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Should the Christian Conservatives move to a Christian nation instead of changing our country's constitution?

To fit their religious beliefs?

According to our founding fathers, congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. Thomas Jefferson penned his intention of a separation of church and state in his 1802 writings. It seems that many republicans are fighting the existence of a separation of church and state and are attempting to amend the constitution to enforce their religious beliefs on us all.

Since that would clearly overrule the intention of the founding fathers, I am sure that there are many Latin American countries which would happily make their laws on Christian principles. Why not move to one of them instead of trying to make the rest of us abide by your religion?


Some of you are not getting the point... I am not saying that you should not practice your religion, I am saying that you should not amend the constitution to enforce your religion on everyone else. Is that so hard to understand???

13 Answers

  • Daisy
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are totally correct it would take an overhaul of our Constitution to make us a "Christian" nation as many right wing nuts already claim we are. Don't like the Constituion leave.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I am a conservative christian and I am not against people having health care. I am against the government taking over the health care of 85% of the people who are happy with the care they have. Would it not be wiser to give vouchers to those who truly cannot afford the insurance so that they can buy health insurance? Why mess up an entire system when a simple solution of covering those who need it and telling the insurance companies they can't hold preexisting conditions against a person. Now as for you saying that I promote greed and war. Conservative Christians far out give to charity liberal democrats. Today I spent 150.00 on food to give a family in need. I can do that because each week when I get my check, I put something aside for my church and something aside for helping someone in need. So how is that promoting greed and war?

  • Obusha
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Right, we can't be a theocracy.. What's your point?

    I'm a Christian, but I don't support government sponsored religion... Why? Because not only is it Unconstitutional, but look at what happened in England.. They had a state religion, now almost nobody is a Christian. People should be Christians because they have faith, not because the government mandates them to be Christian.

    Also I would be hard pressed to find another Christian who actually wants the government to be involved with religion. I think the government should stay out of religion. Why should the government force Catholics to do something against their Conscience? They believe birth control is wrong, the government shouldn't mandate they provide it. How would you feel if the government mandated Atheist groups have circumcisions? I'm pretty sure their would be a few heads rolling.

    What if the government profiled Muslim groups because they deemed them as potential terrorists?... Oh wait.. Bush and Obama supported the Patriot Act.. Never mind.

    Although I don't agree with other religions, I understand that you have to protect the liberties of every other group or else everybody will lose their liberties..

    First they came for the Muslims, and I did not speak out--

    Because I was not a Muslim.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--

    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for the Atheist, and I did not speak out--

    Because I was not an Atheist

    Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.

    Also, as far as gay marriage, no I don't agree with it, but in my opinion the government has NO businesses being involved in marriage in the first place. This should be a personal decision, not a government one.

  • 5 years ago

    Technically this nation was founded upon Christianity so how about you go make your own nation. We aren't the ones changing anything.

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  • 9 years ago

    According to the Constitution, Christians are free to practice religion. Period. No one is free to persecute them. Period.

    Viewing Christian imagery, hearing someone mention Christ, seeing the Ten Commandments in a courthouse, none of that is converting you to any faith nor is any individual discussing the faith with you, in person.

    Atheists need to grow a backbone. If you choose to believe in nothing, do it. Don't crusade for the world to believe in nothing. Certainly, don't try to find ration in your bigotry. I'm not Jewish, but you know, more power to them for believing in something.

    Jefferson and the majority of the Founding Fathers were Christian. I don't think they ever conceived the mass paranoia the public would eventually develop regarding religious imagery.

  • actually, that was put in by the Founders to keep GOVT out of Religion, the main reason they came over to the New World to begin with. But, being that this is your third..oops I was thinking last year,,sorry..FOURTH attempt at passing 8th grade, I don't fault you for not realizing this.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Don't you worry your pretty little head about it. The Latin American people are coming to the US, AND bringing their religion with them. Oh yes, today they march and tomorrow they vote. Then you can kiss your precious separation of church and state goodbye!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    No but we should not be a socialist country either.

    So you should be asking if all progressives should move to Scandanavia. Even the Germans would not put up with their BS.

  • PoBoy
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Good Lord, no. A truly Christian nation wouldn't want our phony "Christian" conservatives, neither conservative nor Christian.

    There is a lot the "Christian" conservative have read: Rush, Grover, Glen, etc. What they haven't read is the Bible nor Barry.

    @Pure Atheist - who pays for your agenda?

  • 9 years ago

    No, people came here FOR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, NOT to have government abrogate those rights. LOL!

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