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Lv 4
? asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 9 years ago

FEMALES: Do you really believe you are equal to males?

Given that you have yet to make any significant contribution to humanity... do you really believe that you are equal?


African Americans were in a much more disadvantaged position than white females... yet they chose to stand up and fight for what they wanted. You can't whine yourself through life.

Update 2:

Babies don't come only from females as we all know. Furthermore, it is not something significant because billions of people can do it and because that ability was given to you... not earned. Higgs Boson is significant.

Let's not play the dumb card... I just want an honest answer.

Update 3:

I have a girlfriend and she is quite smart and when she has a problem she usually solves it instead of whining. She gives as much as she expects. She earns it. She also agrees that most females choose to do nothing and expect respect without work or effort. I study computer science at an ivy league and I do about 5 hrs of comunity service.

Furthermore, I don't think being with or without a female makes me less or more of a man. There have been plenty of boys that have never touched a woman, and they have been bigger men than most of us will be. They died fighting for our rights. So make insults about lone men at the peril of those who fought for your freedom.

Update 4:

If I have a girl I will tell her that she does not have to:

-Wear make up

-Play with dolls

-Wear pink

-Etc etc etc

-Hide the fact that she bleeds every month

And that she will not get more resources than her siblings because she is a girl[because let's face it parents spend more on girls]. That she will earn what she has but I will provide for what she needs and I will reward her for her merits.

I will tell her that often girls have decided to lay back and open their legs instead of working for the things that they have. But I will also tell her that there are some that do earn everything they have and oppose silly and unfair advantages, like her mother. Last but not least, I will tell her that she is worth what she does with her hands... not how her genes decided to make her look like.

Update 5:

If we had not fought against the British for independence would you have looked your kids in the face and said: "well they told us what we had to do and we did it. They owned a lot of weapons and more ships and artillery than we could count so we rallied in the streets and marched"

Update 6:

People often confuse feminism with equality. It's not the same. Feminism wants benefits that women haven't earned. They complain about breast cancer but ignore prostate cancer. The complain about women athletes left behind but forget about male students droping out. They don't want equality. They want it better and easier and bigger without earning it and still feel like it's theirs, true story. I am anti-feminist if you can't tell. I am not pro-girl-power, I am not pro-boy-power. I am pro-human-power. You get what you earn and it goes back to my question. I don't think women as a group have earned the right to be called equal. Even if they have the potential... potential is not reality. And so I ask: Women do you think that you have done enough as a group to be called our equals? Do you think you have sacrificed enough? Because you might say that you sacrifice 11 months but a lot of men have sacrificed their lives.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Someone give this man a medal

  • 9 years ago

    You're silly :)

    Some women are smarter than some men, some men are smarter than some women. Some men are more charismatic than some women, some women are more charismatic than some men. It's about the PERSON, not the gender. And I believe most women are certainly superior to YOU.

    There is no scientific evidence that men's brains are in anyway superior to women's. If you are 'pro-human' like you say, why do you not consider half of us equal to the other half? I know many, many more women that work for what they have than those who didn't. Open your eyes and stop generalizing and stereotyping.

    Look for something to boost your self esteem elsewhere. You are no better than anyone else because of your gender.

    By the way, I don't really think you're going to be such a great dad if you ask your daughter if she "really believes you she is equal to males".

  • Dude, step out of your cave and look around. What an arrogant question. I hope you're prepared for all the hate mail you're about to receive on here.

    Have you really not figured out by now that gender has very little, if not nothing, to do with anything (minus reproduction)? Are you so readily willing to accuse Rosa Parks, Joan of Arc, Oprah Winfrey, Harriet Tubman, Mother Theresa, and countless others of being insubordinate to your average Joe? Do you really think of yourself as better than them, because you have a penis?

    The only reason women weren't able to make more significant contributions earlier in history is because of traditional ignorance, stereotyping, social conditioning, and of course expectations assigned to gender roles. Which all stemmed from man deciding to be dominant. If anything, women are a tad stronger than men because of the struggle of having to overcome all of these challenges in order to be considered human beings with minds and ideas and abilities other than giving birth and cooking. Men were born with this confidence from the gift of genetics. Women had to want it enough to take it for it themselves.

    I'm not saying women are purely victims here. They did this to themselves, too. They accepted that men were better and adopted the role. They did what they were told, they suffered unhappy and abusive marriages with as many children as the husband wished, they had no property or objects to own, they were quiet unless spoken to. But times have changed. We are no longer living in the 1800's, when showing your ankles was slutty. Guess what? Women can wear pants now. They found their voices and remembered that they are humans, not pets.

    So while the female record may not run as far back into history as a man's, don't you dare say it's any less strong.

    Source(s): Holy hell, you have a girlfriend too? Why don't you discuss this topic with her and see what she thinks? If she has any self respect or pride at all, she'll list a few reasons defending her half of the human race. Ok, I'm really confused. In all of your edits, you sound pretty pro-girl-power, talking about how some are strong-willed enough to take what they want and stuff. Please pick a side so I know if you're a sexist bastard or not. Ok... So now you say men are more superior because they've "sacraficed their lives." The army isn't gender specific anymore, man. Women have died too. Again, society is still getting over traditional gender roles and whatnot, so I'll grant you that not as many have. But these women are just as strong. Anyway I don't see why you're assigning honor to death. You seem only focused on military.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Okay. Fine, then how about you give birth to a baby? Then you can breastfeed that baby. Then you can raise your daughter on your own, braid her hair, pick out her dress for prom, and give her the "talk" Right after you tell her what a useless waste of life she is b/c she is female. You can be the one who does all the laundry, shopping, cooking, and cleaning.

    Women are plenty successful in the work world also.

    I have a question for you: Were you unloved as a child, or do you just have a very small penis?

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I do believe I am equal to males. I personally have made significant contributions to humanity.

    Have you?

    EDIT: Good on you for the community service. :)

    I do agree that since pretty women in the West can get by without doing a whole lot (if they so choose), that there are a significant number of women who take advantage of this.

    I think a significant reason for some females not always working as hard as males is that they benefit from doing so (are incentivized even - free dinners/gifts/rent/everything). It is the same for folks who abuse welfare or children who get attention for acting out. It is the same as men who beat their wives because society encourages them to punish their wives for disobeying them.

  • 9 years ago

    The reason we haven't been able to contribute to many things is because for thousands of years women weren't really aloud too. Back then, women were usually housewives, therefore much contribution could not be made outside of the house. But don't say we do not really contribute to humanity because we most certainly do. Without us women (and men of course), you wouldn't be here as well as I.

    To answer your question: YES. We are equal to one another. We are just different. Don't confuse differences with equality.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Feminism at it's best!!! Women are making huge impacts on society!!! Get some fresh air and stock being in a cave! Lol, "yet to make any significant contribution to humanity..." I almost threw up in laughter. lmao

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Yes. All humans are equal and should be treated equally. We should all respect and appreciate our roles and the roles of others.

  • 9 years ago

    Now....................... here is a question asked by the male who will spend the rest of his life alone, until or if he forms some kind of intelligence.

    Do I think I am YOUR equal?? No, I am far superior to you, as are most woman on this planet.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Yes. Just different.

  • Sure they're equal - just not the same.

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