed having children several times over the years we always came away with more cons that pros. We have no kids. We are perfectly happy with the decision. Also people are amazed when we tell them our ages (I look older and she looks about 15 years younger lol). Don't pay attention to what anyone else says, you two do what you two want to.

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