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2 Million NEW Job-seekers Enter the Legitimate Labor Market Today, Who Will Those Unable to Find a Job Blame?

Now than Obama has granted workplace and college amnesty to 2 MILLION illegal aliens, and they can now enter the legitimate labor pool, who will the currently unemployed blame for this? Now that these Dreamers enter the increasingly tight workforce or limited spots in college, depressing wages as they do, whose nightmare has just begun? Are young people and the unemployed even concerned what Obama has done to them, making it far more difficult to find work, and having to accept lower wages when they do, just to appease illegal immigrant rights advocates?

There is a limited number of college slots too, and many lawful residents and citizens will be denied their Dream, to fulfill the Dream of a illegal alien. Is that right?

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    they will work for less and take jobs citizens would have worked.

  • 9 years ago


    right now it's a bit less than 1 million people who qualify, but the estimates are that the grand total can be as high as 1,4 million by the time the program ends.

    These folks are already here, and they are already working. They are just working under the table, so now these 1 million folks will pay income taxes and into SS.

    The DREAMERs are also already in college. In fact, many states do not inquire about a prospective student's citizenship or immigration status, as that would be against the law.

    So nothing really changed, except that Uncle Sam gets income taxes from another estimated $13 to $15 billion per year! Don't know about you, but I personally like them to pay taxes, instead of working in the shadows . . .

    Source(s): The son of a German mother and a Swedish father, I have lived in 6 European countries before immigrating to Southern California two decades ago. I work as a corporate attorney in Santa Barbara and answering questions here is my way of giving back.
  • 9 years ago

    If you cant find a job, step your game up and get some new skills - goto school or take free career training courses, or enter a trade field such as electrician where they pay you to train.

  • 9 years ago

    I'd just like to ask the corporate attorney in Santa Barbara , just why he thinks there is nothing wrong with using fake or stolen documents ? He points out here,These folks are already here, and they are already working. They are just working under the table, so just how did these illegals get jobs ? They had to use fake or stolen documents, to pay any taxes , but he claims So nothing really changed, except that Uncle Sam gets income taxes from another estimated $13 to $15 billion per year! So he already has 1,8 illegals all have jobs,meanwhile Americans are jobless, broke, going hungry, losing homes and cars and all Obama cares about is seeing to it, illegals get the best jobs, attend the finest colleges free of charge, all medical care to be provided free of charge at the finest hospitals with no worry about paying any hospital bills, only citizens must do this.With DHs having all this personal information on dreamers, how about Obama starting picking their parents up and deporting them ? Parents, cause the problems, yet their kids get everything free of charge and the parents are now say, no papers,no fear. Why is Obama not arresting parents ?Why did mexico they are very please with comrade obama ? We all know how gov estimates work, they always cost the tax payers billions of dollars.

    LoKyStAr when you are driving a car with no license and insurance and cause an accident, that because of you people are injured, do you also pay to fix their car, pay their medical bills, money for pain and suffering , lost wages. Paying a sales tax , really everybody pays sales taxes, what makes you think this makes you a major tax payer ? Do you file tax returns on sales taxes you paid ?

    Now, medical care is not offered for free to illegal immigrants. Perhaps to their children having been born in the U.S. it is, but not to their parents. When you go to a hospital/doctor you pay cash or ask them for a payment plan, but it's not free..Maybe you best get a job in the hospital. I see illegals getting free medical every day. They also use those fake or stolen documents to give personal Information to the hospital.Setting up payment plan to someone who actual is stealing another persons personal information or lying about their own, means bills come back as return to sender. Illegal gets a few hundreds thousands of dollars in hospital bills, they will not pay it.They use false information on hospital admit forms, no SS#'s fake address,fake employer,fake home and work numbers, you cannot trace them down.There is nothing to go after.The hospital writes off the bill. Getting back to you driving without no license and insurance, you going to setup a payment plan, when the accident you cause runs into hundreds of thousands of dollars ? You going to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for pain and suffering, lost wages,lost of quality of life ? Replacement car ?Lying and using fake or stolen documents does make you any better than any common criminal.Spin anyway you want, in order to make those wages you also must break laws to do so.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Maricopa County,

    I am LoKyStar and i got blocked for speaking the truth, so i used another account i had to reply to your respose. I will say that ignorance is bliss, but i don't blame you. You're just misinformed but you do have some truth in your argument.

