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Pagans: do you think plants have feelings?

this is a serious question and i'm not trying to be rude. i'm wondering because i'm interested in persuing a pagan path myself. if they do have feelings, do you think they feel the same way humans do?

7 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Everything has a spirit. They do not physically feel a branch breaking or something like that, but can be hurt/ insulted emotionally/ spiritually. Respect all life. No matter how insignificant.

  • Actually, there is scientific evidence that plants do feel, probably physical feelings like physical pain or soothing rubbing like you would give to a pet; and possibly even emotional feelings like joy and depression.

    If this does happen, it is accomplished through a rudimentary nervous system made up of chemical interactions (ours is more electrical in nature, though chemicals do factor into it). This is not to say that plants are intelligent and can think, but they could have the capability to have feelings similar to animals.

    However, since you ask this of pagans, I presume you would be speaking about spirits within the various plants and trees? There is obviously no scientific proof of that. As far as holy texts, some agree with the idea in one way or another and others do not.

    For example, the Bible refers to all living things as souls. Not that we or anything else HAS a soul, rather we ARE souls; and a soul is just a body with a spirit activating it, much like electricity powers a blender. If a blender is unplugged it is essentially "dead," but the electricity that once powered it does not gain the abilities of the blender. In the same way, the Bible (both Hebrew and Greek scripture) says that we do not have souls that survive death, but only that the body dies and the electricity that powered it (the spirit) goes back to God, NOT as a soul with thoughts and feelings but simply like electricity being cut off from a blender.

    So plants would be souls, but there is no nymph or anything like that inside. When it dies, it is completely dead and now nonexistent.

    On the other hand Buddhism and Hinduism would teach that these plants have souls that are working out their karma.

    And as you probably already know, paganism believes that their are living souls within the plants that can be gladdened or angered or depressed by our actions.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    somebody quite tried doing this in an test years back. The plant exchange into outfitted with sensors, very comparable to the ECG device and monitored. And there have been readings version while being watered or having a leaf plucked or put in diverse simulated climate situation. this type of point out that the plant must be feeling itself and its surrounding. have not are available the time of any further articles to complement this because of the fact that. Oh extra moderen ones are the air of secret pictures of plant which shows that it has some thing, like life.

  • 9 years ago

    Of course they do not feel affection or have feelings IN THE SAME WAY we do. Plants do, however, procreate. Plants are not as protective of their offspring as we are (maybe, we don't know). Plants -- mine anyway -- respond well to the care I give them. I feel a kinship with them and I protect them. They provide me with food and medicine. I provide them a good place to grow. I feel very comfortable when I am with my plants. I like to think lots of crazy things about my plants but I am not that crazy yet.

    Source(s): I only eat seeds, fruit and plant products that will not kill the plant by eating them. I'm a wicked pussy. ------ Long Druid heritage. Sorry, it's what I do. Scottish Druid.
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  • Low
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    its been proven that some plants "feel" "pain", but not in the same way humans feel pain, but i apologize to plants if i "hurt" one by mistake anyways...

    it has nothing to do with the fact that i'm Canadian!... i'm just polite...

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    They aren't capable of sentience but they CAN feel pain, touch and they can feel the diffusion of sound.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


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