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Two Religions: Vain Religion and Pure Religion: James 1:26,27. Is James allegorically talking Law and Grace?

James 1:26,27

If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion [is] vain. Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, [and] to keep himself unspotted from the world.

It seems Solomon said, about the Law:

It's all vanity and vexation of Spirit x7

It seems the Law

- criminalizes everyone

- is the accuser of the brethren

- is the ministration of condemnation

- eventually the ministration of death

- being the strength of sin's death sting

So law is the root source of sin and death.

Where no law, there [is] no transgression.

When no law, then sin is not even imputed.

Therefore there is now no condemnation.

For Christ is the end of the law.

Grace does not criminalize anyone,

and does not accuse any: John 5:45,

and does not condemn: John 3:17; 8:11,

and does not talk of decease: John 10:10,

and does not impute sin: 2Corinthians 5:19.

Pure Wisdom, from above: James 3:17

Allegorically Grace unto you, and peace,

from God, our Father, and the Lord JC:

- is peaceable

- is gentle

- is easily intreated

- is full of mercy

- is full of good fruit

- is without partiality

- is without hypocrisy

So why do people still say 'rule of law',

instead of Grace unto you, and peace?

4 Answers

  • grnlow
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    More definitively, it is a difference between true and false religions. We see today 48,000 religions and these are only the ones claiming to be Christian. Someone is lying.

    James here provides a test. The key is the latter part. "and to keep oneself without spot from the world." is the mark of true pure worship and is more obvious than the control over speech or caring for the needy. We have seen even the most wicked be able to put on a show of caring for needy and saying whatever one needs to say at the moment to get what they want. But "to keep oneself without spot from the world" requires true commitment and effort to accomplish. It is at odds with what fakes desire to do, which is to get power and riches for themselves, not God.

    Meaning as long as we live on earth, we are in the world and require enough money to buy the necessities of life. However, we do not need to anything that would support this world. Such as support of human governments, false religions or greedy materialism. That is supporting Satan's world, not God's Kingdom government. God's Kingdom is in direct opposition to all human governments. The only worship we should perform is to the true God, just as Jesus showed us how to do as he did.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I like it when I fart under the blankets because it concentrates the smell.

  • I wonder what turtles are hiding in their shells. i bet it's another turtle

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Only one kind...ridiculous religion.

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