    I'd agree that there is something wrong with using fake documents and that's breaking the law, as a matter of fact my parents use a fake SSN to work, however with that number you can't work anywhere, the company's that hire Illegal's are very limited now days. But THEY DO file taxes yearly, we have our own legitimate IRS to our own name in which we file Taxes yearly, my dad makes around 58k a year working for his company, my mom works for another company and makes perhaps about 33k a year but she works at the side cleaning houses and has various houses that she cleans every week and she probably makes from that around another 25k a year. No, we add it all up and submit everything to IRS and get everything deducted and we pay the taxes to the IRS. Aren't we major tax payers such as any American citizen? My parents worked their asses off to find this jobs and to keep them, they are highly regarded in their company and have been for the 10+ years they have been working there. This is just the example i have of my parents, but many other Illegal Immigrants do the same as my parents, you'd be surprised if you actually knew some of them. Not all you hear in the news/politics is true.

    Now to answer another part of your response, you're talking about American's been jobless. You should know that many of them been jobless is because they're looking for a very specific job!!! I wouldn't call working in construction, retail, restaurants, roofing, house keeping, fast food, etc.... The best jobs!!! Many of the people who are here Illegally work in this jobs i just mentioned, that's where the vast majority is. That's how we keep us afloat, if American's truly wanted job's then they would get them, but they are only looking for those easy office jobs that Illegal's don't work in, that's where the majority of American's want to work, so of course there will be no jobs. You have an overflow of people wanting that easy job! Besides, it's their fault they're losing those commodities you just mentioned.

    Now, medical care is not offered for free to illegal immigrants. Perhaps to their children having been born in the U.S. it is, but not to their parents. When you go to a hospital/doctor you pay cash or ask them for a payment plan, but it's not free. Now, this is where i think you Maricopa and the guy who asked the question are very wrong. Yes, there are tight college spots, there may not be that many available, but that's how it's always been. College is for someone who has shown commitment to their education, not for someone that just because he was born in America wants to automatically go to the best University/College. You think University's are stupid? Of course not, they will only take someone who has dedicated time to their study's and want to succeed. So, if an American wants to go to a University/College then he/she has to deserve it, because only those who strive for the best will get the best education. For example, I went to Texas Tech and they closed my major, therefore i transferred to Rice University, i had alot of scholarships that i rightfully deserved for my hard work(from private company's, NOT FROM YOUR TAX PAYING DOLLARS) but i still had to pay so much money every semester, would you care to see the bill? My education wasn't free at all and not for most Illegal students is. My cousin just graduated from UT-Austin with a BA in finance (with honors), i Just graduated as an Aerospace Engineer/Mechanical Engineer (with honors) from Rice University, My other cousin is studying Electrical Engineering at UofH in his final year. My cousin is leaving this week to Cambridge, she got accepted to Harvard with a full ride and finally, next year my brother plans to go to a community college, he only wants to study to be a Mechanic. Guess what? All my cousins and i are succeeding because we strive for success and not excepted to be handed anything like YOU are for having been born in the U.S. Oh and i forgot to mention, we are Immigrants, but we want a better life, so we worked hard for that. Now with this Differed Action issued by Obama we will get the jobs we have our degree's on, you can bet that by next January i will be working for NASA or Space X and be somebody thanks to my parents that came to this country illegally wanting a better life for their children, is that such a crime?


    Source(s): Personal experience
  • 9 years ago

    Yes, that's right.

    Obama doesn't care. None of them will be adding to the UI rate before November.

  • 9 years ago

    As long as Obammer gets the Hispanic vote, he's doesn't care.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    So, when your position is so weak that you need to use lies to get anyones attention, are you really just telegraphing how badly you know you're gonna lose?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Most honorable people lay the blame at the feet of Bush, Cheney, and GOP Incompetence.

    Flag Spitting Skin Head America Haters try to turn the demise of our economy at the feet of people who came along later.

    To me, that's a true sign of Moral Vacancy - - - or - - - in some cases - - - Stupefying Idiocy.


  • 9 years ago

    The job is an outdated notion anyway.

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