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Advice on an oil filter removal tool for a Volvo V50?

I have recently bought a Volvo V50 2.4 diesel (D5) with the 5 cylinder engine and want to change the engine oil in the next few weeks. However, the oil filter itself is a round cylindrical paper type filter with with replacable cap and 'O' ring and requires a special fluted cup type tool to remove it. I think there are different size cup type removal tools and wondered if anyone can provide a specific part number or any links would be appreciated.


Just to add details here, I live in the UK.

4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    ANy quick oil change center should be able to help you with this problem. Have thyem SHOW you how to get acces to your filter. ANy VOLVO service department should be able to help you get a tool for this, or consult with VOLVO TOOLS on BING! There is a company in FLORIDA that makes aftermarket TOOLS for EUROPEAN based cars.BAUM tools. Use ONLY EUROPEAN based synthetic oils, like TOTAL ENERGY or MOBIL ONE 0W-40 oil. AMSOIL also makes one but stay away from WAX based cheap oils or BIG commercial named oils that exist because of their NAME instead of theri advanced technology. GOOD LUCK!!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Volvo Oil Filter Removal Tool

  • 9 years ago

    go to autozone...they can cross reference it to the one you need. Good Luck

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