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ratatatattie asked in PetsOther - Pets · 9 years ago

PETS AT HOME - horror?

The pet shop that has taken over the north of Scotland - has closed down ALL local and privately owned pet shops from Aberdeen to Thurso and probably beyond.

I would like to ask Pets At Home its policy on selling gorgeous small furry pet animals for live snake food.

9 Answers

  • Sara
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Small furry pet animals are reptile food, unfortunately. Most snakes will eat frozen thawed rodents for food, but some won't. There some species of snakes that will not eat frozen thawed food.

    It's not them being cruel, it's not a horror. It's a part of life. Snakes are carnivores, period. They have developed and adapted over hundreds and thousands of years to eat rodent animals. Humans have since turned some rodents into "cute fuzzy pets" and some people are bothered by this, but it's not cruel or a horror.

  • Brenda
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    For us, it's the general ones. No feeding the dogs unless it's dog food/treats. Keep them either outside or upstairs while eating and while food is present. No harmful [pretty much any] ornaments where the dogs can reach. And make sure my tree is sturdy, haha. And there's a story behind the tree. My brother got a puppy for his wife about a month ago. He's a mix from a local farm, black lab and golden retriever; his name's Donte. So they also have a cat, Kai. The two were playing around, and Kai decided it would be fun to hide beneath the tree, toward the back. Well, Donte attempted to get him by crawling under the tree and shifting around quite a bit. Thankfully the tree wasn't decorated, and the only close thing was the couch. Surely, the tree fell over. Fun.

  • 5 years ago

    Pets At Home Snakes

  • 9 years ago

    although i dont get your question, pets at home is all for the welfare of animals and some of hose local pet shops keep animals in tiny smelly cages in a dark room, we have those round here. pets at home might not be the absoloute best pet shop out there but its very far from the worst. the people in there care for the animlas and handle them. i dont get what your problem is? they generally care for the animals and seem to know what they're doing. they never sell rats, mice, hamsters or anything else as snake food. as i said they are for the welfare of animals. i dont know whether you want them to sell live food. but in my opinion, they shouldnt, its cruel and wrong, if snakes need their food then they should be humanely euthanised and frozen. but i really dont get what youre asking, sorry!

    Source(s): my brain.
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  • 9 years ago

    I don't understand ur question? I think you are trying to be a 'troll', mixed with trying to confuse people, and failing cos u made a point of saying "gorgeous small furry pets" as food. If u are trying to be a 'troll', don't cos u suck at it and it is not a 'cool' thing to be doing anyway. >:(

  • Jaz
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    and what is your question? another large franchise drives out local shops? that happens everyday, and has been happening for years, it's not about to change.

    and no, pets at home don't sell live animals for reptile consumption, you can buy mice in large quantities frozen from local reptile shops.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    That would be bad. Live rodents can injure a snake, and it is much preferable to feed using frozen ones.

  • 9 years ago

    i don't get what your question is

  • Beth F
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    So ask them....

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